Saturday, August 31, 2019
In Othello, Shakespeare creates characters who reinforce social stereotypes and others who abandon more traditional roles
In this essay I aim to discuss the way Shakespeare creates characters who reinforce social stereotypes and others who abandon more traditional roles and how it helps his play by looking at the language form and structure. In Shakespeare's time there were different standings in class, race and in gender, men were above women and whites were above blacks a character that reinforces this stereotype of the time is the character of Brabantio, he is the father of Desdemona who is the object of Othello's heart. Othello is black and Desdemona is white, these two being together let alone married would've been a great shock to audiences in Shakespeare's time, so Shakespeare needed a character to represent the way most people think and this was Brabantio. An example of Branbantio as being stereotypical is when he says where hast thou stowed my daughter? Damned as though art, though hast enchanted her. This shows him as being stereotypical in a varied number of ways the first being he believes that Othello has used magic to make his daughter love him which shows the belief of the dark arts at this time but also the only reasons he believes Othello has used dark arts to enslave his daughter is because he is black, black people at this time were very much looked down upon and were thought of evil and users of the dark arts so it is understandable to the audience of Shakespeare that Brabantio is so annoyed and shocked although it would be different now. Another way he shows thast he is stereotypical is by the way he thinks he knows that his daughter could not love a black person and should only love the people he sees good enough for her this taking away her rights and feelings are being disregarded but at this time it was normal for the women to be objectified and men control them. Brabantio also shows the stereotypical view of a patriarch in this society and he believes that Othello is a direct threat to the patriarchal society he believes that the pagans will be come statesman which in his eyes would create social chaos an example of this belief is shown when he states for instance Bond slaves and pagans shall our statesmen be. This statement would shock most people of a high standing of this time, the play would have been performed in England and even the thought of this happening in England is preposterous and would decrease the amount of people going to this, so Shakespeare deliberately sets the play in Venice where there are more blacks and it is somewhere fair away from home so it is believable to the audience but other than the fact that it tells you this play is set in Venice, nearly all of the characters can be directly linked to the English lifestyle at the time. On numerous occasions Brabantio makes numerous comments showing his stereotypical views on his daughter and shows that he thinks he owns her by objectifying her, a quote that supports this idea is â€Å"Ay to me, she is abused, stolen from me and corrupted†when he says this you can see he sees his daughter as his own and only thinks she should do what he thinks she should. A character that is not stereotypical and abandons their own typical role in this play is Desdemona she does this by disobeying her father and society by marrying a black man who is seen as a peasant in her fathers eyes, the time this play was shown daughters and women alike were controlled by men, so the disobedience of Desdemona would surprise the audience and is also the reason that Brabantio thinks that Othello has poisoned her with magic but as Othello denies using magic to win her over by saying that it was his stories that she fell in love with, Desdemona also states that she should be loyal like her mother to her husband, which uses her own fathers patriarchal views against him but this is also uncommon at this time as she is choosing her lover instead of her father causing much anger as she is not dropping in line like a girl should in this time. Furthermore Desdemona is not a typical woman of the time that should be quiet love there husband and obey their father, Desdemona has different ideas of what she wants and Othello believes that she fell in love with him because of his stories and that she wants to become a great warrior and all he represented, a quote that shows this is when Othello tells us â€Å"She wished she had not heard it, yet she wished that heaven made her such a man†this suggests that Desdemona does not love Othello for his heart but for what he represents to her, a black man who should be looked down and despised upon becoming a great warrior and even gaining the respect of her father, she had never met anyone of this type before and she became hooked but the fact that she told Othello †If I had that loved her. I should teach him how to tell my story†shows that she was flirting and really does love him causing distress to father and others that have tried to court her before. Othello is another character that defies stereotypes and standing at this time as he has overcome many a trial in his lifetime, he is a black man living a white orientated world and to get to his standing and stature as one of the heads of the Venetian army's as the Venetian empire at this time had much power behind it with strongholds as Venice and Verona his shows how much of a struggle it was to get there and makes it more surprising, from being a slave sold from Africa to a warrior and being respected for his talent and not prejudged due to his skin colour. In his speech he tells us that he has been through many a hardships of war and slavery telling us he has had a hard life and the use of language tells that he is going to go through more hardships but with Desdemona we can see this when he says â€Å"but that I love the gentle Desdemona, I would not my unhoused free condition†he is saying her that he would give up his freedom from slavery to stay with her, this is an i dealised romantic notion which is not practical which in turn shows us that it will end in tragedy.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Unknown Paper
The objective of these â€Å"unknown†experiments was to take a mixed culture, which contains two unknown species, and identify those species through a series of tests. The group was informed that one species of bacteria would be a gram-negative bacillus and the other would be a gram positive coccus. The tests to be conducted ranged from streak plate isolation to biochemical tests. Each test to be conducted was discussed and agreed upon by all group members. The results of each test were analyzed by the group and led to selection of the next test that would further narrow the possible identity of the unknown species.On September 16, 2010, our group was given a mixed culture in which we were to identify two organisms within the mixture, by running several biochemical tests. On this day our objective was to prepare the specimen of the mixed culture into discrete colonies. Each member of our group then conducted a streak plate and we would later pick the best plate of isolated co lonies. To perform a streak plate, aseptic technique was required. We had our mixed culture in the form of a broth therefore our inoculating instrument would be a loop.We also needed our agar plates each marked into four quadrants and a Bunsen burner. We then proceeded to transfer the mixed culture to the plates aseptically. In preparation for the transfer of the mix culture to a plate we placed the tube of broth in our non-dominant hand. The loop was sterilized by placing it into the fire of the Bunsen burner until the entire wire became red hot, â€Å"red is dead†. The tube was uncapped facing the cap downward along with the inoculated loop in the dominant hand.We then passed the tube through the flame of the Bunsen burner briefly to burn off any contaminates that may be present at the opening of the tube. The inoculated loop was then inserted into the broth of the mixed culture to obtain the organisms to be transferred to the plate. The tube was then passed though the Buns en burner again, capped, and put aside. With the sterilized loop containing the organism we proceeded to transfer the organism to the plate of quadrant I in a zigzag movement. We then re-flamed the loop till red and cooled the instrument to the side of quadrant II.Then from quadrant I we made four lines crossing into quadrant II. We re-flamed the loop till red and then cooled the instrument again to the side of quadrant III. From quadrant II we made four lines crossing into quadrant III. From quadrant III we continued making four more lines crossing into quadrant IV. We inoculated our loop once more, freeing the instrument of any organism by re-flaming till red. Once we each completed a streak plate, the plates where taped and marked with the date, initials, and group number. On September 23, 2010, we obtained our plates made from September 16.We identified discrete colonies into two organisms that we named yellow and beige. The yellow organism was an obvious yellow pigmentation, mo derate in size, entire, circular, raised colony and the beige was an off-white pigmentation, small, entire, circular, umbonate colony. We next chose the best representative colony of each organism to be transfer to a nutrient agar slant. Again we aseptically transferred the organisms, yellow and beige, into individual agar slants. Our instrument that we used was a loop along with two slant tubes and a Bunsen burner.With our selected plate ready and available, the slant in the least dominated hand, we inoculated the loop till red, uncapped the tube, flamed the tubes, obtained the yellow organism from the plate, and transferred it to the slant in a zigzag motion. We then re-flamed the tube, capped the test tube, and flamed the loop. Then we proceeded with the same procedures for the beige organism. The purpose of transferring the organisms was to evaluate the abundance of growth, pigmentation, optical characteristics, form (not applied due to the use of a zigzag rather then a straight line), and consistency.On October 7, 2010 our third day of our Unknown’s project we conducted a Gram stain procedure. From last week’s test, we achieved pure cultural characteristics from the two slants we made. The growth we saw on the agar slant that contained the yellow specimen was a soft, smooth, yellow growth. The growth we saw on the beige specimen was a thin, even, beige growth. Both cultural characteristics were achieved in the appropriate categories. The categories we were looking for contained abundance of growth, pigmentation, optical characteristics, and consistency.Today we will be preparing two bacterial smears from each specimen and Gram staining them. The reason we are conducting this test is to differentiate between two principle groups, gram positive and gram negative and to further know if a pure culture from both organisms was achieved. This is important for classification and differentiation of microorganisms. The Gram stain reaction will help us tell the difference of the chemical composition of bacterial cell walls. The Gram stain procedure uses four different reagents such as crystal violet, gram’s iodine, ethyl alcohol, and safranin.Before the Gram stain is performed we must make two bacterial smears of the two specimens. We placed one loop of distilled water on a clean slide aseptically. He transferred the specimen from the agar slant that contained the yellow growth and placed it on the slide