Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay about Missouri Compromise of 1820 - 2681 Words
The Missouri Compromise of 1820 In November of 1818, Missouri petitioned Congress for statehood and ignited a controversy over slavery and a balance of power in the Senate that would span two sessions of Congress and threaten the dissolution of the Union and a civil war. Prior to the Missouri question, the Union had eleven Free states and eleven slave states, each with two Senators. The Missouri Territory, carved out of land acquired in the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, covered an expanse of land just north of the Ohio River and just west of the Mississippi (these rivers joined in the southeastern corner of the territory). According to the terms of the Ordinance of 1787, which prohibited slavery in the Northwest Territory, the Missouri†¦show more content†¦It was suggested that each state’s contribution be determined by the size of their population, slaves included, something the South vehemently opposed. Southerner’s believed that only their white population should be taken into account, an d that by counting their slave population, they would be unfairly taxed. This issue pitted the North against the South and resulted in a threat from South Carolina to secede from the Union. In 1786-87, the Jay-Gardoqui Treaty negotiations, under the Articles of Confederation, created a firestorm that threatened to dissolve the Union. John Jay, Secretary for Foreign Affairs, was trying to negotiate a treaty with Spain over navigation of the Mississippi River when he suggested, â€Å"that America surrender the right of free navigation on the lower Mississippi for twenty-five or thirty years in return for commercial concessions†(Glover 4). The treaty was never ratified because nine affirmative votes were needed and only seven were obtained, all from Northern states. The South feared the Northern majority, believing that it was willing to, at some point in the future, â€Å"inflict grave injury on the South†(Glover 5). The sectional divide was growing and would be s olidified at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. During the Constitutional Convention of 1787, slavery and sectionalism converged resulting in a number of compromises written into the Constitution that would later play an integral role in the MissouriShow MoreRelatedThe 1820 Missouri Compromise1190 Words  | 5 PagesThe 1820 Missouri Compromise Slavery and the Civil War By Stephen Waters Research Task- Describe the role of the 1820 Missouri Compromise in the campaign against slavery! The 1820 Missouri Compromise played a large role in the campaign against slavery. In 1819 Missouri became a statehood and congress considered framing a state constitution, with this a representative attempted to add a anti-slavery legislation with it. This is what started the process of the campaign against slaveryRead MoreThe Missouri Compromise Of 1820868 Words  | 4 PagesThe Missouri Compromise of 1820 was an attempt by Congress to defuse the sectional and political rivalries triggered by the request of Missouri late in 1819 for admission as a land in which slavery would be allowed. At the time, the United States contained twenty-two states, evenly divided between slave states and free states. (Missouri Compromise , 2016) The Compromise of 1850 was laws admitting California as a free state, creating Utah and New Mexico territories with the question of slavery inRead MoreCauses Of The Missouri Compromise Of 1820877 Words  | 4 Pages The Missouri Compromise of 1820 The Missouri Compromise of 1820 helped to mend the relationship between the north and south. All the states in the Union were in an argument over what the new states should be - free or slave states. With the conflict steadily rising a congressman came up with a solution to alleviate the tension. This compromise set the tone for the rest of the civil rights time period. It ended after holding peace for a few decades. The Missouri Compromise of 1820 relieved the intensityRead MoreEssay on The 1820 Missouri Compromise1146 Words  | 5 Pages The 1820 Missouri Compromise Slavery and the Civil War Research Task- Describe the role of the 1820 Missouri Compromise in the campaign against slavery! The 1820 Missouri Compromise played a large role in the campaign against slavery. In 1819 Missouri became a statehood and congress considered framing a state constitution, with this a representative attempted to add a anti-slavery legislation with it. This is what started the process of the campaign against slavery.Read MoreCauses Of The Missouri Compromise Of 1820814 Words  | 4 PagesThe Missouri compromise of 1820 was enforced to stop tensions between Pro-slavery and Anti-slavery factions within the U.S. congress and across the county. The history of slavery and manifest destiny became one of the main reasons why The Missouri Compromise came to be. Meanwhile, the senate was debating whether they should abolish slavery or expand it, as well as how slavery befits the country economically. Many economic, political, and social events occurred in order for The Missouri CompromiseRead MoreCompromise Essay1263 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Compromise Essay Prior to the 1820’s, the people of the United States had been