Saturday, January 25, 2020
Modes of Expression of Anger in Adolescents
Modes of Expression of Anger in Adolescents Introduction Aggression is a behavior that harms the security of the sufferers and causes pain or injury to others. (Townsend, 2006) Anger can be expressed in different ways such aswords, fists, weapons etc. which may result in bitter outcomes. Aggression is common in both of the genders regardless of their age. Adolescents are the vulnerable population in terms of aggression which can cause negative outcomes in their late life and results in poor adjustments and academic difficulties. Risk Behavior and Target Population Problems of aggressive behaviors in adolescents are growing seriously day by day (Olweus, 2001). The behaviors involve aggression against colleagues, teachers and friends(Astor, Pitner, Benbenishty, Meyer, 2002). Aggression is a risk health behavior in adolescents which can lead to depression and suicidal attempts(Herrero, Este ´vez, Musitu, 2006).Adolescents who suppress their anger are at high risk to be depressed and experience the feeling of hopelessness. Moreover, suicidal attempts are more serious in such adolescents. In contrast, adolescents who express their anger are at high risk to have family related problems (Olweus, 2005). The association between aggressive behaviors in adolescents and social health problems are related to family issues and schooling adjustment issues (MusituGarcÄ ±Ã‚ ´a, 2004). Moreover, the aggressive adolescents show lower level of empathy (Olweus, 2005). Aggressive adolescents strive for social recognition (RodrÄ ±Ã‚ ´guez, 2004).Desir e of becoming powerful in adolescents leads to disruptive behavior (Buelga, Ravenna, Musitu, Lila, 2006). Therefore it is very important to assess the mode of anger expression in adolescents to identify their health risk behaviors. The target population is adolescents aged between 10 to 19 years. (Add who definition of adolescents) Rationales A questionnaire has been developed in order to assess the level and expression of aggressionamong adolescents. This questionnaire will also help to identify the sex, age differences and ethnic background of these adolescents.Furthermore, it will give an understanding of the risk factors for developing aggressive behaviors which is one of the important steps in developing the strategies for prevention of aggression. Gender, age educational status and ethnic background are important aspects in order to know the vulnerability of adolescents for aggression.(Goldberg, Sweeney, Merenda Hughes, 1997) Therefore, it is important to study these demographic variables because each individual is different from another individual. Aggression causes continues depressive symptoms such as loneliness, self-esteem and externalizing behavior in victimized adolescents. (Prinstein, Boergers, Vernberg, 2001). Adolescents with experience of aggression burst out their anger either verbally or physically. If anger is not managed properly, it results in poor social skills with cognitive distortions (Nelson Finch, 2000).Furthermore; it also leads to physical problems such as migraine, headaches, ulcers in adolescents (Townsend, 2006). Purpose, Variables and Hypothesis The aim of this research is to identify the modes of expression of anger in adolescents in relation to physical, psychological and social health risks. The independent variable is anger whereas physical, psychological and social health problems are dependent variable The hypotheses to be tested in the study are as follows: There is an association between suppression of anger and physical and psychological health problems There is an association between improper expression of anger and social health problems (interference with relationships) The hypothesis will be tested by using chi square test of independence because the level of measurement is qualitative categorical in nature. Chi square procedure is employed to test hypothesis because it best suites with form of data and study question. It is used to see the association between the two qualitative variables which do not show any causal relationship. Thus the chi-square statistic is used to test the hypothesis of association between two groups. The assumptions for chi-square test are taken into consideration when the data are qualitative categorical, the observed number in each category can be compared to an expected number and all the expected counts are greater than or equal to five. (add blueman reference here) Operational Definition Anger Anger is a strong emotion that creates a pressure inside you in response to a harm or wrong act experienced by you. Suppression of anger When an individual feels anger and do not express it. Inappropriate expression of anger When an individual feels anger and express it by harming others. Physical health problems When the normal functioning of the body is affected due to uncontrolled emotions like anger and leads to headache, ulcers etc. Psychological health problems When an individual’s ability to enjoy life and expression of emotions becomes maladaptive it leads to low self esteem and depression. Social health problems When an individual is unable to maintain healthy relationships with other people due to anger it leads to isolation. Questionnaire Analysis We filled the questionnaire as well as asked three other colleagues to fill the questionnaire and identified the difficulties which they faced during completing the form. One of the difficulties identified was problem in remembering the key for the questions on the second page as the key was written only on the first page and it was difficult to go back and forth to see the key. In order to resolve this problem, we will add the keys on the every page of the questionnaire. The Questionnaire Instructions Please read all the questions carefully, there is no right or wrong question. Use the key given below and circle the appropriate number which you think is most relevant to you. Demographic Data Age of respondent (in years): Birth order of the respondent: Gender of respondent: Class in which you read: Years of education: Number of family members: Number of siblings in the family: - Parent’s marital status: - Ethnicity of respondent: - Risk behavior data Key 1- Never, 2- Occasionally, 3- Often, 4- Frequently, 5- Always Do you get angry?12345 Do you express your anger?12345 Do you shout on others when you feel angry?12345 Do you beat others when you are angry?12345 Do you throw objects when you are angry?12345 Do you suppress your anger?12345 Do you feel headache when you are angry? 