Saturday, November 30, 2019
Legal and Ethical Issues free essay sample
Legal Ethical issues brought upon SNC Lavalin since 2011 / Recommendations (Fabien) Internal issue: In March 2012, SNC-Lavalin released the results of an internal review showing the company cannot properly account for $56 million in payments directed by former executive vice-president Riadh Ben Aissa and signed off on by CEO Pierre Duhaime. The CEOs authorization of these payments did not comply with the agents policy and therefore was in breach of the code (of ethics), the companys internal review found. To this day, these missing funds could not be linked to specific transactions or countries. Libyan issues In July 2011, Consultant Cyndy Vanier is flown by SNC-Lavalin on a fact-finding expedition to Libya during the NATO mission to report on the companys many projects and the conditions for employees. In Nov 2011, Cyndy Vanier and SNC- Lavalin vice-president Stephane Roy will be arrested in Mexico. They were charged with organized crime, falsifying documents, and the intent to smuggle humans. We will write a custom essay sample on Legal and Ethical Issues or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The plan was to smuggle the son of Lybian dictator, Saadi Gadhafi, out of Niger to Mexico with fake documents. As a result of these investigations, SNC-Lavalin dismisses Consultant Cyndy Vanier, Vice-President Stephane Roy, Ben Aissa, executive vice-president Riadh Ben Aissa, CEO Pierre Duhaime for violating the company Code of ethics. May 2012: Swiss prosecutors have arrested Riadh Ben Aissa, a former SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. executive vice-president, for business-related corrupt practices, fraud and money-laundering in North Africa. Tunisian issues May 2012: A Tunisian businessman accused Quebecs SNC-Lavalin of soliciting bribery, claiming he was shut out of the bidding for a contract after refusing to pay off a senior official in the companys North African branch. May 2013: RCMP search warrant document alleges that SNC-Lavalin paid nearly $6- million to the son-in-law of Tunisias president between 2001 and 2010 to win contracts in the North African country. The payments in question were made at a period when a variety of major contracts were awarded to SNC-Lavalin in Tunisia. Swiss authorities uncovered the Tunisian payments as part of an investigation into corruption and money laundering. Mr. Ben Aissa, Executive Vice-President for SNC Lavalin, was detained in Switzerland Bangladesh issues: June 2011: The Dhaka Daily Star reported that SNC-Lavalin offered large bribes to at least six influential Bangladeshi officials, including two former government ministers, to obtain a lucrative bridge contract Oct 2011: The offices of contractor SNC Lavalin were raided by Canadian authorities over allegations of corruption in the bidding process for a IJS$ 2. 9 billion bridge project in Bangladesh. Among the officials allegedly bribed by the Montreal based company was then communications minister Syed Abul Hossain, who now heads the department of Information and Communications Technology. The others are former state minister for foreign affairs Abul Hasan Chowdhury; former secretary of the bridges division of the communications ministry Mosharraf Hossain Bhuiyan; Rafiqul Islam, exdirector of Padma Multipurpose Bridge project, along with three businessmen working on the project. The accusations of bribery prompted the World Bank to suspend a IJS$I . 2 billion loan and temporarily barred the SNC-Lavalin subsidiary from bidding on other contracts in the country. Sept 2013: A former senior SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. xecutive, Kevin Wallace, who versaw the companys bid to supervise the construction of a six-kilometre bridge in Bangladesh a project that is stalled amid allegations of corruption has been charged criminally under Canadas foreign bribery law Montreal Issues: March 2012 SNCs former chief executive, Pierre Duhaime, faced multiple charges in connection with an alleged $22. 5-million bribe that police say was funnelled to hospital administrators to ensure the compa ny won the contract to build the McGill University Health Centre. Nov 2012: The Quebec police charged CEO Pierre Duhaime who resigned in March ith fraud, reportedly in connection with a contract to build and design a new $1. 3- billion super hospital in Montreal Recommendations to fix issues: Recommandations that SNC Lavalin is considering as the results of their own investigations: The appointment of Compliance Officers to the Companys business units and regional hubs around the world. Part of a comprehensive, risk-based compliance organization, the officers will report directly to SNC-Lavalins Chief compliance issues whenever and wherever they may arise across the Company. An Code of Ethics for SNC-Lavalins 34,000 employees around the world. A component of SNC-Lavalins overall compliance policy, the code should provides a concise overview of the Companys approach to addressing and mitigating corruption risk in daily business activities. It outlines acceptable and unacceptable conduct in a user- friendly manner, while reaffirming the importance of compliance with applicable laws and SNC-Lavalins recently enhanced Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. A new policy governing engagements with business partners: The policy must set out rinciples and due diligence procedures to be observed before entering into an agreement with any and all parties who will act on behalf of SNC-Lavalin. The Policy will help ensure the Company deals solely with people or entities of integrity and in good standing with the business community, and which possess the necessary background, reputation and qualifications for the service(s) provided. Personal Compliance Training for all employees, with a special focus on those working in functions known to expose employees to a higher level of corruption risk. Provided in person by compliance experts, the training for high-risk functions will ensure SNC-Lavalin employees have the requisite tools to do business according to the utmost ethical standards, no matter what regulatory circumstances they find themselves in, or external parties they are in contact with. An Amnesty Program launched between June 3 and August 31 of this year. The Program provided employees with an opportunity to come forward regarding ethical violations so that any remaining issues could be dealt with and rapidly resolved. A otal of 32 employees made amnesty requests. While no new information of a material nature was revealed, the information the Company received did confirm its previous assessment of corruption risks. Other recommendations that SNC Lavalin might want to consider: Obligations to report on all meetings with any official of a government, and ask to produce a detailed sum up of the discussions Strengthening and improving internal controls and processes: make sure all financials transactions are properly recorded and approved by the CEO and Compliant Officer.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Love vs Lust Research Paper Example
Love vs Lust Research Paper Example Love vs Lust Paper Love vs Lust Paper When you love so thing, you want to have it with you always, and you want to take care of it and make sure nothing in the world can harm or corrupt it in any way possible. Guess when you love someone, you potpourris in danger of that person no loving you back, just looking at the negative side. When you let love control you u, you arent yourself, you change who you are so that you conform or exceed the expectations set by the person or object you love. When you put yourself out there you dont really go with what you know is right, but what your emotions are cram mining into our head. Looking at both sides of the argument, there are positive consequent ounces that come along with loving someone. When you love someone, you might find the e person that you are going to spend the rest of your life with. Lust on the other hand is a more negative concept. Lust makes you go insane to achieve what you want because you want it for your own benefit. When you lee t lust control your behavior, you focus only on what you want and not what is Essen till for you or your future. When lust is a big part in your life, you get caught up in making g what you ant or lust possible. Sometimes you dont realize you lust cometh ins or so none because you just arent thinking straight due to your desire for that person or object. You start to channel people and your surroundings out because youre so foci used on getting what you desire. When you start to lust an object, you become so full of yourself and pigheaded because you think that you deserve everything you want and y oh become angry with others because you dont get what you want. Though love and lust are on two different universes, they sometimes go togged her. You can love something while having something lust towards it. Lust is a feel Eng that you can control. You cant let it get to you because with God on your side, you can overcome it. Love on the other hand is the most powerful thing on this world for example, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever belie eves in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16. Gods love for people change d the way our courses were supposed to go. Because Jesus died on the cross at Calvary, we are freed from our sins and we have the gift of eternal life. Todays society often perceives love as a joke, people dont take relationships marriages seriously. Lust in todays society is not serious at all, people have relationships and engage in sexual activity because the media and pop culture e says its okay and that its the right? thing to do. In conclusion, believe that love and lust are very delicate but powerful subject TTS that should be taken seriously.