struggling to find a way to solve their sectional tensions brought on by slavery in the south. The south had always had an economy based on agriculture that could not strive without their uses of slavery. They did not plan on ending slavery anytime soon, especially since it was really all they had to support themselves. They were against establishing an industrial based economy like the north had began to doRead MoreAnalyze the Effects of Political Compromise in Reducing Sectional Tension in the Period 1820-1861.623 Words  | 3 PagesDouglas Okwu 12-1-2012 Period: 7th Analyze the effects of political compromise in reducing sectional tension in the period 1820-1861. During the period of 1820-1861 the north and south debated on issues that dealt with slavery and unbalance power, in order to reduce sectional tension between these two states, the Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850, and the Kansas-Nebraska Act were proposed. The North and South both had opposite opinions about slavery, The South favored slavery becauseRead MoreWhat Or Who Is To Blame For The South’S Secession . Nanci1669 Words  | 7 Pagesthe compromise that held the nation together began to come apart. The constitutionality of this compromise was disputed by the union. This compromise was the first one to create sectionalism inside the union. Even though due to several varied factors, the divergent paths taken within the economic improvement of North and South contributed to the animosity between the regions, the improvement of the Confederacy and the violence in ultimately, the victory of the Union. The Missouri Compromise of 1820Read MoreThe Compromise Of 1850 During The Civil War925 Words  | 4 PagesThe Compromise of 1850 played an enormous event in the history of the United States. This compromise disabled an on-going political conflict between free and slave states. This conflict began during the Mexican-American w ar of 1846 and it regarded the amount of territories obtained. The Compromise of 1850 delayed the Civil War by establishing the Fugitive Slave Act, separating Texas Territory, banning slave trade in D.C., admitting California as a free state, and also by installing popular sovereigntyRead MoreThe Civil War Of 18121560 Words  | 7 PagesIn 1820, the Congress of the United States passed The â€Å"Missouri Compromise†. This compromise went over the sectional differences the states had at the time, but was able to maintain the balance between states who favored slavery, and those who were against it and banned it in their respective state. But how this was achieved? After the â€Å"War of 1812†, the American people started to contemplate the idea of expansion more thoroughly, which led to the â€Å"Era of Good Feeling†, from 1817 to 1823. This ideas
Monday, December 16, 2019
Computer Network and Intense Financial Pressure Free Essays
Introduction: CareGroup was established in 1996 from a three-way merger of several hospitals in the eastern Massachusetts area. The merger was driven by the intense financial pressure and competitiveness in the healthcare community. CareGroup was the second largest hospital group in the area, and was a force to be reckoned with in the war of medical costs that included healthcare providers and employers. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Network and Intense Financial Pressure or any similar topic only for you Order Now Problem: On Nov 13, 2002, a researcher executed an application without terminating it, which caused huge data communication traffics and led to a network crash. The network crash could not be fixed internally and the CIO at CareGroup had to call experts from Cisco for help the next day. While Cisco engineers were fixing the problem, CareGroup employees resorted back to paper based forms as a costly and unorganized replacement to their networked computers. The network was restored five days after the crash and post-crash repairing commenced to help recovery and further potential crashes. Problem Analysis: The source of the collapse was an â€Å"out of spec†network. CareGroup integrated its multiple operating systems into a state-of-the-art IT system. However, not well managed were the incremental changes to the network. This lack of control compromised the paths over which data flowed. That, combined with an experimental application that had been left unmonitored in a production environment, were the underlying causes for the network failure. CareGroup lacked a standardized operational flow to streamline, control, monitor, and document activities of users and researchers. There was little control and IT governance on common users to access or make changes to the network configuration. Right after the outage, several changes were made by various users without synchronization and documenting, which worsened the outage situation. Solutions: The following are the proposed options to help solve the aforementioned problem: 1. CareGroup can implement a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) and Contingency Plan (CP). The DRP describes the road map through which CareGroup must deal with unpredictable, unpreventable, or potential catastrophic events. the contingency plan acts as backbone for disaster recovery and allows for a complete recovery cycle. CP would require careful preparation and planning in order to allow CareGroup the ability to get back to a working state of affairs. 2. CareGroup should redesign the company network infrastructure to employ Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). A multi- VPN approach would enable CareGroup to maintain independency (separate virtual LANs) for their business partners. 3. Combine both options 1 and 2. 4. Outsourcing the network services. Recommendation: I recommend that CareGroup implement a disaster recovery plan, as well as adopt formal oversight of network changes and a prohibition against developers testing in a production environment. How to cite Computer Network and Intense Financial Pressure, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Ethical Issues in Open Internet Net Neutrality †MyAssignmenthelp.com