12345 Do you cry when you get angry?12345 Do you experience tremors when you get angry?12345 Do you isolate yourself when you get angry?12345 Do you share your feelings with your friends/siblings/parents when you are angry? 12345 Do you think recreational activities (music, games, outings etc.) can decrease your anger? 12345 Do you perform prayer when you get angry?12345 Do you feel bad about yourself when you get angry?12345 Do you feel relax after expression of your anger?12345 Do you continue your relationship with whom you expressed anger? 12345 Do you feel loss of control when you get angry?12345 Do you feel to take revenge from others?12345 Do you want to harm yourself?12345 Do you like fighting games and wrestling?12345 Do you say sorry to others after you express your anger to others? 12345 Do you accept sorry from others?12345 Do you think about the consequences of your actions? 12345 Do you reflect on your actions?12345 Do you feel difficulty in concentration due to anger?12345 Do your studies affect due to your anger?12345 References: Astor, R., Pitner, R. O., Benbenishty, R., Meyer, H. A. (2002). Public concern and focus on school violence.In L. A. Rapp-Paglicci, A. R. Roberts, J. S. Wodarski (Eds.), Handbook of violence. New York: Wiley. Buelga, S., Ravenna, M., Musitu, G., Lila, M. S. (2006). Epidemiology and psychosocial risk factors associated with adolescent’s drug consumption. In S. Jackson, L. Goossens (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent development. UK: Psychology Press. Goldberg, L. R., Sweeney, D., Merenda3, P. F., Hughes, J. E. (1997).Demographic variables and personality.Person Individ diff 24(3), 393-403. Herrero, J., Este ´vez, E., Musitu, G. (2006). The relationships of adolescent school- related deviant behavior and victimization with psychological distress: Testing a general model of the meditational role of parents and teachers across groups of gender and age. Journal of Adolescence, 29(5), 671–690. Musitu, G., GarcÄ ±Ã‚ ´a, F. (2004).Consecuencias de la socializacio ´ n familiar en la culturaespanËÅ" ola. Psicothema, 16, 288–293 Nelson, W. M., Finch, A. J., Ghee, A. C. (2006).Anger management with children and adolescents.Child and adolescent therapy: Cognitive-behavioral procedures, 114-159. Olweus, D. (2001). Olweus, core program against bullying and antisocial behavior: A teacher handbook. Bergen: Research Centre for Health Promotion Olweus, D. (2005). Bullying at school: Data and intervention. In IX international meeting about biology and sociology of violence: violence and school, Valencia, Spain. Prinstein, M. J., Boergers, J., Vernberg, E. M. (2001). Overt and relational aggression in adolescents: Social-psychological adjustment of aggressors and victims. Journal of clinical child psychology, 30(4), 479-491. RodrÄ ±guez, N. (2004). Guerraenlasaulas [War in the classrooms]. Madrid: Temas de Hoy. Townsend, M. C. (2006). Psychiatric mental health nursing: Concept of care in evidance-based practice. (5th ed.). Oklahoma: Davis companyPhildelphia.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Currant Legislation for Home Based Childcare Essay
LawI would like to provide you with the following up to date legislation impacting on home-based childcare to ensure that your children are provided with the best possible care whilst with me. Sex Discrimination Act (1975) This Act states that all children are not discriminated against on the grounds of their sex and such discrimination is eliminated. It promotes equal opportunities between children no matter of their sex. Race Relation Act (1975) Amended 2000 This Act states that all children are not discriminated against their race and ensure early years providers work towards the elimination of unlawful discrimination and promote equal opportunities between children of different racial groups. Education Act (1981) This Act became law in 1983 and tried to provide adequate safeguards, rights and duties for all those concerned with the education of children with special educational needs and to ensure these children’s rights to be integrated into the life and work of the community. It also recognised parents’ rights regarding their children’s education. Public Health (Control of Disease) Act (1984) and Health Protection Agency Act (2004) All these legislations are focused on protecting people’s health, covering notification and exclusion periods for certain infectious diseases. Exclusions for children include exclusion from schools, places of entertainment or assembly. Education Reform Act (1988) The National Curriculum was introduced into England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a nationwide curriculum for primary and secondary state schools following the Education Reform Act 1988. Children Act (1989) This is the basis of the current child protection system in England and Wales and was introduced to consolidate and clarify previous legislation. It established the principle that a child’s welfare is paramount in any decisions made about their upbringing. It states that every effort should be made to preserve a child’s home and family links and also introduced the notion of parental responsibility. It details how local authorities and courts should act in order to protect the welfare of children. Education Act (1993) This Act is an education measure with the aim of making important changes to the education system in England and Wales. It has various chapters which give details on the responsibility for education, addressing children with special educational needs, setting out the requirements of school attendance and providing details in regard to admissions and exclusions. It also gives parents the right to ask for their child, which is under 2 years of age, to be formally assessed. Code of Practice for the identification and assessment of Children with Special Educational Needs (1994 revised 2001) This Code of Practice provides practical advice to educational settings, including Early Years settings, on carrying out their statutory duties to identify, assess and make provision for children’s special educational needs. Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulation (RIDDOR) (1995). Major injuries, which include fractures other than to fingers, thumbs or toes, amputation, dislocation, loss of sight (temporary or permanent) * Accidents resulting in over 3 day injure * Notifiable diseases * Dangerous occurrences * Gas incidents Food Safety & General Food Hygiene Regulation (1995) This Act is not currently applicable to registered childminders but acquiring a basic Food Hygiene Certificate is considered good practice. Food should be prepared and provided in a hygienic way. Safety controls are in place, maintained and reviewed. Food safety hazards are identifies by doing risk assessments and implementing appropriate solutions. Family Law Act (1996) This Act sets out guidance on safeguarding and promoting the child’s welfare. Disability Discrimination Act (1995) This Act states that it is illegal to treat disabled person less favourably than a non-disabled person. Settings are required to make reasonable adjustments to prevent disabled people being discriminated. Education Act (1997) This Act incorporates all previous Acts since 1944. It recognise the rights of parents regarding their children’s education and set a time frame on the legal process for identifying and assessing a child’s needs as set out in the Code of Practice. Code of Practice for First Aid (1997) The Code of Practice sets out standard practice and guidance for trained first aiders and gives tailored advice to show different people in industry what they need to do to meet their legal responsibilities for health and safety. Human Rights Act (1998) The Act incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law. Children are covered by this legislation although not specifically mentioned. Protection of Children Act (1998) The Act states that the Secretary of State shall keep a list of individuals who are considered unsuitable to work with children. Data Protection Act (1998) It relates to information held about an individual. This includes medical records, social services files, facts and opinions about an individual. Anyone processing personal data must comply with the eight principles of good practice. T This Act introduced the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), a statutory framework that sets the standards for learning, development and care of children in the period between child’s birth and their fifth birthday. It is designed to ensure that children receive a good start in life and build a solid foundation to prepare them for school and life. The revised EYFS is effective from September 2013. Safeguarding in Child’s Welfare (15th April 2013) This guidance sets out how organizations and individuals should work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and how practitioners should conduct the assessment of children.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Essay on Robert Frost - 1248 Words
Robert Frost Robert Frost, an Americian poet of the late 19th century, used nature in many of his writings. This paper will discuss the thought process of Frost during his writings, the many tools which he used, and provide two examples of his works. Robert Frost was born in San Franciso on March 26, 1874, but later moved to Lawrence, Massachuschusetts (after his father died) where he did most of his writing. He was a simple man who taught, worked in a mill, was a reporter, was a New England farmer, and wrote. Throughout his life he had always been interested in literature. He attended Dartmouth College, but remained less than one semester. In 1894 he sold his first work â€Å"My Butterfly: An Elegy†to a New York journal. A†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The Road Not Taken†was originally published in 1916 and it was Frost most popular poem to date. Still today it is considered one of his best and most popular works. The Road Not Taken Two roads diverged in a yellow wood. And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that, the passing there Has worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In the leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first foe another day! Yet knowing how way leads onto way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. The reader can just picture Robert Frost walking in a wooded area of the New Hampshire forest when suddenly he comes upon a trail that divides and he wrote â€Å"The Road Not Taken†. A poem that has been used in countless high school graduation speeches and as a metaphor for any situation in which a person must make an important decision. TheShow MoreRelatedFrost, By Robert Frost1976 Words  | 8 PagesRobert Frost, an indigenous New England poet, is deserving of an ovation for his contributions and magnitude in American Literature. Frost advises his readers to be actively engaged in questioning the world we inhabit (49, Dickstein). In most of Frost’s work, readers and critics enjoy his choices of theme, likely being the outdoors and his surroundings. By using â€Å"emotions recollected in tranquility†and his organic and inviolable relationship with his countryside, he celebrates New England’s naturalRead MoreRobert Frost1276 Words  | 6 Page sRobert Frost has been described as an ordinary man with a deep respect for nature, talking to ordinary people. To what extent do you agree with this view? Poetry is a literary medium which often resonates with the responder on a personal level, through the subject matter of the poem, and the techniques used to portray this. Robert Frost utilises many techniques to convey his respect for nature, which consequently makes much of his poetry relevant to the everyday person. The poems â€Å"Stopping by WoodsRead MoreRobert Frost1943 Words  | 8 PagesA Snowy Evening with Robert Frost Robert Frost once said, â€Å"It begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a loneliness. It is never a thought to begin with. It is at best when it is a tantalizing vagueness.