Friday, November 22, 2019
9 consejos a turistas para comprar vivienda en EEUU
9 consejos a turistas para comprar vivienda en EEUU Si est pensando en comprar una vivienda en Estados Unidos pero le preocupa porque tiene estatus de turista, bien porque ha ingresado con una visa de esa categorà a o bien sin visa, por ser ciudadano de un paà s incluido en el Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados, tiene que saber que no sà ³lo es posible sino que es relativamente fcil.  En este artà culo se resuelven las dudas ms frecuentes, desde tipo de propiedad a cà ³mo financiar la compra y cà ³mo entender correctamente las opciones migratorias reales para obtener una tarjeta de residencia permanente en Estados Unidos por inversià ³n en un bien raà z. 1.- ¿Quà © tipo de inmuebles se pueden comprar en EE.UU. con estatus de turista? Casas, fincas rà ºsticas y condominios, conocidos estos à ºltimos popularmente como condos. En cuando a los apartamentos en rà ©gimen de co-ops, es ms complicado adquirirlos, a menos que se trate de cooperativas que se administran siguiendo reglas de los condos. La razà ³n del problema radica en que para comprar un co-op es necesario, como regla general, tener los ingresos y la mayorà a del patrimonio en Estados Unidos, requisito que no se da en la mayorà a de los casos de turistas extranjeros temporalmente en el paà s. 2.- ¿Se necesita tener todo el dinero en efectivo o asegurar financiacià ³n en el paà s de origen? No, ni lo uno ni lo otro. Los bancos de Estados Unidos pueden financiar siempre y cuando se adelante un porcentaje importante en concepto de pago inicial, conocido en inglà ©s como down payment. El porcentaje puede variar de banco a banco y, tambià ©n, de estado a estado. Por ejemplo, en la ciudad de Nueva York puede ser necesario abonar el 30 por ciento, en Miami el 50 y en zonas de Texas entre el 25 y el 30 por ciento pero estas cantidades pueden variar segà ºn las circunstancias de cada caso. Adems, los bancos que financian suelen exigir garantà as adicionales como un depà ³sito suficiente para cubrir todos los pagos de la hipoteca de un aà ±o, ms seguros y gastos del inmueble. Tambià ©n se debe tener en cuenta que dentro de Estados Unidos hay una gran diferencia entre estados en lo que se paga como impuesto a las ventas de bienes y servicios e incluso condados y municipalidades. Este es un dato importante ya que puede suponer un importante gasto con el que no se contaba. 3.- ¿Cul es la mejor forma de encontrar una vivienda para comprar? Contratando a un agente inmobiliario, conocido en inglà ©s como broker. La gran ventaja para el comprador es que no va a pagarle por sus servicios ya que la comisià ³n corre de cuenta del vendedor. Si à ©ste cuenta con su propio broker, en el momento de la venta los dos agentes se dividirn entre ellos las ganancias por sus servicios de intermediario. Adems, si necesitas financiacià ³n el broker puede ponerte en contacto con el banco con el que habitualmente trabajan. 4.- ¿Cunto tiempo puede demorarse la tramitacià ³n de la compra? Una vez que has encontrado el inmueble que deseas comprar, la tramitacià ³n del cierre de la operacià ³n puede hacerse en tan poco como 30 dà as. No es necesario estar presente en Estados Unidos durante toda la tramitacià ³n, ya que puedes otorgar un poder notarial, conocido en inglà ©s como power of attorney, a un representante. 5.- ¿Puede girarse todo el dinero que quiera a EEE.UU. para comprar bienes raà ces? Desde el punto de vista de USA, sà . Si bien las autoridades estudian la procedencia y legalidad del dinero. Adems, debe cumplirse con todas las obligaciones impuestas por el paà s de origen del comprador para transferencias internacionales de dinero y pago de impuestos. 6.- ¿Hay que pagar impuestos por la propiedad que se compra en Estados Unidos? Si se vende y se gana con la operacià ³n, hay que pagar el impuesto correspondiente. En cuanto al porcentaje va a depender del tipo de acuerdo fiscal entre el paà s del comprador y Estados Unidos, si es que hay alguno firmado. Tambià ©n es posible no pagar si con la venta se financia la compra de una nueva propiedad. Por el contrario, si la vivienda se dedica a alquiler, es necesario declarar impuestos anualmente en la forma de income tax en EE.UU. Para ello, si no se tiene un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social emitido por las autoridades de Estados Unidos, debe sacarse un nà ºmero fiscal que se conoce como un ITIN. Es conveniente informarse con un fiscalista porque si se est pagando hipoteca es posible que no exista la obligacià ³n de pagar durante al menos los diez primeros aà ±os siguientes a la compra. En todo caso, aunque no existiera la obligacià ³n de pagar, sà que hay la de hacer la declaracià ³n de impuestos y presentarla anualmente el 15 de abril o antes. 7.- ¿Por quà © es recomendable crear una sociedad que figure como propietaria del inmueble? Para evitar pagar impuesto de sucesià ³n cuando fallece el propietario de la vivienda, que puede ser muy alto. Pero si el propietario es una LLC, es decir, una sociedad limitada, de la que se es accionista junto con una Corporacià ³n Extranjera, en inglà ©s conocida como Foreign Corporation, entonces despuà ©s del fallecimiento del propietario los herederos no tienen que pagar nada por recibir ese inmueble. Es muy conveniente tratar este asunto con un abogado especialista en este tipo de asuntos. 8.- ¿Puede obtenerse la tarjeta de residencia por comprar una propiedad en EE.UU.? No, la compra de un inmueble, aunque sea muy caro, no est contemplado en la actualidad como uno de los caminos para obtener la residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card o tarjeta verde. Sin embargo, sà que es posible sacar la green card con una inversià ³n a travà ©s del programa EB-5, pero implica muchas ms cosas y no una simple compra de uno o varios inmuebles, por muy caros que estos sean. Tampoco sirve una mera inversià ³n inmobiliaria como base para poder solicitar con à ©xito la visa E-2 de inversià ³n. Sin embargo, si se convierte en negocio a dicha inversià ³n, entonces podrà a servir. En todo caso, los turistas que son propietarios de una vivienda en Estados Unidos no pueden trabajar ni permanecer continuamente en Estados Unidos y deben respetar su condicià ³n migratoria para evitar una cancelacià ³n de la visa. Por ejemplo, no se puede ser una carga pà ºblica. Eso quiere decir, entre otras cosas, que hay que pagar las facturas mà ©dicas y no enviar a los hijos con una visa de turista a estudiar a una escuela de primaria o secundaria pà ºblica. Si desean estudiar, deben obtener una visa F-1 de estudiante. Estar en Estados Unidos con la visa incorrecta puede dar lugar a la revocacià ³n de la que se tiene e, incluso, a la cancelacià ³n de la visa de los padres que consienten una violacià ³n migratoria. 9.-Origen de los extranjeros que compran propiedades en Estados Unidos En un sà ³lo aà ±o, los turistas extranjeros invirtieron $82,5 billones (mil millones) en propiedades en Estados Unidos, comprando, principalmente,  en los estados de Florida, California, Nueva York, Texas y Arizona. Los extranjeros que efectuaron ms compras fueron los canadienses, que prefieren comprar en Arizona y Texas, seguidos de los chinos, si bien los rusos son los que hacen las compras ms caras. Argentinos, colombianos, venezolanos y brasileà ±os destacan tambià ©n entre los grandes compradores, siendo Florida el estado donde ms invierten. Consejos para disfrutar Estados Unidos como turista Estados Unidos es el segundo paà s del mundo que recibe ms turistas, sà ³lo sobrepasado por Francia. Sin embargo, es el paà s donde los turistas gastan ms dinero en compras. Para los turistas que disfrutan comprando ropa y accesorios de marca, las sample sales para comprar a precios rebajados en Nueva York son un destino a tener en cuenta. Por el contrario, para los que quieren disfrutar de las grandes atracciones de Estados Unidos, estas son las 10 ms visitadas. De interà ©s migratorio para todos los turistas Estas 20 causas que pueden dar lugar a que la visa no se apruebe o no se renueve e, incluso, a que al llegar al control migratorio sirven de base para que el oficial de Inmigracià ³n niegue el ingreso del turista extranjero a los Estados Unidos. Desde el punto de vista migratorio, el principal consejo es evitar problemas. Para ello se recomienda tomar este test de respuestas mà ºltiples. Frecuentemente, los grandes problemas migratorios y en el paso de aduanas tienen su origen en ignorancias pequeà ±as. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Zimbardo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Zimbardo - Essay Example Most people believe that they act according to their own values. If a person commits a crime, psychologists study this person in detail trying to identify what personal traits or events in biography forced motivated further criminal activities. Personal dispositions are not the only factor which makes an individual behave in a certain way. It is interesting to what extent social context motivates behavior of the individual. Surprisingly, it can become the major influence under certain circumstances. Dr. Zimbardo entitles this phenomenon of individual transformation Lucifer effect. According to Zimbardo, â€Å"evil is the exercise of power to harm, hurt and destroy†something or someone. There are certain conditions when dominance becomes the way to cope with a huge stress. For instance, the Abu Ghraib prison tortures happened in totally stressful atmosphere. War motivated hatred between US soldiers and Iraqi prisoners. The prison building was bombarded during the day and all people experienced daily fear to die. They did not leave the prison at all (Zimbardo). As a result, they transformed their stress into dominance over the weak. Zimbardo’s theory does not seek for the â€Å"bad apple†; it aims at finding a â€Å"bad barrel†. Any particular situation is a result of the system. If the system has some space for bad things to happen, they will happen. System can be represented by the organization, community group or the whole civilization. It involves a wide range of factors; cultural, legal and social norms restrain behavior of an individual (Zimbardo). In Abu Ghraib, the US military organization to control prisons was a failure. One person was assigned to control 3 prisons but she never showed up there; there was no supervision at all. People who worked in prisons had no day offs. They had 12 hour shifts and worked all day long. Higher rank officers ordered to torture the prisoners creating the situation of diffused responsibility. Functioning in that system
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Differences between Cole and Dalton Approach Essay - 1
Differences between Cole and Dalton Approach - Essay Example The approach of Dalton to Corporate security concerns is both traditional and legal. That of Cole is modern, forward-looking and humane. Cole is also fully aware of the legal responsibilities of the service provider, the client, and the personnel engaged by the service provider.  Richard Cole’s document has the most comprehensive insurance reporting requirements. As per this document, the contractor has to provide a number of insurance certificates, prior to commencing any services, for the client, such as Worker’s Compensation Insurance, including Employer’s Liability Insurance etc. It is a perfect and an ideal legal document as far as insurance coverage for the employee is concerned. The employee works under the protective umbrella of the perfect insurance scheme. The highlights of the various insurance schemes for the benefit of employees, apart from huge sums assured in the event of mishaps are, a retroactive date prior to or coincident with the agreement inception date, ‘the client is promptly notified in writing of any advancement of the retroactive date’, ‘the contractor specifying if defense costs are included in the limits of liability, the client being promptly notified in writing of any erosion of aggrega te limits’, etc. Such provisions indicate the extensive and deep concern of the managers, providers of the insurance, that the employee is given financial security to himself/members of his family, should any unfortunate mishap occur. Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Dynamic Universe 1 Journal Essay Example for Free
Dynamic Universe 1 Journal Essay From the very beginning, the studying for the universe has been accompanied with numerous misconceptions and myths: from flat structure of the earth and earth-centered model of the universe to contemporary astrology and horoscopes. From the critical perspective, if the early explanations about the universe and our place in it could be explained due to known technological limitations of the ancients, modern astrology does not have any viable explanations. As Phil Plait argues on his website Badastronomy. com, modern astrology cannot be considered a science a priori and there are many reasons to make us support this statement. Unlike astronomy, which is based on universally developed methodologies, derived primarily from physics, chemistry, and mathematics, astronomy does not use any of them. The latter lacks even universally agreed method, as Phil Plait explains, some astrologists claim that â€Å"the moment of birth is important, others say its the month, etc†¦ but they all operate under a very broad working assumption: there is some sort of force from the heavens that influences us here on Earth. †Although during the development of the astronomy there have been various differences in theories and ideas, for instance Big Bang model, all of them were developed on the thorough scientific analysis of data and mathematical models coupled with specific methodologies. With some deviations, astrology can be compared to Sun worship practices during the ancient times. Naturally, Sun worship originated in agricultural areas due to the people’s heavy dependence of the sun light for the crop. If assessed critically, Sun worship has been a dominated religious practice. Wikipedia online encyclopedia indicates that Sun worship has been characteristic for Egyptian, Japanese and Nordic mythologies. Ancient Greeks also worshiped Helios, God of the Sun. Simultaneously, the list of solar deities provides even more evidence about the dominance of Sun worship during the early periods of ancient civilizations. Surprisingly, Smithbrad traces important connections of Sun worship and astronomical basis to the Christian religion, indicating both historical and scriptural evidence. For observers from the earth, the Sun and the Moon represent two most bright objects on the sky. However, from the critical perspective, these objects are not unique, not only by their form but also by the characteristics of their light. Practically, the story of star formation is a study in contradictions. It starts with atoms, molecules, and dust particles floating aimlessly in the dark and frigid depths of interstellar space. Out of the cold and empty expanses, gravity brings these scattered particles together to form stars. Over hundreds of millions of years, these gas and dust particles congregate into enormous clouds that can span hundreds of light-years. The two lightest elements hydrogen and helium dominate these clouds, accounting for about 92 percent and eight percent of the atoms, respectively (NASA, 2005). Dust grains account for about one percent of a clouds total mass. Astronomers call these clouds giant molecular clouds because they also contain trace amounts of molecules such as water, alcohol, ammonia, and various carbon-based organic compounds, which represent raw components of life. All in all, the clouds contain enough material to form tens of thousands of new stars. Magnetic fields and the random motions of gas molecules prevent the cloud from collapsing under its own weight. The various gas and dust particles jostle about, but eventually, enough mass congregates in one region to initiate gravitational collapse in a small portion of the cloud. Astronomers once