Question: Discuss about the Ethical Issues in Open Internet Net Neutrality. Answer: Introduction In todays generation the Internet has already changed the way of accessing on the internet. In the current scenario it has become essential to have the internet service providers and the internet services provided by the government. It is essential that the internet users must treat all the usability of the data on the internet. It is the basic principle that has been forbid by the Internet Service Providers to slow down or blocking of the unwanted cites. It enables to access all the content an applications regardless of the source (Beck et al., 2016). The organisation has the appropriate principles to be followed by the Net Neutrality that is been mentioned in the European Law that no blocking or Reducing the speed of the internet intentionally by the Internet Service Provider so as to stop the application process. The people of the Europe have full rights to access to the open internet and they should be given the priority to provide facility of accessing to the internet services v ia high quality networks. Net Neutrality has come up with an idea of open fair and free internet accessibility (Fleischmann et al., 2015). Utilitarianism Theory- From a Utilitarian Point of view, there are many people from the European parties which are impacted by the decision made of net neutrality. Generally, it is dependable on whether the decision made would be in their support and will benefit or will damage the main causes. The main Pros of Net Neutrality: Financial Burden- It totally depends that if the ISPs were charging the huge amount on the heavy usage of the bandwidth. That it would be thoughtful that who will bear the cost whether the website owners or the public. If Public was to be charged on this than, the access to the internet would provide more information with the dedicated speed and for this, users have to pay more cost which tends to build the communication gap. And if the website was to be charged than it is most essential that the e-commerce tool should be carried out. As the companies are working there and utilizing the more websites as free medium of source to promote their products and services. For this companies are given the priority for charging the extra amount for accessing to the internet (Fleischmann et al., 2017). Globalization- Net Neutrality is connected to a free market. It permits globally and specially to the new start-ups to compete with the current business in the market without being distinguished. It works on to progress made drastically with the net neutrality. Innovation and Creativity- Net Neutrality emboldens to the greater competency and it sometimes becomes an ethical issue being arise doing the innovation. For the innovation, public have full rights to share or express their views and ideas on websites, such as Personal Blogs or their own commercial web sites. Censorship-ISPs have the full rights to control over the internet for censoring and filtering all the web sites according to their rules and regulations and strategies they imply for the companies to hold. Privacy- ISPs can monitor everything that their customers are accessing over the net. All the activities made by the customers are been monitored to have the information being collected from the customers usage (Shin et al., 2017). Deontology Theory Deontology theory can be termed as those ethical duties which need to be followed for the normal ethical position that is basically judged on the basis of action based rules. It is been expressed on the basis of duties or obligations been made to bind the duty. It mainly focuses on the right and wrong human actions. Deontology theory generally talks about the social and economic arguments against the net neutrality instruction. It generally regulate on the worse consequences that leads to internet to unregulated relatively (Marsden, 2016). According to this theory net neutrality regulation is itself partial. One major assumption been made is on the both the ISPs and the customers to which both parties are been subscribed to the rules which to be followed. This would not occur if the ISPs have promised to provide the accessibility to the customers for full internet but they block some parts of the internet sites. So this is being unjust to the customers. Basically it is not providing the full rights to the customers so ISPs are withdrawn by its agreement. These scenarios are basically become the major issue for this they have full