†(â€Å"Poetry Foundation†n.d.). This poem holds a lot of mystery in its meaning which has a variety of interpretations. John T. 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This exercise will be prefaced with a brief introduction to the man and his life as a segue to better understanding Frost’s verse. The unexpected but unavoidable aim of this composition will be to realize that Frost’s body of work is almost too sophisticated to comprehend, his manipulation of language so elusive that each reader may believe Frost is speaking only to themRead More Robert Frost Essay559 Words  | 3 Pages Robert Frost nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Robert Lee Frost, was one of America’s leading 20th Century poets, and a four time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Frost did not receive these recognitions until his later years when his poetic brilliance was finally recognized. â€Å"Frost was a pioneer in the interplay of rhythm and meter†( Waggoner 1). Frost’s brilliance was contributed by many things; including his life, career, and literary works. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Robert Frost was born on MarchRead More Robert Frost Essay873 Words  | 4 Pages â€Å"Good fences makes good neighbors,†is a small portion from the Mending Wall written by one of modern times most proficient writers, Robert Frost. Two of the critical articles I examined were quite helpful in gaining a better understanding of the â€Å"Mending Wall†and also of Robert Frost’s poetry. The Gale Research shows the best and most effective understanding of the â€Å"Mending Wall,†mainly because it deals specifically with that poem. It basically states that the poem is built around two attitudesRead MoreRobert Frost Essay1314 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Frost was a very successful author who wrote many award winning poems. Frost’s career in poetry took some time, but he eventually reached his goal of becoming a popular poet. Frost has had a very successful life as an author, but that wasn’t until he was noticed. Fros t has won four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry and various other awards. Robert Frost was world renowned and even attended John F. Kennedy’s inauguration. Frost wasn’t noticed until he was nearly 40 years old, but he kept working towardsRead MoreRobert Frost Essay1396 Words  | 6 PagesRobert Frost Robert Frost is one of the few twentieth century poets to receive critical acclaim and popular acceptance (Magill 728). His simplistic style appeals to the novice and expert poetry reader alike. Robert Frosts understated emotional appeal attracts readers of all literary levels. Frost develops subtly stated emotions and a clever use of imagery in his poetry. Influences on his poetry include his family, work, and other life experiences (Oxford 267). Frost also works to developRead MoreEssay on Robert Frost1443 Words  | 6 Pages Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco on March 26, 1874 and died in Boston on January 29, 1963. Frost was considered to be one of America’s leading 20th century poets and a four-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. He was an essentially pastoral poet who was often associated with rural New England. Frost wrote poems of a philosophical region. His poems were traditional but he often said as a dig at his archrival Carl Sandburg, that â€Å"he would soon play tennis without a net as write free verse
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Advertisements And Geared Towards Young Women - 1776 Words
How is abortion portrayed in advertisements and geared towards young women Throughout society, people are torn over the issue of abortion, whether you are pro-choice or pro-life. There are people who want abortion to become illegal, putting an end to the decision started so long ago under Roe vs. Wade. It is through advertisements that women are targeted rather than just educated about the facts and the topic at hand. Advertisements can sway opinions because they prey on societies emotions through news media like Fox News, which shows images and coverage that portrays anyone who enters Planned Parenthood as a murderer. The goal of this advertising is to sway people to change their ideas from pro-choice to pro-life based on the material and images edited specifically for society, which portray clinics in the worst possible light. According to a Fox news report, Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas and Colorado have been under surveillance and were caught selling fetus’ body parts. They have been caught selling body parts to customers such as Stem Express, which is a medical research center. Fetuses are being sold anywhere between twenty dollars to twenty-four thousands dollars. This is also referred to as the â€Å"Black Market†, which is an illegal traffic or trade in officially controlled or scarce commodities. Doctors were caught on tape discussing how much they should sell fetus cells. It is illegal to sell fetuses or any doctors know of that this situationShow MoreRelatedSex After Menopause And Its Effects On Young Adults And Men975 Words  | 4 PagesThe ten commercial I viewed ranged in advertisements. They targeted older people, young adults and men. Several of the consumers geared their products for anti-aging products. There were several that were geared toward anti-aging; these com mercials where Osphena, Ensure, K Y ultra-gel, Viagra for women, and proactive. There were two that were geared toward men; Viagra, and old spice hair product for men. 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