Monday, September 30, 2019
Qualitative & Quantitative Essay
Qualitative research focuses on gathering of mainly verbal data rather than measurements. Gathered information is then analyzed in an interpretative manner, subjective, impressionistic or even diagnostic. Here’s a more detailed point-by-point comparison between the two types of research: 1. Goal or Aim of the Research The primary aim of a Qualitative Research is to provide a complete, detailed description of the research topic. It is usually more exploratory in nature. Quantitative Research on the other hand focuses more in counting and classifying features and constructing statistical models and figures to explain what is observed. Read also: Aims of Research QualitativeQuantitative HypothesisBroadNarrow DescriptionWhole pictureFocused Type of ResearchExploratoryConclusive 2. Usage Qualitative Research is ideal for earlier phases of research projects while for the latter part of the research project, Quantitative Research is highly recommended. Quantitative Research provides the researcher a clearer picture of what to expect in his research compared to Qualitative Research. QualitativeQuantitative PhaseEarlyLate 3. Data Gathering Instrument The researcher serves as the primary data gathering instrument in Qualitative Research. Here, the researcher employs various data-gathering strategies, depending upon the thrust or approach of his research. Examples of data-gathering strategies used in Qualitative Research are individual in-depth interviews, structured and non-structured interviews, focus groups, narratives, content or documentary analysis, participant observation and archival research. On the other hand, Quantitative Research makes use of tools such as questionnaires, surveys, measurements and other equipment to collect numerical or measurable data. 4. Type of Data The presentation of data in a Qualitative Research is in the form of words (from interviews) and images (videos) or objects (such as artifacts). If you are conducting a Qualitative Research what will most likely appear in your discussion are figures in the form of graphs. However, if you are conducting a Quantitative Research, what will most likely appear in your discussion are tables containing data in the form of numbers and statistics. 5. Approach Qualitative Research is primarily subjective in approach as it seeks to understand human behavior and reasons that govern such behavior. Researchers have the tendency to become subjectively immersed in the subject matter in this type of research method. In Quantitative Research, researchers tend to remain objectively separated from the subject matter. This is because Quantitative Research is objective in approach in the sense that it only seeks precise measurements and analysis of target concepts to answer his inquiry. Read also: Qualitative research, Quantitative research Determining Which Method Should Be Used Debates have been ongoing, tackling which method is better than the other. The reason why this remains unresolved until now is that, each has its own strengths and weaknesses which actually vary depending upon the topic the researcher wants to discuss. This then leads us to the question â€Å"Which method should be used?†If your study aims to find out the answer to an inquiry through numerical evidence, then you should make use of the Quantitative Research. However, if in your study you wish to explain further why this particular event happened, or why this particular phenomenon is the case, then you should make use of Qualitative Research. Some studies make use of both Quantitative and Qualitative Research, letting the two complement each other. If your study aims to find out, for example, what the dominant human behavior is towards a particular object or event and at the same time aims to examine why this is the case, it is then ideal to make use of both methods.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Diabetes and Complimentary Alternative Medicine Therapies
Diabetes is one of the public health concerns which have affected many people all over the world, despite the recent advances in the field of medicine, care and management. It has been a burden to a lot of people, not only is it damaging to the people suffering from it but also damaging in terms of money. Having diabetes could lead to financial problems, as it needs to be supported and maintained by medications and treatments.Because of this, people thought of ways on how they’d be able to deal with diabetes other ways the normal doctor-medication approach. What they discovered is the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine therapies (CAM) for treating Diabetes. They found out that CAM therapies are as equally helpful in fighting diabetes as compared to medications and other medical treatments. In various researches, it was found that there is a variety of CAM therapies available in the present.These include acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, herbal remedies, high-dose mega vitamins, solitary prayer or spiritual practices, intercessory prayer or spiritual healing by others, commercial diet programs, self-help groups, relaxation/meditation, lifestyle diets, guided imagery, massage, energy healing, folk