rights according to the system of laws and contracts to punish those sort of faults (Arasa, 2017). Virtue Theory- This theory basically emphasize on the virtues of mind and character. Virtue Ethics in terms of professionalism discuss about the nature and the character of virtues and other related problems. It mainly examines on how the virtues are been applied in real life. It is the continuing idea with a prehistoric root. In historical period the ethical philosophy was earlier known as the virtue ethics (Souza et al., 2017). It is basically imply for the neither to rule nor to make any significances. The mainly acceptable things for the virtues are a free religious terminology or implications. These make things free from the acceptance to the secular world. By following the virtue Ethics in an organization we can supply a means of adopting and incorporating rules into a persons performance, making them more active. It is generally a powerful way of emphasizing towards the guidelines and regulations of an organization by translating them into inherent motivation. A practical solution of virtual ethics in IT is the practicality and simplicity. It can be formulated in simple terms that are engaging to the most of the employees in an organization. It is an independent to the belief of the systems to accept it and is been incorporated into codes of conduct for organizations. Contract Theory- It describe as, how the economic performers can do and create the contractual arrangements which is been presentable in the form of the asymmetric information. In this theory the ethical issues being described on the basis of the communication between the agencies and the inducements. It is basically the way of doing the business on an individual basis which generally develops the legal agreements between both the connections. According to the net neutrality, protections are a must for rising of the strong endorsements socially (Taddeo, 2017). The contract or the justice theory is the exceptional one than can be applied without any significance of broadening it. Generally in this case the ISPs do seem in the power and the position. For the contract side of the theory, the end operators and the application providers have agreed to pay the respective amount of the internet connectivity. The various ISPs also have the agreements among themselves for peeing of the connection. If they do not have the bandwidth for the connection to provide then the firms and individuals should not promise for the service on which they are unable to provide (Schmidt et al., 2017). Conclusion The Ethical Issues in ITC are the mainly biggest problems being faced globally and to overcome from all these problems it is essential to have the proper Ethical use of information and communication technologies that are supportable for the development in an impartial information, society need a safe environment for all the people in terms of the application of human rights. It basically consider with the main consequences and the actions that is being liable. It is a prime duty to provide the security to the people to its certain level (Marsden, 2016). There are cases where the Net Neutrality would not be a good idea. But for the limited accessing of a Net Neutrality with the exceptions such as the ISPs are able to block the malicious activities which are harmful for the various sites, business and government organizations are able to limit the network they usually access and other exclusions which need to be work on to find the valid exceptions for the general ideologies and morali ties of Network Neutrality (Ford, 2017). References Arasa, D. (2017). Freedom and responsibility in the use of Internet: a handbook for democratic societiesConfronting the Internet? s dark side: moral and social responsibility on the free highway. Beck, E. N., Crow, A., McKee, H. A., Reilly, C. A., Vie, S., Gonzales, L., DeVoss, D. N. (2016). Writing in an age of surveillance, privacy, and net neutrality. Fleischmann, K. R., Hui, C., Wallace, W. A. (2017). The Societal Responsibilities of Computational Modelers: Human Values and Professional Codes of Ethics.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,68(3), 543-552. Fleischmann, K. R., Takayama, Y., Cheng, A. S., Tomiura, Y., Oard, D. W., Ishita, E. (2015). Thematic analysis of words that invoke values in the net neutrality debate.iConference 2015 Proceedings. Ford, G. S. (2017). Net Neutrality, Reclassification and Investment: A Counterfactual Analysis. Marsden, C. T. (2016). Comparative case studies in implementing Net Neutrality: a critical analysis of zero rating.SCRIPTed,13, 1. Schmidt, K. (2017).The 2016 Nobel Memorial Prize in Contract Theory(No. 19). CRC TRR 190 Rationality and Competition. Shin, D. H., Lee, M. K. (2017). Public value mapping of network neutrality: Public values and net neutrality in Korea.Telecommunications Policy,41(3), 208-224. Souza, C A., Steibel, F., Lemos, R. (2017). Notes on the creation and impacts of Brazils Internet Bill of Rights.The Theory and Practice of Legislation,5(1), 73-94. Taddeo, M., Floridi, L. (2017). The Moral Responsibilities of Online Service Providers. InThe Responsibilities of Online Service Providers(pp. 13-42). Springer International Publishing.
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