thought that cloud collapse was usually triggered by external disturbances, such as supernova shock waves or stellar winds. Nowadays, however, most astronomers think that cloud collapse usually happens on its own, although triggering mechanisms can still play an important role (NASA,2005). Over the course of several millennia, a collapsing gas cloud fragments into tens to thousands of relatively dense, rotating clumps of gas that will ultimately form newborn stars. Emission and reflection nebulae are abundant in the universe, though not observed with the naked eye. Practically, emission nebulae, â€Å"cloud of gas and dust floating in space,†emit their own light, due to the presence of ultraviolet radiation coming from the hot star or star clusters stars (Nebulae, 2005). The very hot star emits highly energetic radiation of the invisible part of the electro-magnetic spectrum, and the emission nebula re-emits the radiation in the visible light (M42, 2005). Unlike the reflection nebulae, in the emission nebulae the atoms of the dust are energized by the radiation (ultraviolet) and start emitting (not reflecting) their own radiation as atoms fall back into lower energy states. This process of the radiation emission can be compared to the Sun, with the only deviation that the latter emits radiation and light due to the processes which occur in the Sun’s core without any impact from the outside object. Simultaneously, reflection nebulae reflect the light coming from the star or star cluster. This process can be compared to the Moon, as it also reflects the light coming from the Sun, not emitting its own radiation. From its own origin when being formulated by Lemaà ¾tre and proved by Hubble, the Big Bang theory evidenced many contributions, objections and simplifications. The Hubble Law states that galaxies in every direction are distancing away from us with speeds proportional to their distance. The major contribution to the Big Bang theory has been made with the data obtained from satellites COBE and WMAP, and the Hubble Space Telescope. The data allowed scientists to formulate the statement that the universe has been formed 14 billion years ago in a hot, dense, event known as the â€Å"Big Bang. †Practically, what the theory of â€Å"Big Bang†provides is the explanation of nature and major characteristics of the universe. There is no edge or boundaries in the universe. The expansion of the universe is occurring at all points simultaneously. Therefore, as Richard Powell explains the most of 350 billion galaxies which contains the universe are moving away from one another. However, it does not necessarily mean that the Earth or our galaxy is moving. As it is known, galaxies are distributed not universally. The systems similar to our Solar System and the Milky Way are formed from under the gravity and thus are restrained from moving apart. However, 350 billion galaxies and 3. 5 trillion dwarf galaxies in the universe are collected into vast sheets, clusters and superclusters of galaxies surrounding large voids. Bibliography Phil Plait. Astrology, available at http://www. badastronomy. com/bad/misc/astrology. html Accessed Oct 3, 2005 The resource is dedicated to various misconceptions in the astronomy, including numerous myths and beliefs, like astrology, pseudoscience and science portrayal in contemporary movie industry. Wikipedia Encyclopedia. â€Å"Solar Deity†available http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Solar_deity Accessed Oct 3, 2005 World Largest Open Encyclopedia, which offers explanations on various issues, including the astronomy and related subjects. Though not cited, this resource http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Big_Bang#Hubble. 27s_law_expansion became very useful for the journal preparation. Smithbrad â€Å"Sun Worship†Available http://smithbrad. nventure. com/sunworship. htm Accessed Oct 3, 2005 Resource aims to provide connections between Christian faith and practices with the Sun worship tradition as the most ancient tradition among all religions. The resource provides both scientific and scriptural evidence for its statements. â€Å"Nebulae†Available http://www. seasky. org/cosmic/sky7a05. html Accessed Oct 3, 2005 Web resource is dedicated primarily for concise and practical explanations of astronomical terms and phenomena. It offers graphic and photo illustrations to explains various issues in the astronomical science. NASA. â€Å"Imagine the Universe†Available http://imagine. gsfc. nasa. gov This resource provides information for star life cycle patterns, which was useful for conducting the journal, particularly on the questions on emission and reflection nebulae. â€Å"M42†Available http://www. seds. org/messier/m/m042. html Accessed Oct 3, 2005 The resource is a part of the Messier Catalog. It became useful for the journal discussion on reflection and emission nebulae, offering photo illustrations and discovery history of Orion Nebula, also known as M42 Richard Powell â€Å"Atlas of the Universe†Available http://anzwers. org/free/universe Accessed Oct 3, 2005 It is the most useful resource for general explanation of the Big Bang theory, providing graphical illustrations of its major concepts and problematic moments. Maps compiled by Mr. Powell has been used for journal explanations and references.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Women and Education Essay -- Educating Female History Argumentative Es
Women and Education An education holds significance to many people for a variety of reasons. For some, it may be the route to a desired career or just the next step after high school. For others, attending a university is a way to increase their awareness of other viewpoints through the exposure to the diverse culture represented on a campus. In evaluating the value and significance of my own education, I reflected on the education of the women of the 19th century. Their outlook on education is somewhat different than ours today because of the fact that it was difficult and rare to be an educated woman during this period. Today we posses the freedom to pursue almost any field available. However, in some instances we face lower salaries and in some cases less respect than men with the same training. Only 16% of college and university presidents and 25% of chief academic officers are women. Chief business officers are 13% women. We must educate and prove ourselves so that our daughters experience greater opportunities than we do as we experienced more than our ancestors because of their hard work. The female gender throughout early history has been characterized as a homekeeper. They were not the bread bearers of the family partially because work was dominated by manual labor. Men were naturally more suited to these jobs due to their superior strength. As time progressed, business progressed. A successful business began to rely on brain power instead of muscle power. Women can participate in this type of work just as efficiently as men. Unfortunately, many of the men and women of this period were reluctant to change the long tradition of women remaining in the home. Therefore, the development of women’s le... ... with expressions of deference†while the â€Å"avenues to which stand ever wide open, yawning like the gates of hell.†To be forced into a day to day activity devoid of you interest is similar to a prison sentence. The frustration of possessing passion for something unreachable fueled the rebellion of the women insisting on making education available. Through my research into the history of developing education for women and making it acceptable, I have come to appreciate it on a different level. My education is not only a result of my hours of studying, but of the people throughout many decades who suffered without the same opportunities I have and faced constant criticisms to do what they choose. What I take away from this university is one of the only things you can count on, knowledge. Knowledge that allows me the freedom to do whatever I choose in life.