with the water and gently mixed it together in a circular motion approximately the size of a nickel. He let the smear air dry for one minute and gently heat fixed it by quickly passing the slide through the flame 3-5 times with a clothes pin. The same aseptic transfer and Gram stain procedure was performed on the agar slant that contained the beige specimen.After we successfully performed the bacterial smear, we started the Gram Stain procedure. The first step in the Gram stain procedure is flooding the bacterial smear wit h crystal violet and letting it sit for one minute. After the crystal violet has set we rinsed the reagent off with distilled water. Next, we flooded the bacterial smear with Gram’s Iodine for one minute. After we let the Gram’s Iodine set we rinsed the Gram’s Iodine off of the slide gently with distilled water. The next step in the Gram stain procedure contained 95% Ethyl alcohol.Drop by drop we let the alcohol run onto the stain until the color of the stain was almost clear. After this step we rinsed off the alcohol with distilled water once again. The next step in finalizing the Gram stain procedure is counterstaining the smear with safranin for 45 seconds. Once the counterstain has set we rinsed the stain gently one last time with distilled water and used bibulous paper to blot dry the stain. After we completed the Gram stain procedure we looked at both Gram stain’s under a light microscope at 100X with immersion oil. The steps in preparing the light microscope are very simple.First we plugged in the microscope and turned it on, second we made sure the light intensity has been adjusted and the stage is all the way down. Then we placed the slide on the stage and clipped it into place and raised the stage all the way up with the course adjustment knob. We made sure the objective lens is started at 4X also known as the scanning objective. While we were looking through the oculars we slowly lowered the stage until we could see our specimen. It was not clear so with the fine adjustment knob we turned the knob away from us and fine focused the specimen until we could see it much clearer.Then we change the objective lens to 10X and again turned the fine adjustment knob away from us until the specimen became clearer. We remembered to not touch the course adjustment knob once we have moved away from the scanning objective lens or we would lose our specimen. After we saw our specimen clear under 10X, we turned the objective lens to 40X an d turned the fine adjustment knob until we once again saw a clear specimen through the oculars. Once we saw the specimen under 40X we turned the objective lens between 40X and 100X, this is where we used immersion oil only.We did not lower the stage to put oil immersion on the stage or our specimen would be gone. The reason we used oil immersion is so there was way for light to escape through the slide, and the 100X objective lens. It is used as a piece of glass that does not let the light bend and refract, so the image of our specimen is seen even clearer than before. We place two drops of immersion oil on the slide and turned the objective lens all the way to 100X and slid the objective back and forth a couple of times through the oil that way it is covered completely and there were no air bubbles.Using the fine adjustment knob we found our specimen once again and it was clearer than ever. We have found your specimen. Under the microscope the yellow specimen we stained was a purpl e gram positive stain with a tetrad arrangement. The beige organism we Gram stained was a pink gram negative stain with no arrangement. Once we were done with this part of the experiment we decided as a group that the next test we needed to run was the Carbohydrate Fermentation test. The reason for choosing this test was so we would be able to determine if the organism is able to degrade and ferment carbohydrates with the production of acid and gas.After finding our specimens we lowered the stage and took the slide off of the stage a cleaned the 100X oil objective lens with Kym wipes. We turned the objective lens back to 4X, the scanning objective, and turned the microscope off. On October 21, 2010 the Lactose Carbohydrate Fermentation test was previously selected and prepared for the week prior in order to reduce the probability of our organisms. We performed aseptic technique when transferring our unknown organisms which consisted of performing these previously perfected steps to ensure that our tests be inoculated properly.When performing aseptic technique you need to have all the proper materials necessary to ensure the highest level of sterility while maintaining safety. In sequential order these are the steps that we used to perform the sub culturing for our unknowns assignment. In preparation for the transfer, the stock tube and the tube to be inoculated both had caps loosened and properly placed in the non-dominant hand in a V formation separated by the third digit. An inoculating loop was apprehended and sterilized by placing it to the fire until the entire wire became red hot (â€Å"red is dead†).We uncapped the tubes simultaneously with the inoculating loop still in the dominant hand and immediately passed the two tubes through the flame of the Bunsen burner briefly. The inoculating loop then was inserted into the subculture tube and the inoculum was obtained and transferred to the tube that needed to be inoculated. Following the proper inocu lation and removal of the loop from the tube, the necks of both tubes were then again passed through the Bunsen burner, and then the caps were replaced on the proper tube. Lastly the inoculating loop was again flamed to destroy the remaining organisms on the instrument.After successfully transferring the broth culture with the organism to phenol red test tubes with Durham tubes in each, we reviewed our possible results to ensure we understood what was expected. â€Å"Anaerobic use of sugars produces pyruvic acid from glycolysis, and eventually lactic acid or lactic acid and carbon dioxide through the fermentation pathways. †Results after incubation should show negative or positive results. A negative result for sugar fermentation is shown as no color change and no gas in Durham tube. A positive result for carbohydrate fermentation is shown as color changed to yellow indicating acid production.Gas bubble in Durham tube indicates carbon dioxide production. Preparation for Nitr ate reduction test was performed and it consisted of us maintaining our initial broth of our G -unknown. The reason we did the Nitrate reduction test on our Gram – specimen was because according to our chart getting a positive or negative result would eliminate several organisms and would bring us closer to finding out which specimen we had. Some organisms have the ability to reduce NO3- to Nitrite NO2- or N2 or ammonia. ***Javance can you type out the procedure that was done for the Nitrate reduction test right here where this note is.We only did this test in our Gram negative organism. I found out where I made that mistake in my notes. So I fixed it for you. Just type out our transfer from our original broth to the tryptic nitrate broth step by step like you did for our carbohydrate fermentation test*** We added 5 drops of Nitrate A and 5 drops of Nitrate B to our Nitrate broth which contained our G- specimen and also had a Durham tube in it and incubated for one week. On O ctober 28, 2010, after a week has passed of incubation, we reviewed our results from our two previous tests; the Carbohydrate Fermentation and Nitrate reduction test.Carbohydrate fermentation test results were for the yellow G+, no gas bubble was present and the color did not change, it remained red which shows negative fermentation. For beige G-, no gas bubble or color change was seen so it also showed negative fermentation. According to our charts, our G+ specimen was the only one in our chart that had G+ cocci and negative fermentation so our result indicated our first specimen was M. Luteus. Our Nitrate reduction test result was our G- organism turned red which indicated a positive nitrate reduction to nitrite. We then prepared our Gram-negative organism for a Hydrogen Sulfide Test (H2S).We chose the H2S test because we found that it would illuminate our organism into a possibility of either two positive results or three negative results. In the H2S test we used a SIM agar deep test tube as our medium and aseptically transferred our Gram-negative organism from a broth using a needle to stab into the test tube. ***Veda can you type step by step right here the procedure done for the H2S test into the SIM agar deep, not just that we stabbed it***This medium contains peptone and sodium thiosulfate as the sulfur substrate; ferrous sulfate behaves as a H2S indicator and enhances anaerobic respiration.Since Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless and invisible gas, the ferrous ammonium sulfate in the medium combines with the gas producing FeS, which produces a black precipitate. After a week of incubation On November 4, 2010, we observed black precipitate leading to a positive result for H2S gas production, if there was no color change, then that would have indicated a negative result for H2S gas production. With a positive result of our findings, our Gram negative organism concluded a possibility of two organisms of Salmonella typhimurium or Proteus vulgaris.After we an alyzed our findings, we figured the next test that would reveal our organism would be through the Indole Production Test. An Indole Production test also uses a SIM agar deep medium and with the Kovac’s reagent we would get immediate results by adding ten drops of Kovac’s reagent. By adding the Kovac’s regent, a negative result for indole production by giving off a yellow or brown color. A positive result would show if there was a red pigmentation in the reagent layer.With gloves on we added 10 drops of Kovac’s reagent to our specimen and immediately observe a yellow/brown reagent layer, concluding a negative result. We finally discover that our Gram-Negative organism is Salmonella typhimurium. Based on the results of our biochemical tests, our two species of Unknown bacteria were found to be Micrococcus luteus and Salmonella typhumurium. M. Luteus was determined to be our Gram positive organism after a negative result on the Lactose fermentation test.This test ruled out L. lactis and S. aureus. To determine that Salmonella typhimurium was our Gram negative organism we needed to conduct a few more tests. The lactose test yielded a negative result which led us to conduct a Nitrate Reduction test that yielded a positive result. At that point we conducted a Hydrogen Sulfide test and it yielded a positive result and that allowed our group to conduct an Indole test. This finalized our identity for the Gram negative organism Salmonella typhimurium.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
An Examination of “Intimate Revenge†in Seamus Heaney’s “Punishmentâ€Â
An Examination of â€Å"Intimate Revenge†in Seamus Heaney’s â€Å"Punishment†The poem â€Å"Punishment†by Seamus Heaney was written in 1975 as a part of the anthology North. It is a part of Heaney’s bog series, in which he describes the Irish bogland, and the different artifacts and remains that have been found within the Northern European bogs. In these poems, the bog imagery is metaphoric of Heaney’s Irish homeland, specifically Northern Ireland. Written during the bloodiest year of the Irish Troubles, â€Å"Punishment†delves deeper into this metaphor to examine relations during the time period. In â€Å"Punishment,†the poetic persona observes the body of a bog woman, the Windeby Girl. She has a noose around her neck, and as he looks at her corpse he imagines the context in which she was hanged. Throughout this first section of the poem, Heaney creates a very empathetic tone through the persona’s description of the woman and the circumstances surrounding her death. Toward the end of the poem, the persona admits t hat some part of him does not regret her execution, and almost condones it. In â€Å"Punishment,†Heaney uses contrasting images of the bog woman and metaphor of the Irish Troubles to create tension and explore the internal conflict between empathy and revenge. Heaney begins to develop an empathetic tone from the very first beginning of â€Å"Punishment.†The first three lines read: â€Å"I can feel the tug / of the halter at the nape / of her neck.†Immediately, the word tug pulls the reader into the persona’s experience. Heaney’s wonderful use of enjambment in this first stanza also leads to the creation of rousing interest. These features work together to draw the reader into the story of the bog woman simply from the initial image of her. Heaney continues to establish empathy through the persona’s continued imagery. The persona uses very vivid visual analogies to draw attention to the young age and unfortunate situation of the bog girl. In lines 7-8, the wind â€Å"shakes the frail rigging / of her ribs.†The word frail highlights her weakness and vulnerability. The persona can see her ribs. She is completely exposed. In this, Heaney establishes physical infirmity. Until the fourth stanza, the reader has no perception of age. In line 14, the persona calls her a â€Å"barked sapling.†A sapling is a young, weak tree. Barking is a practice in which a row of bark is stripped from a tree, inevitably killing it. Combined, these two simple terms create an incredibly evocative image of nature slaughtered by man. They suggest to the reader that this girl’s death is an act against nature and is inherently wrong. The persona continues to describe her in this manner, until line 20. Perhaps one of the most puzzling lines in â€Å"Punishment,†it refers to the noose around her neck. The persona compares it to â€Å"a ring / to store / the memories of love†(20-22). A noose generally brings about a negative connotation. However in this context, it is presented with a somewhat ironic and nostalgic tone. At its most basic purpose, the metaphor is alluding to the revelation in the next line. Yet, at a deeper level, the line could represent the persona’s understanding and justification of the bog girl’s crime. This appreciation is further exemplified by the persona’s personal connection to the girl. Heaney’s use of apostrophe creates an especially strong sense of empathy in â€Å"Punishment.†The persona directly addresses the exhibited woman as a â€Å"little adulteress†(23). Once again, the persona draws attention literally to her youth and paltry size through the use of little. However, this is also a term of endearment, as one would call his or her own child, further codifying the connection the persona feels with the bog woman. In this line, the reader is informed for the first time of the reason for the girl’s death. She committed a crime and she suffered the punishment. In the subsequent lines, the images transition from frailty in death to beauty in life. The persona describes her â€Å"tar-black face†as once being â€Å"beautiful†(27). This stark contrast highlights the tension of her life and death and demonstrates the empathy the persona feels for the girl. The final definitive sympathy the reader observes is in line 28, as the persona addresses the girl as â€Å"my poor scapegoat.†The possessive adjective my demonstrates the empathy the persona experiences, and the line as a whole shows a great display of sympathy. The implication of the word scapegoat is that she was punished so that others would not be. She is an example, even though the persona recognizes the unfairness of her situation. In the next stanzas, the persona begins to reveal his personal cowardice and sin. The most poignantly ashamed lines come directly after vehemently expressed empathy. The persona directly addresses the bog girl for the final time: â€Å"I almost love you / but would have cast, I know, / the stones of silence†(29-31). The images that have been developing empathy and endearment from the first line suddenly dissolve as the persona’s sympathy is proven insufficient. Despite his convictions, he does not feel strongly enough to speak out against his peers and save her. If he does, he cannot bring himself to do so for the simplest reason. Some part of him understands why she is killed, and agrees with the punishment. In the poem, the persona compares the punishment of the bog girl to the punishment of Catholic girls during the Irish Troubles. During this time, cruel punishments for seemingly minor offenses were not uncommon. The Troubles were a conflict between Irish Catholics and British Protestants. In this poem, Heaney specifically references the penalty for fraternization between these two groups. If a Catholic girl was discovered associating with a British soldier, she was â€Å"cauled in tar,†and shamed publicly (39). This is comparative to a hanging for adultery as public degradation. She is made an example, just as the bog girl is made an example. The metaphor extends not only to the literal â€Å"punishment,†but also to the emotional conflict the persona experiences. He is the â€Å"artful voyeur†of a murdered girl (32). This demonstrates a sense of guilt as he witnesses the atrocity in front of him, yet he only watches. Equally, he has â€Å"stood dumb†as he has watched his own people being punished by his own people (37). He â€Å"would connive in civilized outrage,†yet do nothing to stop the act. It is through these contradictions that the persona’s internal conflict is revealed. The persona can â€Å"understand the exact / and tribal, intimate revenge,†yet also feel boundless empathy for those punished (43-44). It is through this conflict that Heaney looks at relations during the Irish Troubles. As a prominent figure in the Catholic minority, Seamus Heaney was often called upon to make political statements in his poetry. â€Å"Punishment†exemplifies betrayal, not between the two sides, but within one. It is not degrading the Protestants, nor is it a rallying cry for the Catholics. Instead, Heaney examines revenge, empathy, and betrayal at their core. Throughout the majority of the poem, the images of the bog woman create a great feeling of empathy. Yet, it is also understood that the persona would have done nothing to save her. She executed an â€Å"intimate†betrayal, and thus deserved an â€Å"intimate revenge†(44). The allusion to Catholics during the Troubles presents an especially personal connection for Heaney. In the intense emotion of innermost betrayal, moral convictions may be set aside for the satisfaction of revenge. â€Å"Punishment†examines the ethical dilemma faced both by Catholics during the Troubles and by any person in a situ ation of war, either personal or intercontinental. The resolution Heaney reaches is uncomfortable. The persona stands in silence and accepts the violence, despite empathy for the victim. The readers discomfort comes in the understanding of why he does so. It is the question of love over hate, of peace over war, one each person must answer individually. Though Heaney rarely added fuel to the political fire of the Irish Troubles, perhaps through this poem he is asking whether this struggle is worth the pain it created.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Multiple Voices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Multiple Voices - Essay Example Lee: Language has changed drastically in the past ten years since the usage of internet has increased among students. I have made use of a case study of a teacher Jacqueline for the readers of my written pieces in order to make them understand the manner in which writing English language has changed. Students have started using shortcuts of words that they using while instant messaging of texting. Some of the common words that Jacqueline has marked during the correction session are U, 4u, abt etc. I have come across a difference in approach towards writing language. I have both Asians as well as natives in my classroom and they all seem to make mistakes i.e. using instant messaging and texting English language. I have even given an ultimatum to my students that if they will not stop using inappropriate English language then I will have to deduct their marks. I want my students to learn English in the best possible and academic manner because language is a way through which one may ju dge others (Ober). Tan: I would not agree more. Language has changed to a great extent. I must say that language is a very powerful tool within a society. It is no more an astonishing fact that language has rather become an element in relationships. I would present my mother’s experience here being an immigrant. Since we are not native English or Americans, my mother had trouble in speaking English. However, with the passage of time, she learnt her way to speak English language fluently. My mother made use of different television channels to learn English language as well as magazines. One fact that I noted all this time was that people judge others on the basis of manner in which others speak English language. My written pieces â€Å"Mother Tongue†is an evident example of the experiences that I and my mother had been through. People do not consider immigrants to be able to speak English really well despite the fact that they learn their way to speak English fluently. I would
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States Essay
Racial and Ethnic Groups in the United States - Essay Example According to the 2000 U.S. census, almost 16 million Italian Americans live in the United States. They constitute about 6 percent of the U.S. population. Most are grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the 3.8 million Italian-born immigrants who entered the United States from 1899 to 1924. Some are descendants of Italian-speaking immigrants from Austria, Switzerland, and Latin America. Others are themselves immigrants, including the more than 1 million who came to the United States after World War II ended in 1945. Two-thirds of the Italian American population live in and around major cities in the northeastern part of the United States." (Italian American). Only America possesses the probability of encountering this problem because of countless causes - immigration, preservation of heritage of immigrants, racial and ethnic differences, and cultural differences to name a few. It is apparent that race is about a social construct rather than biological since society has a different set of rules for each racial group. "racism is based on your physical traits. so what you look like, and ethnicity is based on what you identify yourself as. so simplisticly, racial groups are what other people catagorise you in (based on your physical demenor and look, e.g - 'black' 'white' 'brown' 'yellow' 'red' etc...) and your ethnic group is who you identify being, like you might share commonalities with certain ethnic groups for example be very cultural or religious and identify being a 'pacific islander' just because you were not born in the pacific islands or have pacific island parents or any such blood in you, if you feel you identify strongly with that group (for example - bing taught or brought up in a pacific household or around other pacific island families, children, churches etc.)you can identify yourself in that ethnic group (Ethnical groups). Furthermore, there is no alternative conceptualization of race that I would advocate because it is a social construct. This is due to the fact that society has defined what is expected of each racial group, which has nothing to do with biological aspects of being Italian, Mexican or Irish. From there, it has been apparent that Italian Americans have been a dominant ethnical group because of their food and their place in politics within American culture. Therefore, it seems that the Italian mafia has an upper hand in American politics, which gives them a higher rank than the Russian mafia in America. With that, in America, it is apparent the Italian mafia has skills that fit the labor union, which gives them an inside to American politics. Few Italian Americans today identify closely with Italy. Even fewer read Italian literature, follow Italian politics, or belong to organizations that promote Italian culture in the United States. However, many remain in touch with family or friends in Italy, and many more socialize with other Italian Americans in the United States. Among themselves, Italian Americans still recognize cultural differences rooted in the distinctive regional cultures of northern, central, and southern Italy, and Sicily. The majority of Italian Americans belong to the Roman Catholic Church. However, almost half of recent generations have intermarried with Catholics of other ethnic backgrounds or with people from different denominations, such as