Monday, November 11, 2019
At-Risk Program for Alcohol and Drug Use Essay
When observing the schools in our communities, many choose not to notice that there is a serious problem concerning drug and substance abuse within the student population. Drug and alcohol abuse has become a serious problem for many students in the state of Alabama. There are over 40,000 adolescents in the state of Alabama that have used illegal drugs in this past month (Inspirations for Youth and Families, 2011). This is an alarming number that needs the support of the community, state funded programs, and the school district. There are currently over 15,000 youths in the state of Alabama that need help with substance abuse problems and are not receiving the proper care and help they deserve (Inspirations for Youth and Families, 2011). This community needs an at-risk program that targets the students who have become victim to drug and alcohol abuse. Identifying students in our schools who may be using drugs or alcohol is not an easy task. There are several signs that students could convey during schools hours that draw the attention of teachers or classmates. This program will be available to any parents concerned about their children with substance abuse, or students exhibiting at-risk warning signs. Warning signs of an at-risk student that will be eligible for a drug and substance abuse program may exhibit several traits that set them apart from the rest of the student body. These include smelling like alcohol or drugs, missing or skipping class, a dramatic change in academic involvement, trouble with authority, and getting involved in fights or showing an increase in aggressive behavior (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2012). Students who exhibit any of these signs would be recommended to participate in the drug and alcohol program. Periodic drug screenings in schools for students expressing these signs is another measure that will be taken to inform educators and parents of the students experimenting with illegal substances and need our help and support. This drug and alcohol program will meet the needs of the students in our community by providing them a haven where they can turn without worrying about getting into trouble. This program is not meant to judge these students, but to help them overcome the pressure they feel from their peers and their habitual drug and alcohol abuse. This program will be in every school in the Montgomery County school district. It will target students in grades five through 12. The guidance offices will have specific laws and rules to abide by to find at-risk students and enter students into the drug and alcohol program. The guidance office will have the responsibility of meeting with students when there are not program meetings, keeping a log of the student’s success and information on the drug/alcohol abuse, drug screenings, parental involvement, and so forth. Program meetings for all students involved in the drug and alcohol program will be held three times a month at the George Washing Carver High School Gymnasium, taking place after school for three hours from two in the afternoon to five in the evening. Buses will be supplied at all schools to transport the students to the main center at Carver High School, and then will be available to transport these students home. The staff at our meetings will include guidance counselors from every school in the district, teachers, and volunteers from the community. There will be a certified psychiatrist at every meeting to meet with students considered high-risk. If these high-risk students show signs of serious addiction or dependence, extra therapy sessions will be provided through the school district and rehabilitation options will be explored. This drug and alcohol program will be supported by the Montgomery County Department of Human Resources and Covenant Health Centers who implement the Alabama Recovery Center. Both of these state departments will ensure the success of the drug and alcohol program so the students in our community have access to the best resources. The Montgomery Department of Human Resources has social workers who will be able to meet with at-risk and high-risk children and make contact with family members on the students’ behalf. All cases of adolescent drug abuse must be referred to DHR by state law. This resource will be both beneficial for the students and the community. The Alabama Recovery Center have experienced and licensed staff that work with drug and alcohol abuse in adolescents through intensive out-patients treatments programs (Covenant Health Centers, 2012). They provide counseling options, individual or family oriented, to best meet the required needs of the student. Their substance abuse programs consist of a 12 week intensive outpatient program that includes after care programs and custom programs working in accordance with several state departments such as DHR (Covenant Health Centers, 2012). With the Montgomery County Department of Human Resources and the Alabama Recovery Center, this new drug and alcohol program will have the support it needs to become a success to our students and the community. The positive impacts the drug and alcohol program would have on our community, schools, and school district are endless. The positive impact it would have on our community is to help adolescents that have fallen victim to drug and alcohol abuse and give them the support these students deserve. This will make sure that the children and teens in our community have a chance to a bright future to become productive citizens for this community. The positive impact this program will bring to our schools is intervention and honesty. Students can communicate with their teachers on a personal basis and let them into their private lives. This will allow the schools to become responsible concerning the essential help that is needed for at-risk students. It will give schools the chance to intervene in situations that involve drug and alcohol abuse. Schools will be the most important level where the student body can be reached to deal with the issues of peer pressure and drug/substance abuse. This program will bring positive impacts to the school district by keeping drugs and alcohol off school campuses and away from the student body. The district will observe dramatic changes in the population of students who have abused drugs and alcohol. The district will reap these rewards by becoming part of a positive change by implementing this program. The school district will see the change in students. This will raise the educational rating of the schools in the district. There are several steps necessary to implement this new drug and alcohol program. The first step is to find and receive funding for this drug and alcohol program. â€Å"The Department of Education’s Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program (SDFSP) provide funds for virtually every school district to support drug and violence prevention programs and to assist in creating and maintaining safe learning environments†(National Drug Control Policy, 1999, para.12). This is where our source of funding will come from. Once we have received proper funding, the second step is to begin training the guidance counselors, teachers, and volunteers who will be helping this program. The third step is to inform the local community about the new drug and alcohol program to spread awareness. The fourth and final step is to present the at-risk program to the school district’s advisory board. They will make the final decision in regard to implementing the program throughout the schools in the district The drug and alcohol program involving the adolescents in our school systems is a serious concern this community needs to address. This program is planned to target at-risk students by giving them a way to recover from their substance abuse. There are over 40,000 adolescents in the state of Alabama who need help concerning drug and alcohol addiction. The schools in our district are the best ways to identify these students and reach them with kindness, caring, and help. If this district were to implement this program, the student body in the Montgomery County school district will reap essential rewards. These students will have a chance at becoming productive citizens of the community. These students will have a chance to break the substance abuse cycle and become something that we all hope our children will and can become. This drug and alcohol program can bring light into the lives of many students suffering from addiction in our community. It is our job as educators and members of this community to help and give at-risk students a chance. References Covenant Health Centers. (2012). Alabama Recovery Center. Retrieved from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. (2012). Identifying and Confronting Students At-Risk. Retrieved from Inspirations for Youth and Families. (2011). Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Teens in Alabama. Retrieved from National Drug Control Policy. (1999). Preventing Drug Abuse. Retrieved from