Monday, August 26, 2019
An Important Person in History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
An Important Person in History - Essay Example The South African federal government had always implemented the policy of racial separation, with keeping the black people of South Africa far way from attaining their rights, including the right to vote (Nye). However, in the year 1990, nelson Mandela was discharged from the prison and subsequently, was permitted to negotiate with the president of South Africa of that time, that is, Frederik Willem de Klerk, regarding the rights of the black people, especially the right to vote. And subsequently, the negotiation resulted in the elimination of Apartheid, with the influx of the multi-racial elections, in the year 1994 (Ebrahim) The true achievement for the black people of South Africa was that they managed to attain their rights without any such major riots by the people who were against the decision of the government to issue the black people of South Africa, their rights, which they deserved to attain, despite the fact that south Africa had a long history of racial aggression and vi cious police force. Nelsen Mandela in his entire life had to fight against his own countrymen, to regain the rights of the black people of his country. However, besides that, there are also some other ways as well, which nelson Mandela adapted, in order to assist his country to transform itself, for a better future (Benson) As the struggle started by Mandela for the purpose of helping the black people of South Africa to regain their rights was almost a peaceful effort, hence this made nelson Mandela earned him the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize. The revolutionary effort of nelson Mandela assisted South Africa to officially convert itself into a democratic state (Mandela) As besides introducing world’s one of the most progressive constitutions, South Africa also empowered the black people to contribute their skills and expertise in the growth and development of South Africa. And as a matter of
Importance of supervision in the workplace Research Paper
Importance of supervision in the workplace - Research Paper Example This small restaurant is among the favorite restaurants frequented by students from Fordham University. The menu comprises of snacks, entrees and drinks. This restaurant is unique as a buffet is located near the entrance whereby workers are line up with the main objective of providing quality service to the restaurant’s daily customers. A burrito bar is adjacent to the buffet. This burrito bar has all the items needed to make a burrito or a sandwich. The room adjacent the burrito bar towards the interior holds a machine packed with fountain beverages .This room also contains the soup and salad bar. The restaurant also contains a dining room with a table put near the register that acts as a resting place for the workers during breaks. The dining room holds three television sets with one connected near this table. It is also important to assert that the observations were performed in this area. Observation My observation for this report took four days to complete. The first thre e days of the observation were done with the absence of the head supervisor, Kimberly. Observation on the fourth day was done in the presence of Kimberly. This is attributed to the fact that Kimberly was on vacation on the first three days of the observation. Kimberly is an African American female aged twenty nine. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Food Science, Nutrition, and Dietetics. The observation included taking notes on the different jobs as well as the special tasks that the employees were expected to carry out. The observation elucidated many jobs including cooks (four), entree servers (two), floor cleaners, pizza servers (one), salad bar runner (one), burrito makers and servers (two), cashier (one), dish washers (four), food runner (one), and student managers (eight). The work of the food runner involved transporting food from downstairs to upstairs. Gender roles As may be expected the jobs are distributed differently among the sexes. Serving and distributing food i s for the females. For instance, only females serve entree and burritos. Their job involves cutting food in distinct ways that are catching to the eyes due to their improved appearance. Mary and Jane, both from African origins were the experts in serving entree and burritos. Mary is twenty seven years old and a Kenyan while Jane is a twenty nine lady from Ghana. Both Mary and Jane have finished three years courses in catering and have both worked in this restaurant for one year. It is therefore hard to find a man serving and distributing food. On the other hand, males are involved in jobs necessitating lifting. For instance beverage worker are males are they are capable of lifting bags of syrup that are used in fountain beverage machines. Other roles associated with men include food runners since the task calls for heavy lifting at times. The floor jobs are also usually for men as they involve a lot of sweeping, moping, and lifting heavy garbage bags. One of the most respected clean er was George, a Mexican. George is forty years old, married, and a father of three. He is heralded as being one of the most behaved workers in the restaurant and has worked there for eight years. Therefore, gender roles seem to play an important aspect in deciding the duties of each and every employee. As asserted by Jeffrey and Streicher, â€Å"
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Two approaches to globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two approaches to globalization - Essay Example From the foregoing discussion, one might expect that their products should not have successful. What happened, however, was entirely unexpected. The performance of Starbucks has become legendary. In just 20 years, the Seattle company has grown from 18 coffee shops to thousands making it a leading global brand.2 Starbucks hardly advertises but has experienced 20% bump in global brand value. According to the company fact sheet, as of November 2006, Starbucks had 7,102 company-operated outlets worldwide: 5,668 of them in the United States and 1,434 in other countries and U.S. territories. In addition, the company has 5,338 joint-venture and licensed outlets, 3,168 of them in the United States and 2,170 in other countries and U.S. territories. This brings the total locations (as of November, 2006) to 12,440 worldwide. The number of weekly customers is 30 million.3 The Roddicks' first Body Shop opened on March 26, 1976 in Brighton, United Kingdom with only about 25 natural handmade products. The rights to the name of the firm was bought from a San Francisco beauty store which still remains today as The Body Time.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Evidence Law - Victoria (Australia) Legal Case Commentary Essay
Evidence Law - Victoria (Australia) Legal Case Commentary - Essay Example The rationale appears to be that a confession obtained involuntarily can not be relied upon for the truth of its contents. The court’s dilemma was succinctly stated by Gibbs J in Driscoll v The Queen, who said that, ‘it is very common for an accused person to deny that he made an oral confession which police witnesses swear that he made. The accused has an obvious motive to claim that police testimony of this kind is false. On the other hand it would be unreal to imagine that every police officer in every case is too scrupulous to succumb to the temptation to attempt to secure the conviction of a person whom he believes to be guilty by saying that he has confessed to the crime with which he is charged when in fact he has not done so.’ This aspect of the voluntary nature of confession statement becomes tricky in instances where police use unconventional means in the course of obtaining a confession statement. The court attempted to draw the line in balancing these conflicting motives for the admissibility of confession statements by restating the applicable test an applying it to a scenario where police used what amounted to entrapment in R v Tofilau
Friday, August 23, 2019
Contract law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Contract law - Essay Example However, the restaurant is concerned about the underlying liabilities in the event that clients collide with the skating waiters and waitresses. Another point of concern regards loss of client property whilst at the restaurant’s premises. Following these two concerns, two exclusion clauses could be drafted for the purpose of limiting or excluding altogether the restaurant’s liability under the two aforementioned circumstances. It is fundamental to ensure that the restaurant’s business aspect is not adversely affected by the move. The Caddy Shack restaurant enters into business-client contracts with its clients. It is in the best interest of the restaurant to maintain functional relations with its clientele, even as it strives to reduce potential liabilities under the two circumstances of concern. The exclusion clauses that Caddy Shack restaurant needs will ultimately impose restrictions to its clients. It is also important to highlight that the move is likely to be seen as one that favours Caddy Shack’s business welfare, while reducing its potential liability obligations to the clients. In this respect, these two issues must be provided for and balanced in the drafted exclusion clauses. First exclusion clause: Caddy Shack will not be held liable for any losses or injuries that arise as a result of violation of the rules and regulations within the Caddy Shack restaurant’s premises. Clients are urged and reminded to strictly use the designated client sidewalks to avoid collision with the roller skating waiters and waitresses. The system is clearly marked to ensure that both clients and staff strictly remain in their respective right areas. Eventualities emerging from failure to abide to the set rules and regulations, and the skating system requirements shall not hold Caddy Shack responsible. Moreover, Caddy Shack shall not take responsibility for ignorance and/or negligence arising from
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Port of Rotterdam Essay Example for Free
Port of Rotterdam Essay Particularly, our intention is to focus in the way the Port Authority manages all the issues that come up and how they could improve the functionality of the port. We are greatly aware that the world of freight transport is growing rapidly and to grow with it, a port needs to be in continuous development. The Port of Rotterdam is one of the most important ports all over the world. It is situated on the Dutch coast and its main channel extends along 40 km offshore. Its a huge infrastructure that handles more than 400 million tons per year. Thus, every year more than 4 million containers go through this port, this means 400 per hour and more than 3000 daily. 1 The economic importance of the Port of Rotterdam becomes apparent from quantitative indicators such as the direct and indirect value added and employment. Its industrial character is reflected by the number and range of industries located in the Port of Rotterdam related to logistics (transport, storage and distribution), production (such as maritime and transport equipment, petroleum, chemicals and food) and (commercial) services. All these activities are taking place in a relatively limited area2: Despite of this figures, currently the PoR is losing a big market share, especially in the container market, on behalf mainly of the ports of Antwerp and Hamburg. Hamburg’s port has very good rail connections and also it is really well located to distribute Eastern Europe. Besides, the port of Antwerp enjoys a strategic central position with immediate access to Europes road, rail, and water transportation networks and direct connections to Europes major consumption and production centers. Therefore, our aim is to implement solutions to the problems that currently exist in the PoR. We want to make this port the most competitive, innovative and sustainable in the world and to do that we will focus in three main goals: 1CM55 – Port of Rotterdam Authority Handle the lack of capacity until Maasvlakte 2 is finished. If we want this port to grow, we should manage this issue correctly. Manage the congestion of the highway infrastructure. Solve the problem of the loss of market share due to the growth of ports like Hamburg or Antwerp. 3 First of all, we would like to analyze the current situation of the port. We think that the most important way to do so is with a SWOT analysis, so we are able to identify both the internal and the external factors which are favorable or unfavorable to achieve our goals. 2. SWOT Analysis Strengths ? Geographical Location ? Vast Knowledge of the market ? Great Experience ? Large Influence ? Intermodal Network ? Competitive pricing ? Width and large draft ? Cheap Transport possibilities Opportunities ? Growth expected with Maasvlakte 2 ? Automation of several processes ? Possibility of implement biofuels flow Weaknesses ? Capacity Shortage ? Saturation of the port ? Both rail and roadways connections are not enough ? Environmental problems ? Delays due to failures in the distribution management ? Susceptible to storm surges Threats ? Constant growth of the containers ? Administrative regulations due to pollution ? Competition in the Le Havre-Hamburg range Strengths: We could subdivide the strengths into two groups: Characteristics of the Port: Its privileged situation allows the best distribution through the hinterland. Reaching the major industrial and economic centre’s of Western Europe within 24 hours is feasible due to this fact. Besides, its great width and large draft allows the biggest ships to load and unload in it. 1CM55 – Port of Rotterdam Authority Experience: The Port Authority has a wide knowledge in ports management: handling of shipping in the port of Rotterdam and the offshore approaches to the port. Opportunities: The future expansion of the PoR is extremely needed in the future. It is known that the container market is growing exponentially and the current terminals of the port (Maasvlakte and Eem/Waalhaven) are about to saturate. With Maasvlakte 2 they will be able to handle a bigger amount of ships and therefore obtain a bigger profit. Weaknesses: The problem of being one of the most important ports worldwide is that you need to have the best distribution channels in order to be able to make the shipping as efficient as possible. The PoR needs new ways of shipping because railways and highways are already congested. Threats: To overcome the recent growth of its neighbors’ market share, the PoR should try to fortify its strengths and to take advantage of its opportunities. Otherwise they will keep losing benefits because of them. The port should also be aware of the regulations, because nowadays the â€Å"green mind†is getting more and more important. 3. Alternatives 3. 1 Rail Transport Rail transport consists of long merchandise train with a lot of wagons circulating on dedicated way or on common way with the civil transport trains. This mean of transport is the cheapest one for a relatively fast, reliable and frequent transport of huge quantity on long distance. That is why it is used to transport bulky product, container and raw materials on distances higher than 200km. The typical capacity of a train is actually about 120 TEU, equivalent to 60 trucks. The network of railroad is already well installed but this mode of transport meet some limits. Indeed, the passenger trains are priority on the railroad and when a section of the way is not reserved for the freight, the train has to make way for passenger trains. This problem is growing up 1CM55 – Port of Rotterdam Authority with the passenger traffic figures. The best solution is to create special railroad only for the freight transport in order to avoid sharing the passenger railroad. This solution has already started to be implemented in the Netherlands with the creation of the Betuweroute. This railway is design to allow freight train to go straight to Germany through the country. We think this route should be used more than it is nowadays. We are greatly aware of its importance due to the fact that it makes possible the just in time delivery between the PoR and any point connected with it. Results of using this route could be seen: One of the most important problems of the port, the capacity shortage, is reduced thanks to the reduction of freight stock due to this route. . 2 Intermodal Transport This way of transport aims to avoid the transfer of the merchandise from on transport mode to another. For example, if a container needs to be first charged on a truck, then continue on a train to finish on again on a truck, the intermodal transport gives solution to avoid the lost of time during the transfers. Thus, the container is lay once on a truck and then the truck itself goes on the train till the destination. At the end, still the same truck finishes the transport by road. This technique is called piggyback and reduces a lot the roblem of congestion due to the charging time. This also permits to reduce the road congestion by moving the trucks on the railroads when it’s possible. This method reduces cargo handling; therefore security is improved by reducing both damages and losses. Besides, with this way of transport the time of delivering is significantly decreased. A reduced cost versus over road trucking is the key benefit for intra-continental use. Actually, we are not going to focus that much on this part, because we think the other ones are more interesting than t his one and more benefit could be obtained. 3. 3 Barge Transport Barge transport was traditionally used for bulk cargo (this means ore, coal or oil products). Nowadays, however, barges carry a wide range of finished products including chemicals, palletised goods and bigbags. Barge transport is suitable for carrying all types of freight, in dry or liquid form. 1CM55 – Port of Rotterdam Authority Even containers are highly suitable for transport by inland waterway. The barge transport sector is well equipped to meet the trend for more and more goods to be sent by container: container barges have a capacity of 20 to 500 TEU, while pusher convoys can take even more. The importance of large, modern container barges cannot be over-emphasised. 5 Although it is a really cheap transport, the main problem it has is that it is slow and therefore the delivery times are higher than with other ways of transport. Currently, the concentration in barge operations is low due to this issue. However it is increasing not only because highways are getting congested, but also because people are looking forward to cleaner ways of transport and everybody knows that trucks and trains are note efficient ways of transport at all. Thus, we have come up with an idea that we think could be very profitable if implemented. Nowadays, the existing way in which the freight is delivered using barge transport is with small vessels. It would be better if instead of small vessels the PoR, through the barge companies, uses larger barges so they can carry more containers. Furthermore, this larger barges could be used to replace some trucks so the number of them is reduced and with it the congestion of the highways. Hence, using this enhancement, we reduce both the barge and road traffic. 4. Conclusion It is known that hinterland transport could improve its productivity if the number if terminal visits in the port is reduced. To do this that it could be useful to re-organize small containers which come from different terminals with some kind of specific distribution services. Cost improvement could be obtained depending always on the distances and other significant factors. The most promising solution for such a reduction can be found in the transhipment costs of containers. If transhipment between the trunk line section and the collection distribution section can be achieved by one move (i. . board-to-board transhipment) this would substantially improve the competitiveness of these split services. 6 From our point of view it would be very interesting if larger vessels are used, as we explained above, in order to make every single trip more efficient and therefore save some costs.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Eminem Essay Example for Free