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
There are people all over the United States who are required to share their personal information with physicians and other medical professionals. Fortunately the health care environment guarantees patient confidentiality for all of their sensitive and health-related information. There are several acts that the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have developed in order to ensure all patients are given the proper medical confidentially that they deserve. One specific act is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).This act required HHS to develop regulations that would protect the privacy and security of certain health information. In the end two separate rules were published: Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information and The Security Standards for the Protection of Electronic Protected Health Information. HIPAA is an important aspect of health care especially-when it comes to the safety of all patients (Andrews, 2010). Due to the strict privacy and security acts of this program, the consequences are extremely severe.One of the more important rules of HIPAA is the privacy rule, which â€Å"establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information†(Summary of The HIPAA Privacy Rule 2003). This aspect also applies to several health plans, health care clearinghouses, and other health care providers that perform electronic health care transactions. Due to the privacy rule, without proper patient authorization there are serious limits and safeguards that prevent anyone from sharing a patient’s medical information.Another crucial part of this rule is the fact that patients have the legal right to review and examine their health records, as well the authority to request any corrections they see necessary to repair. This becomes important when a patient finds incorrect information on their file that any of the medica l staff failed to recognize such as birthdate or a blood type. Having a patient review their file is a common way that mistakes are corrected. In order to protect and enforce the privacy of patient medical records, there are several comprehensive programs that are required through clinical information systems.There are three main clinical systems that were created to protect a patient’s privacy of their medical records. The first system-called patient care systems-â€Å"stores information about a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, and treatment plans†(Glandon & Smaltz, 2008). The organizations that choose to provide this care are also responsible for making sure that each patient’s medical information is available only to those who are authorized to view it. Another clinical system is called Public health information systems.These systems are in charge of supporting disease prevention and surveillance programs. Protecting public health is not a simple task; it requires knowing how to properly add and store health-related information about each individual. Without this system, any sort of leakage of sensitive information could lead to discrimination in employment or insurance eligibility. The final clinical information system, which is referred to as the medical research information system, is responsible for studying patterns of certain diseases in specific populations by using patient records.This act of studying common patterns is a way to prevent the reoccurrence of any fatal diseases and protect the health of others. Due to the fact that most of a patients’ data is accessible to many investigators, it is important that information security measures are taken to provide the necessary privacy. In order to establish this aspect of HIPAA, it is important for health care companies to appoint the responsibilities of enforcing the guidelines of HIPAA to the proper unit of the health care department. Some companies rely on co mpliance or specific privacy offices to ensure these obligations (Glandon & Smaltz, 2008).The fear of having no privacy can lead to individuals avoiding treatments or clinical tests because they feel their medical records are not protected properly. This fear puts the health of others in danger and can lead to bigger and more dangerous issues in the future. The other important aspect of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is the security rule, which â€Å"focuses on administrative, technical and physical safeguards specifically as they relate to electronic protected health information†(Yale University, 2013).With such critical information being stored electronically the security rule is also responsible for protecting the system against any sort of failure, including external tragic events that could take place randomly such as a fire or a power outage. These crucial files are usually copied to a removable disk to ensure that all files will not be lost. T his type of information can be stored in computer hard drives, memory cards, any kind of removable digital memory media or all transmission media that can be used to exchange information such as the internet (HIPAA, 2013).Preventing unauthorized viewing of electronic protected health information (ePHI) can become difficult due to the variety of ways information is stored. Overall the major goal of the Security rule is allow the development of new technologies that will help to improve the quality of care as well as protect all the sensitive health information that is shared and documented (Summary of The HIPAA Security Rule 2003). There are several measures that must be taken in order to secure all the different types of medical information.A proper security policy should include the three following elements: physical security, technical controls over access, and management policies (Glandon & Smaltz, 2008). These elements should be known by all staff and enforced by management. Whe n it comes to the proper amount of physical security there is no such thing as having too little or too much. The most common forms of physical security include hardware and data file security. Hardware securities defend computers from unauthorized access or viruses entering private files (Das, Kant, & Zhang, 2012).These are usually the first step of security that is taken in order to enforce the security portion of HIPAA throughout the medical records. Another element that helps secure private files is technical safeguards. Theses safeguards include ideas that are as simple as having a password that only authorized individuals are aware of or even creating a specific encryption that only the employees of a health care company are able to translate. Creating audit logs is great way to view who is logged into specific patients’ information and when they did so. This enables any supervisor to have superior knowledge of who accesses what information.The final element that a secu rity policy should provide is the enforcement of all management policies. These could include having