Eminem Essay Eminem was married in his 20’s this was predictable because he had a stable girlfriend and was engaged therefore this led to marriage. The marriage stage in Eminem’s life was the good moments; it was like his life was on track finally. Eminem and Kim had a child together called Hailey. She was a bridesmaid at their wedding. This had a big effect on Eminem’s life because Hailey is his number one person. He loves her to pieces, he talks a lot about her in his music, and he expresses his upbringing to the world. This shows how the marriage and having a child affected him physically because now his expressing the good vibes in his music, it’s something that he is happy about. This affected him intellectually because his daughter is constantly on his mind hence why he made a song about her. His song ‘’Hailies Song’’ expresses a lot of his life and how much she has an effect on him, he seems to think that he is wasting his time throughout his life and he feels like the world is on his shoulders. His daughter gives him that little wakeup call that tells him that his life isn’t all that bad because he loves seeing her grow up. This shows how important Kim and Hailie are to him. Unfortunately he gets divorced with Kim and obviously this wasn’t predictable but it hurts him to think about the divorce and he actually feels like he wants to give up. This has an effect on his development because this could affect his future, when he meets someone new he is going to have doubts and be overprotective with his daughter and weary about who is getting himself involved with. He tried to make it work with Kim but it wasn’t as easy as he thought. Moving Homes Eminem was moving homes nearly every 3 months due to his home life being un stable with his mum, they never had a lot of money therefore he was forced to leave school in year 9. He had to start providing for his daughter and also his mum, he had to get a job and make his music his dream. He did it, he talks about it all in his songs; this shows the effect on his development because although he had no help from anyone else he made it, he had the confidence to get out there and make his dream. This must have been extremely hard for him because his mum was an alcoholic, they lived in a trailer. He used to get bullied in school due to not having the things that everyone had due to the lack of income. He had to build his bridge and get over the bad things and try moving himself onto the good things. It’s like he was forced to give up his education because of how important it was for him to start proving himself. This affected him physically because everyone can see the way he is growing up in this bad way; this could have affected his confidence leading him to feel embarrassed, this situation affected him intellectually because his mind was partly damaged because he wasn’t sure how to get out of the situation he was in this lead to confusion. Confusion affects a person emotionally because they are aggravated about what to do, people become restless. Eminem’s social life would have been affected by this because he was being judged and looked down on because no one liked him, he found it hard to get close to people and trust people this would have affected his relationship with people his own age. He never had the things that everyone else had, he never had a nice car and nice clothes unlike the others therefore he couldn’t compare to them. This is a predictable life stage because Eminem and his Mum never had much money; his mum was unable to pay rent therefore the time that she could stay at a house or trailer was limited. She was a drug taker therefore she could have had drug dealers after her for money. By putting Eminem’s upbringing into perspective moving house is predictable because it is band to happen. It’s impossible for a single parent who is on drugs and an alcoholic to not only bring up a child but to manage their low income, afford food and also pay for drugs within such a limited income span. Drugs and alcohol was clearly more important to his mum hence why she couldn’t pay her rent. Where this ituation was on going once Eminem had moved houses a few times he probably got used to the routine of moving house and because isolated or separated from old friends. It was a situation that he had no way of adapting to because he was never settled. Eminem getting scouted – Eminem got himself into a show at the Olympics, this is where he got scouted by Dre, Dre got him signed and helped him to make the success of his life. This had an impact on him because he is finally l iving his dream; the good has finally come out of all the bad things and the struggle that he has been through. He can now afford to provide for him, his mum and his daughter. He must have had enough of providing for his mum and he left home, it hurt him to leave home so much that he thought he would express it to the world. He expresses his life in his music, that’s why everyone loves him because his truthful. His music is deep; when Eminem moved out he made a song called ‘Cleaning out my closet’ He explains to his mum that he didn’t mean to hurt her, he couldn’t deal with all the commotion and emotion. He explains that people can trigger him but they’ll never figure him out. The reason for this is because his been through so much that no one will never understand the full reasons, they can have their opinion but they don’t know the truth. This has an effect on his life because people used to doubt him and thing that he was stupid do to him living in a trailer. They were fake people, they never understood him. He didn’t want to hurt his mum but he needed to leave. This had an effect on his development because he had to get his own house, bring up his daughter and escape from the misery that he was stuck in with his mum. This also gives him freedom to be able to cope without all of the stress loaded on top of him. To conclude all this up, Eminem started off leaving school and moving every 3 months due to his life being unstable because of his mum was on a low income. This lead for him to leave school and get a job to provide for him and his mum, he left school and got scouted at the Olympics by Dre, this is how he got his job. He got his life on track; he had a child and then moved out away from the stress. He had confidence in his self when no one else did. He is where he wanted to be, he was determined to win it and he did. This affected him physically because he can now afford to provide for himself and his daughter, he’s dress sense is more fashionable because he can afford to pay for these nice things. It would have affected him intellectually because his thoughts have changed; the tables in his life have turned because he is living his dream. Therefore the way he thinks will become more positive due to things falling into place and becoming more real. It would have affected him emotionally but in a good way, he is proud to know that he put in the effort himself, he was determined to win it and he was successful. You need to go through some bad to get the good; He didn’t have to be insecure about anything because he achieved what he wanted. When it comes too socially, his dream would affect him in a positive way because he had fans; thousands of people want to meet him. His fans are crazy for him, this built him a relationship with others because although the years that he has wasted and the tears that he has tasted nothing can take it from him. People have begun to love him for whom he is. This life situation was unpredictable because no one ever expected for Eminem to turn out the way he has, he went through such a bad stage as a child that he lost hope in everything. Until he tried something new; he started to go to shows and this is where he was found. He never knew that he would get scouted and became famous it was all a dream to him that came true.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Jetsmart Engineering Parts Management System
Jetsmart Engineering Parts Management System Jetsmart Engineering parts management system Q: What were the main factors that played a major role in the flop of the $40 million project? This report was commissioned to examine the failure of an IT project called Jetsmart at Qantas airlines. The project initially costed $40 million but miserably failed to stand up to its expectations. We interrogated the potential reasons of the failure with the help of information and data available online. Methods of analyzing included questioning the scope of the project, identification of key stake holders and difficulties in communication due to complex IT structure at Qantas. Most of the IT projects by Qantas faced failures even though they have invested millions of dollars on IT. These failures had a huge impact on Qantas but that didnt stop them from investing in IT. Qantas began its long haul modernization plan simply after the organizations IT framework had turned out to be perplexing and awkward. This evident lack of common sense put the whole overhaul program, including its individual venture segments, at expanded hazard. The purpose of the project Jetsmart was to provide assistance to the engineers in the repairing of aircrafts. But it actually increased their workload and they completely refused to use the system. One of the major reason was that engineers (eventual users) were not engaged in the development phase of the project. They had no say in this until project was actually implemented. They lacked proper training and knowledge regarding the usage of the new software. Besides this, unstructured top level management was another factor which played a vital role in projects failure. It lacks proper communication ability with the mechanics and engineers. Only if there was flexibility within the communication channel, this project might have been cancelled in the initial stages. This could have saved Qantas a lot of time and not to mention $40 million. Qantas Airways is the banner transporter aircraft of Australia and its biggest carrier by armada estimate, universal flights and global goals. It is the third most seasoned carrier on the planet, after KLM and Avianca having been established in November 1920. It started worldwide traveler flights in May 1935. As of March 2014, Qantas had a 65% share of the Australian residential market and conveyed 14.9% of all travelers going all through Australia. It additionally works different auxiliary aircrafts to local focuses and on some trunk courses inside Australia under the QantasLink standard. Its backup Jetconnect gives benefits amongst Australia and New Zealand, flying under the Qantas mark. Qantas likewise possesses Jetstar Airways, a minimal effort carrier that works both universal administrations from Australia and local administrations inside Australia and New Zealand; and holds stakes in various other Jetstar-marked aircrafts. In February, 2008, Qantas scratched off Jetsmart, a $40 million engineering parts IT system. Inability to draw in the specialists who might be the possible clients of the framework into the prerequisites and configuration forms brought about a framework that the users esteemed to be unusable once it was propelled. After only a couple of years in operation (amid which time some staff declined to utilize it and unions undermined mechanical activity), the framework was dumped and another framework was presented. In this report we will examine the significance of IT in Qantas carriers and research the potential explanations behind the disappointment of such ventures. In spite of the fact that contributing a great many dollars on IT (roughly $430.98 million AUD on yearly premise since 2005), a large portion of the ventures did by Qantas were brought about to disappointment. The effect of these disappointments was cataclysmic for Qantas Group, however despite everything they have faith in putting resources into IT. Main focus will be on the engineering parts management system JetSmart. What were the main factors that played a major role in the flop of the $40 million project? And how those factors could have been avoided if the project was to be successful? The Qantas Groups long term vision is to achieve the status of worlds best premium airline as well as best low fare carriers. As indicated by the financial review report, Qantas are concentrating on five basic objectives keeping in mind the end goal to accomplish this. These objectives are safety is our first priority, right aircraft right routes, customer service excellence, operational efficiency and two strong complementary