written company security polices that are available for employees to review at any time. Making sure that all employees are aware of all security polices is important in order to ensure the safety of all medical records. These policies can be addressed in employee training, which is another important part of any management position. Employee training is where all questions should be answered and all policies should be understood.Employees also need to be informed of the disciplinary actions that will follow if any sort of the management policy is broken or disobeyed. There are always repercussions when it comes to breaking the rules; HIPAA has several consequences due to the disobedience of the people. There is a general penalty â€Å"for failure to comply with requirements and standards†(Penalties Under HIPAA, 2013). This is the more common penalty that occurs; it requires t he person who violated the rules to pay one hundred dollars for each violation and may not exceed $25,000 throughout a one year time frame.The other offense that includes any â€Å"wrongful disclosure of individual identifiable health information†(Penalties Under HIPAA, 2013) has a more in-depth punishment rate. This includes situations where an individual shares another individual’s health information to an unofficial person. Also, the obtainment of another individual’s medical information when it is not needed or asked for any specific medical reason is also included in this offense. The first penalty that is sentenced in this situation is that the violator will not be fined more than $50,000 and/or imprisoned up to one year.If the offense is committed under false pretenses the violator will not be fined any more than $100,000 and/or imprisoned for up to five years. The biggest penalty occurs if the offense is committed with the intention of selling an indivi dual’s medical record for certain advantages. In this case the violator will be fined no more than $250,000 and/or imprisoned for no more than ten years. Because the information protected under HIPAA laws is invaluable and incredibly sensitive, legislators made sure to implement punishments that will hopefully deter potential wrong doers from breaking the law.Unfortunately, the severe consequences that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act endorses, does not intimidate everyone. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is still the most effective act and it helps to protect the privacy of individually identifiable health information, as well as secure the electronic protected health information. When the proper elements to both the privacy and security rules are followed, the more successful HIPAA will be.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Fiddler on the Roof essays
Fiddler on the Roof essays This movie is based on constant tradition of the Jewish community, and how these traditions were conducted as a whole. The belief of tradition in this community is that it balances life. The setting is in Israel, located in the village of Antificca. The theme included a whole village, but based around a Jewish family consisting of father, mother and five children. It was proper for women to make a kosher home and to read the Holy book, and on the Sabbath for women to keep their heads covered with a shawl, while praying. These were days were days when fathers chose their daughters husbands. This family was very poor, therefore their (3) daughters of (5), had no dowry. The father worked hard, praying to God and dreaming of being rich. Their mother worked hard in the housework and preparing a kosher home for the Sabbath, this would reflect tradition each week. The daughters did not truly have an education. They too, worked within the home and dreamt of being married. Tawa, the father meets a young man named Patrick a fresh graduate from college, out working and they talk and make an agreement that Patrick will educate his daughters, for room and board. The daughters were laughing and speaking of their aunt who is always trying to match makes them to other men, usually older, wealthy men. That the girls would have no interest in, that same afternoon, their aunt came and let their mother Goldor, know that the butcher has had his eye on the oldest daughter, Sitol and would like to marry her. However, Tavia does not care for the butcher Laserwolf. But, that not Tavia agreed to meet with him and to talk. That night they spoke and Tavia agreed to give Sitol away to Laserwolf. They celebrate; they dance, drink and party the night away. Another tradition meanwhile, Sitol and Mato, a poor tailor boy from next door, whom grew up together are plotting away to get married. They are very much in love. The next da...
Monday, November 4, 2019
An analysis of television chat shows Essay Example for Free
An analysis of television chat shows Essay Television chat shows are probably the favourite genre of the majority of daytime viewers, with the schedule full to bursting point with them, there are few channels that show fewer than two chat shows on a daily basis. There are few times when you can switch on your television and the screen not be filled with the smiling faces of a chat show host and his guests. There are a wide range of chat show styles but they all conform to the same basic conventions. The conventions are that the host is famous and often comes from a journalistic background and their show is named after them. The guests are famous people and come on to the shows to promote themselves etc. the set is basic with just a few chairs and sometimes a table and also there is an audience who are in the studio watching the show live. In the traditional style chat shows these conventions are followed as if they were law. In the newer forms of chat shows these rules aren’t followed as closely. Although they have a host, guest and audience there set is not basic and is full of props such as computers and fake plants to add effect. The purpose of this assignment is to analyse and explore a traditional chat show in the style of ‘Parkinson’ and a ‘new-age’ style chat show in the form of ‘Friday Nights All Wright’ Michael Parkinson is assuredly the finest example of a traditional British television chat show host. His show ‘Parkinson’ is well respected, highly respective and conservative and is produced by the B. B. C. his reputation exceeds him and this is echoed by the shows status. The way that Parkinson dresses also reflects the style and status of the show. As well as the dress code of the show, the title sequence is also very sophisticated. The title sequence is an integral part of the show because it is the first thing that is seen by the viewers, so it will have to display the style and reputation of the show as well as appeal to the more mature viewers which is the shows intended audience. The title sequence for ‘Parkinson’ consists of numerous still shots of previous guests such as Billy connel1y and Heather Mills-McCartney smiling and looking relaxed and comfortable. Some of the shots are posed but the majority look as if they were taken during the show, this gives the audience the idea the guests are normal people and that the show is in a very relaxing environment. As the title sequence comes to an end we are presented with a montage of celebrities faces which them form a real still shot of Parkinson’s face and this then goes in to a dissolve and into the show. The music used to accompany the opening title sequence is classy, cheerful and has a big band feeling, which I think would appeal to the viewers of the show because generally the people who watch the B. B. C are from the older generation and are therefore more conservative than the viewers of I. T. V. Parkinson’s entrance is stylish and grand. He enters at the top of a staircase to the theme music from the show and walks slowly to his seat; this grand entrance is a convention of a typical television chat show. It is at this point that it becomes clear who is in charge of the show. Compared with this grand entrance the