brands. IT has helped the flight business flourish. In todays aggressive world IT and Business methodologies ought to be firmly adjusted to make progress particularly in the carrier business. At Qantas it is trusted that the IT systems determine the business methodologies. Safety is Our First Priority: To accomplish worlds best well-being hones so as to give clients sentiment security IT finds flyers who may posture danger to others in flight utilizing database frameworks. Utilization of amazing scanners for examining of things can likewise uncover things that could be of potential danger to different flyers. Right Aircrafts Right Routes: Fleet restoration with better navigational framework, giving ideal courses to flyers. Online flight booking uncovers ideal courses. Realizing that you are in the right flight by legitimate filtering of tickets by means of the scanners before loading onto the flight. Customer Service Excellence: Qantas views fabulous client benefit as the foundation of the business. IT conveys Qantas administrations nearer to the client. It permits 24 hours a day and 365 days consistently benefit, for instance online flight booking framework. It helps data in a flash be accessible for the clients. IT additionally catches client inputs by means of sites or portable appointments which help to additionally enhance services. Operational Efficiency: Significant IT anticipates are in progress to help expand profitability at Qantas. Private email administrations and groupware help in better joint effort between offices, representatives, clients and providers at Qantas. IT helps rushing the improvement of more open and inventive societies that can prompt to Operational Efficiency. Two Strong Complementary Brands: For Qantas and Jetstar to be the best premium and low charge brands, online pursuit of various carriers flight times and tolls can help Qantas contend. Because of the quick extension of the Airline Industry and the focused way of charges and flight bargains, interest in IT is vital as it can prompt to development which will give Qantas driving edge. Qantas had made a substantial investment in venture Jetsmart in mid-2004, which was viewed as a vital initial phase in the organizations interest in new data innovation frameworks to drive its support, repair and upgrade operations. The Jetsmart framework was an interval stage to hold together Qantas current frameworks until they settled on a substitution framework. Consequently Jetsmart will in time be eliminated and the new framework will supplant it. In February, 2008, Qantas drop Jetsmart, a management framework usage that cost them $40 million. Issues with the venture backpedal to no less than 2004, when the union entered a debate with Qantas, asserting the product pointlessly expanded its individuals workload. It obliged engineers to do extra information section and bookkeeping work. Around then, the union exhorted mechanics utilized at Qantas to not help with the execution. Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers Association government secretary Steve Purvinas said support specialists discovered Jetsmart unusable. Mr Purvinas faulted the issues with Jetsmart for Qantas administration, which he said was not doing whats needed to elevate experienced engineers to senior administrative parts. Purvinas clarified the product was inadequately outlined and hard to utilize, and that engineers didnt get adequate training. Management is not qualified to determine what the software needs. Jetsmart was a white elephant that didnt work. When you have an airplane holding 400 passengers that needs repair, you fix the plane, not play with software, said Mr. Purvinas. (Qantas to Axe 40 Million IT System) Qantas Engineering executive general manager David Cox admitted there were problems with the Jetsmart system. Mr Cox said During the development phase some issues arose with the system, training and the management of change. It became obvious that the IT structure at Qantas is complex. There was again huge loss of revenue and another major IT project failure which again cost loss of shares and investors pulling plug on investments. Attitude towards the engineers that resulted to strike gave the management bad reputation. Media embarrassment for Qantas continued as they had no faith in their engineers and began outsourcing maintenance, repair and overhaul operations. (Qantas Why Do Projects Fail?) There were many causes regarding the scope and implementation of the project. Conflict between stakeholders and lack of change managements vision led to the disastrous failure of the whole project. Failed to identify key stakeholders Qantas should have identify the people and groups that were important to the success or failure of the project. In case of Qantas, upper tier and middle tier should have had continuous communications with the engineering department and considered them a key stake holder for the success of the Jetsmart. Qantas considered only the management department which wasnt a viable alternative to the important of the engineering sector. (Impact of It on Airlines Sector Qantas Group Management Essay) In the process, Qantas should have analyzed and documented relevant information with respect to both the management and engineering sector of their interests, interdependencies, influence, involvement, and potential impact on the success of the project. Lack of stakeholder engagement Stake holder engagement was another issue in the process of the implementation of Jet Smart. There should have been emphasis on continuous communications with stake holders regarding their expectations and needs throughout the project life cycle. This would have helped the company establish the dos and donts of the implementation of the new management system. Change management failure Monitoring of the overall project holder relationship and plan for engaging stakeholders was completely absent in throughout the project implementation. The engineers who were supposed to be the eventual users of the software had no proper knowledge of the system. They were lacking the training on how to effectively and efficiently use the new software. This could have been avoided and couldve eventually led to a possible success of the project. Proper engagement should have been constructed between the management and engineering department as a smooth engagement between two important stakeholders would have contributed to proper resolving of grieve and resentment with the new management system. Complex structure Qantas Group has an unstructured administration that needs correspondence capacity and does not comprehend IT issues. A decentralization of the venture administration and building divisions are imperative so as to expand time and productivity of tasks. Additionally all departmental administrators, financial specialists, extend directors and worker agents should be incorporated into system arranging gatherings to enhance correspondence and to share views. To conclude Qantas has been pretty much out of luck when it comes to undergoing IT projects. Jetsmart was an utter failure of the Qantas group and cost them loss in revenue and reputation. The inability to engage stakeholders (engineers) in the initial stages of the project was one of the factors of project failure. Strong union tides led to the unacceptability of the new software among engineers and mechanics. The scope of the project was to increase the performance of the system and to be more time efficient. Jetsmart But it failed to do so as this scope was not aligned with interests of stakeholders. Eventually the project was dumped by Qantas in 2008. We trust Qantas is balanced for progressing IT disappointment: complex specialized foundation, obsolete legacy frameworks, authority that doesnt comprehend fundamental IT issues, union issues, and a recorded example of disappointment join to paint a questionable future. Its fascinating to take note of the organizations IT consumptions expanded 8% in the second 50% of 2006 and 26% in a similar period for 2007. Now Qanats has replaced the old Jetsmart management system with project Marlin and hopes it will reduce maintenance and repair cost. Lets see what future holds for this new venture. References  Impact of It on Airlines Sector Qantas Group Management Essay. UKEssays. N.p., 2006. Web. 18 Feb. 2017. Krigsman, Michael. Qantas Airways: A Perfect Storm for IT Failure? | Zdnet. ZDNet. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Feb. 2017. Qantas Why Do Projects Fail? N.p., 2017. Web. 19 Feb. 2017. Qantas to Axe 40 Million IT System. The Australian. N.p., 2017. Web. 16 Feb. 2017.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Psychological Labyrinth in Owl Creek Bridge, Yellow Wallpaper, and
The Psychological Labyrinth in Owl Creek Bridge, Yellow Wallpaper, and Garden of Forking Paths   For millennia, the labyrinth has been used as a sacred tool for spiritual enlightenment.  Sometimes called a "divine imprint" because of its prevalence combined with its unknown origin,  the labyrinth provides a "transcendent experience of connection and clarity" ("What is a Laby-  rinth") through the act of walking the winding paths to its center. Unlike a maze, which has dead  ends and trick turns, the labyrinth has only a single path leading to and from the center; the  principle of the labyrinth is such that a person must traverse every inch of space before reaching  his/her goal. In this way, the labyrinth subverts the logical aspect of the mind (normally dominant)  and enables the individual to enter a state of mental calmness, allowing him or her to experience  the spiritual benefits of a sort of walking meditation.        Probably the most famous historical labyrinth is the one constructed by Daedalus to house  the Minotaur in classical mythology. In that case, according to Ovid, Daedalus "built a house in  which he confused the usual passages and deceived the eye with a conflicting maze of various  wandering paths ("Ariadne's Thread"). There is no mention of a specific shape for this "house,"  but traditionally most such mazes have been made in a circular formation. Another famous laby-  rinth is built into the floor of the cathedral at Chartres; the fact that the same design has been  found on coins minted at Cnossus gives rise to the theory that it may be connected to the laby-  rinth of Daedalus and the Mi... ...Garden of Forking Paths. » The Story and its Writer.        Ed. Ann Charters. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1995. 1391-1392.  Gilman, Charlotte Perkins. "The Yellow Wallpaper." The Story and its Writer. Ed. Ann Charters.        Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1995.531-542.  Green, Edward J. "Labyrinth."        (accessed 11/21/99).  Irwin, John T. "A Clew to a Clue: Locked Rooms and Labyrinths in Poe and Borges."        MasterFILE Premier database from Raritan, Spring 91, Vol.10 Issue 4. <... /        print2.asp?records=CURRENT&pFormNum=PrintCitation&pFulIText=ON&kwic=on&deliv>        (accessed 11/20/99).  "What is a Labyrinth?". (accessed 11/20/99).  Â
The Teachers of Siddhartha :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays
The Teachers of Siddhartha       In the book Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse, the main character Siddhartha had many teachers along his quest for happiness. Throughout his life he denounced teachers and their teachings. In his last meeting with his lifelong friend, Govinda, he mentions five in which he was indebted : a beautiful courtesan, a rich merchant, a dice player, a Buddhist monk, and Vasudeva.      The first of these teachers along his way was Kamala a beautiful courtesan. Kamala taught him the wonderful pleasures of love and the importance of wealth and riches in society .  ³It [had] never been my experience that a Samana from the woods should come to me and desire to learn from me. Never has a Samana with long hair and an old torn loin cloth come to me. Many young men come to me, including Brahmin's sons but they come to me in fine clothes, in fine shoes; there is scent in their hair and money in their purses. That is how these young men come to me, O Samana. ²Ã‚ These teachings in which Kamala placed upon him helped him to seek out the riches and wealth that would supposedly bring him happiness.      Another of the people who Siddhartha obtained knowledge from was the rich merchant Kamaswami.  Kamaswami taught Siddhartha the secrets of making money and living the life of a rich man. While working for Kamaswami many of Siddhartha's values stayed intact but, slowly these  values began to slip away.  In many ways Kamaswami taught Siddhartha the dark side of life.       As the days went on Siddhartha began hating himself more and more. He viewed his riches as worthless, for they did not truly bring him happiness. Slowly he began squandering his money playing dice.  He won thousands and lost thousands in order to reach the high he felt when he carelessly bet his money away. This taught him the worthless value of money, for money only brought more and more sadness.       Finally after rejecting this life of sin he vowed to leave the city and never return. As he retreated into the forest he decided to go to the river. At the river he found his friend Govinda, who had watched over Siddhartha while
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Old and Young Frankenstein Essay -- Frankenstein essays
Old and Young Frankenstein    Something that interested me greatly about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was the treatment that the creature received from Frankenstein and the other people around him. I often wonder how things would have turned out had he been treated with a little bit of humanism and compassion, especially by his creator. What if Frankenstein had taken the responsibility as the creature's parent and created him with a little humanism and kindness? Would the creature have vowed such revenge and killed everyone Victor cared about? I'm going to use the film Young Frankenstein from 1974 to show what happened when the creature, created this time by Victor's grandson, Frederick, received better treatment. Although the film is meant as a parody of all the films based on the novel, underlying this humor are more serious points, one of which is the concern with the way the creature is considered.  The first step is to make a comparison between the film and the novel, and to look at the 1931 film version, since the humor in Young Frankenstein seems to be greatly parodying that film. The Frankenstein in this film version is Frederick, the grandson of Victor, who is a lecturer on neurosurgeons in New York. He receives news of his grandfather's will, and he goes off to Transylvania to claim his ancestral estate, there finding the plans of his grandfather's for the construction of a creature. The plot is very loosely based on Shelley's Frankenstein as a model, but it's continued into the twentieth century with a different generation. Of course, when looking at the novel, it seems quite impossible that Victor could possibly have had a ... ...ral times, at the risk of his own life, as most parent would do for their children. Victor from Shelley's novel never even considered the creature a fellow being and showed no responsibility whatsoever to the creature. This creature felt unloved by his father, and plotted revenge on Victor, taking his family away, a family the creature could never experience. This comparison shows how if Victor had once considered the feelings of the creature, everything could have turned out so much differently.  Works Cited Alpert, Hollis. "Comedy: The New King." Saturday Review World 2 Nov. 1974: 52- 3. "Blazing Brooks." Show Business and TV. Time 13 Jan. 1975: 56. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1992. Young Frankenstein. Dir. Mel Brooks. 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, 1974  Â
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Marketing and Powdered Energy Drinks Essay
I. Introduction Kings Food (Pvt. ) Ltd, the company behind LimoPani, saw the huge market of flavoured powdered energy drinks with only few major players like Tang and Energile. In order to come out with a unique product in this market, they conducted a market research. In Pakistan’s generally hot weather, lemon juice is traditionally consumed in water to provide refreshment from the sweltering heat of the sun. You will often find â€Å"thailay walas†near bus stops or populated places selling these drinks, locally termed as â€Å"sikanjbeen†or â€Å"nibopani†. Thus, King’s Food gave birth to LimoPani as a direct competitor of Tang and Energile in powdered energy drinks market. II. Competition & Market Structure The major competitors of LimoPani are Energile and Tang. The market structure of powdered energy drinks is as follows: III. Product Product Classification LimoPani is a shopping good which transitions into a convenience good. We have classified it thus, because: ? This good initially requires comparison with other like products in the market, e. g. Tang, Energile. ?It is not very low priced. Three Levels of Product. With LimoPani we are concerned with the core benefit offered and the actual product attributes. Core Benefit LimoPani’s core benefit can be phrased as: â€Å"LimoPani is an easy-to-make instant drink which will refresh you in the Pakistani weather be it hot or cold†Actual Product ?Quality Quality has a direct impact on the product’s performance. LimoPani has been surveyed and claimed to be â€Å"great tasting†and â€Å"very refreshing†. LimoPani is considered to be a product of very high quality. ?Features LimoPani does not have any extraordinary features since it is just a beverage and an edible item which is consumed over and over again.? Branding LimoPani as a brand name has been highly successful. This is because the target market responded well to the word â€Å"LimoPani†which is lemonade in Urdu. By using a brand name which is understood all over Pakistan, the marketer brilliantly enlarged the target market, since the description of the product is in the product name itself. ?Packaging Product packaging is nicely done. It is distributed displayed well with sachets, leading to â€Å"impulse buying†. LimoPani’s packaging contains sachets of 25g, the glass jars of 250g and 500g and tin cans of 1000g and 2500g. LimoPani’s packaging can be rated higher than its competitors, on a scale of attractiveness since the colours used (lime green and yellow) are attention grabbing. IV. Price The pricing strategy followed by SunSip is â€Å"competition-based†. LimoPani’s marketers are pricing their product on the basis of similar products’ prices, especially those of Tang. The pricing comparison is shown below: LimoPaniTangEnergile SizePriceSizePriceSizePrice 250 gRs. 55250 gRs. 50100 gRs. 15 500 gRs. 105500 gRs. 110350 gRs. 70 1000 gRs. 1901000 gRs. 190 2500 gRs. 4851500 gRs. 245 V. Place The sales distribution of LimoPani is great. No matter which place you go throughout Pakistan – any neighborhood or locality of whatever class, you will find LimoPani at the shops. In Karachi, for example, you can get LimoPani from elite supermarkets markets like Ebco at the Forum, Agha’s and Naheed to small shops and convenience stores located on the roadside and near residential localities. VI. Promotion LimoPani is being mass advertised, especially in prime time at the most watched channels of Pakistan in the first 2 years of its launch. Now, as it has become a well established brand in Pakistan, it is being moderately advertised. At the time of its huge campaign launch, it heavily targeted both electronic (TV and radio) and outdoor media. The launch TVC â€Å"Caveman†was implying on the old trusted form of lemon mixed with water, establishing LimoPani as a brand composed of natural ingredients. The follow-up TVC based on the â€Å"Family†was an effort to establish that LimoPani is meant for all age groups. Currently LimoPani’s advertising pattern can be classified as a â€Å"Flighting Pattern†VI. Positioning LimoPani has positioned itself remarkably well in the minds of the massive consumer base by created an image of a very high quality Pakistani product. LimoPani is the modern style of drinking the same traditional lemon juice during hot times, yet, its advertisements show that it is a product used by the entire family, young and old. It is not surprising then that, according to a research, many old housewives and women have actually shifted from making home made lemon juice and water to using LimoPani!! In innumerable retail stores, you will find LimoPani side by side with Tang and Energile, indicating that it is now considered a premium brand in the powdered energy drink market. It is being positioned as not just an individual consumption drink but also one that can be presented to guests. Mothers give LimoPani to their kids as an energy drink; housewives present it as a drink to guests; young teenagers drink it like Coca-cola. LimoPani has successfully been recognized as a drink for all times.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Access Control Models Essay
It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. ViNetwork Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1Network Hardening Network Hardening Unit 8 Assignment 1 It is very important to go through the process of hardening. Hardening is where you change the hardware and software configurations to make computers and devices as secure as possible. I picked the network layout 1-the workgroup . First with the worksta Premium287 Words2 Pages NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions NT2580: Unit 1 Match Risks/Threats to Solutions Data Classifications Standards Richman Investments Data Classification Standards help Richman Investments to consistently define how this organization should handle and secure our various types of data. This report will focus on the†¦ Premium789 Words4 Pages Definitions for Unit 1 Nt2580 NT2580 Unit 1Assign 1 Crystal Johnson 1. Violation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages Unit 3 assignment 1olation of a security policy by a user†¦ (C) Place an employee on a probation, review acceptable use policy (AUP) and the employee manual, and discuss status during performance reviews. 2. Disgruntled employee sabotage†¦(I) Track and monitor a Premium372 Words2 Pages Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models NT2580 Unit 3 Discussion 1: Access Control Models 10/01/2013 Scenario 1: (DAC) Discretionary Access Control. Being that the business is small and not in need of higher security measures, it would be the easiest to maintain and monitor for a small business. Scenario 2: (MAC) Mandatory†¦ Premium286 Words2 Pages NT2580 Graded Assignments ? Graded Assignments STUDENT COPY The following sections contain student copies of the assignments. These must be distributed to students prior to the due dates for the assignments. Online students will have access to these documents in PDF format, which will be available for†¦ Premium5288 Words22 Pages
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