entrances of Parkinson’s guests are mediocre. Elton john entrance is from the side of the stage probably because he had just been performing his latest song. When Parkinson introduces Elton john he is full of compliments and the language he uses is full of flattery. He refers to Elton john as ‘a superstar of Rock and Roll’ and ‘lately ennobled’. This may be used to make Elton feel relaxed and confident. He uses these phrases so that the audience will have to guess who the guest is and this will help to create suspense amongst the audience because he does not mention his guests name until the end of his monologue. After Elton takes his seat his body language is quite defensive with his hands clenched together and he doesn’t look straight at his interviewer. Parkinson’s body language shows that he is confident and open and I also think it shows he is experienced. He sits with a straight back and his hands are open palms up on his lap. Parkinson’s opening question to Elton is ‘what’s up’ I think this simple question is used to direct the interviewee to the reason for his appearance on the show. It also shows that although Parkinson uses formal language his language can also include some Yorkshire dialect. Elton John answers politely and hints at why he is on the show. The body language of Parkinson is open and appealing, this is so that the guest will feel relaxed in his company and will answer his questions more openly. Elton’s body language shows that e is defensive and doesn’t want to reveal too much to his host. The style of questioning used by Parkinson is set so that it would help Elton to open up and become more confident in the answers he gives. Although the questions were probably agreed before the show they will still tell the audience what they want to know about the guest. Elton Johns appearance on the show in terms of his reasons for being on the programme fulfil the conventions of a chat show because he is on the show to promote something that he is doing at the moment in his career and one of the conventions of a chat show is that the guest in famous and appears on the show to promote there career. The set for the show is simple yet sophisticated. It has a pale blue background which is used to relax the interviewee and it gives the studio a modern look. Also there is a hint of pink which would make the studio warm and homely. The guest and host sit close together separated only by a small table. The guests who had appeared earlier on in the show sit further away from the host but they are still quite close. There are probably four cameras used to film this show. One camera will cover both host and guest, this would be used when the host is asking a question. Two cameras would cover the host and his guest individually, these cameras would be used to show the person who is speaking. The final camera is used to cover all four people that are on the stage. Most of the cameras are fixed and would just cut from shot to shot throughout the show. When the guest is speaking they would use a big close-up to show their facial expressions and emotions. The audience only participate in the show when a guest or the host enters onto the stage or when a guest finishes a performance. Ian Wright is a light weight chat show host when compared with Parkinson. His show ‘Friday nights all Wright’ is not as well known as ‘Parkinson’ and it is targeted towards the younger generation viewers. It is not a very conservative show which is a characteristic of the house style of I. T. V 1 which is not a conservative channel. His reputation as a chat show host is limited but his reputation as a footballer is legendary. Ian Wright’s dress code reflects the style of the show. He is wearing a black short sleeved t-shirt and imitation leather pants. The style of the show is also tacky compared to the sophisticated ‘Parkinson’. In the clip Ian Wright comes onto the show to loud music, this music is similar to the type of music played in night clubs and it gives the impression that this show is modern. Prince Naseem enters onto the stage accompanied by the same loud music played when he enters the boxing ring. He goes straight to Ian Wright and ‘high-fives’ him and then he goes into the audience and interacts with them. He walks through the audience and plays up to them and shakes hands with them. When he returns to the stage he once again high fives Wright. When he takes his seat naseem sits with his arms open wide, this show that he is confident and cocky. The opening question asked by Ian Wright is ‘so why did it take you so long to get in the ring? ‘ he uses this question as a joke to make naseem feel at home. He also adds ‘talk to me’ in a Jamaican accent to make the audience laugh. The language used throughout the show is slang and it is not very sophisticated and this echoes the style of the show. The set is cheap and simple with a fake brick wall background to give a feel of the inside of a house and there is a mural of the country side on another wall which I think is supposed to give a calming and relaxing effect. The host sits on a simple purple leather chair with a table with a C. C. T. V screen on top of it. Then there is another simple purple sofa for the guest to sit on. There are two steps down from the stage and in this area the audience sit in groups on simple chairs around small tables as if they were in a pub or night club. In the corner of the studio there is a cage containing football fans. I think that there are probably three cameras, the first is at the back of the studio and is used to show the guest, host and audience together and the second and third cameras are used so that both the host and guest have individual shots when they are speaking. The audience participate more in this show than in ‘Parkinson’ because they shake hands with the guest when he enters and also they laugh a lot more than in Parkinson and the laughing is not forced as it often is in Parkinson. The most effect of these two chat shows is probably ‘Parkinson’ because it will appeal to a wider audience than ‘Friday nights all Wright’ and also the guest will be more sophisticated and well known than those on Ian Wrights show. Out of the two chat shows I think I prefer ‘Parkinson’ because there is a wider range of guests and the guests are often in the news at the time so I like to hear there views on current affairs. An analysis of television chat shows. (2017, Jul 05).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Equity - Essay Example 2. Geographic location is one of the most important constraints that decide the internal payment structure of the organization as the location influences the standard of living of that employee. A posh locality where it demands high living costs require high compensation packages so the employee expects that the organization will compensate the expenses. Profitability: As the company incurs profits the dispensable income will increase which will be given to the employees and stakeholders as dividends and bonus. The more the profits the more will be the pay structure for the employees. Employee performance: The employee dedication towards the work and the way the employee perform the job activity will ultimately reflect on the organization’s performance and the profitability. The best employee will be recognized by some incentives and rewards which in turn motivates the employee 3. External factors like the government policies and regulations, the culture and customs and stakeholders play an important role in designing a pay structure as they provide the necessary inputs from unions and other parties to promote or to consider a compensation package for the employees which is socially acceptable. The organization requires individuals who can mould their experience into the mission and objectives of the organization for which there are working for; to accommodate people of this high interface, pay structure should be unique in its sense to entice the potential employees.
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