remedies, biofeedback, naturopathy, yoga, hypnosis, osteopathy, and aromatherapy (Garrow & Egede, 2006; Yeh, Eisenberg, Davis, & Phillips, 2002).These therapies are widely used not only for diabetes, but for other forms of physical problems as well, including heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, digestive conditions, allergies, depression, and many more. According to Yeh, et al, 57% of their respondents reported CAM use for the past year, and 35% used CAM specifically for diabetes (Yeh et al. , 2002). Several researches were conducted to test the efficiency of these complimentary alternative medicine therapies.They were tested on people suffering from different types of diabetes, and whether they have any effect in the person taking the CAM therapy. The se CAM therapies were then compared to the traditional way of dealing with diabetes, which is through medicines. These researchers wished to know whether these CAM therapies are actually working to help people with Diabetes problems instead of giving them false hopes that they are going to be cured. One of the notable characteristics of these CAM therapies is that it does not rip you off financially.It doesn’t necessarily have to be something ingested, it could be a mental conditioning process, an exercise fitness regimen, or a mixture of foreign methods of healing other people. Traditional methods were more on drinking pills, consulting a doctor and having treatments. With CAM therapies, you can do anything you want and still be curing yourself. Also, there are several CAM therapies one could choose from and it doesn’t have to be the same thing over and over again.However, the results of these CAM therapies are not that immediate, as compared to taking medications, wh erein you know what time its effect will last or wear off. But still, it is not advisable to replace the conventional way of treating diabetes with unproven CAM therapies (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2005). As much as possible, make sure that a CAM therapy is proven to be effective before trying it out. Based on the researches, those who used CAM for diabetes were all satisfied with it and found the therapies to be generally helpful.Also, these CAM therapies are not just for taking care of diabetes, it is used in treating other conditions. It is also dependent on which group of people uses what types of CAM. There were those who uses prayer, vitamins, exercise, meditation, herbs, music therapy and many more (Cuellar, Aycock, Cahill, & Ford, 2003). It does not limit a person to one type of therapy alone, but wide range of treatment for those who are suffering from diabetes. One implication of this is the realization that it can give to health care prov iders, since many people are satisfied with CAM therapies.On a research conducted by Cuellar, et al, it is recommended that health care providers must be aware that people using CAM are satisfied with their use (Cuellar et al. , 2003). Perhaps these health care providers would consider offering them to more patients who needs it, and introducing it to those who doesn’t know anything about it yet. In the advent of technology, there are still those people who prefer the old ways than the new ways. This does not only include our preferences, but also how we treat and solve our problems.One example is the famed diabetes, known to have afflicted serous problems to millions of people worldwide. We should not limit ourselves to medicines and other types of treatment. We can always go back to the way nature intended us to be, that’s why we could solve this matter by going back to what are directly provided by our environment. Complimentary Alternative Medicine Therapies is not about how weird you a cure could be; instead it should be about how useful it would be to those needing it.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Semiotics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Semiotics - Essay Example Ultimately, it is now the child’s time to break free from the rein’s of this paternal instinct (Castro’s oppressive regime) and assume its position in the world. Photographs change with and in time in a number of ways. In these regards, one must consider that a photograph exists through its interpretation by outside observers. In these regards, a photograph is a part of an ever-evolving cultural apparatus. In terms of historical photography, particularly, one considers that a photograph changes in time as the historical situations change. One considers the nature of Fidel Castro pictures during the revolution, as during this time they depicted an individual that represented hope and equality for many Cubans. Today these photographs represent an oppressive dictatorship in its early stages of development. In addition, a static photograph can change in the blink of an eye. In these regards, one can discover unique information about this photograph, for instance it could be a picture of a serial killer at a young age that drastically changes one’s understanding of the image. One considers an example of the picture of the raising of the fl ag at Iwo Jima. This photograph represented American victory at one point, yet through the years it has changed to now represent a bygone era in American history. A photograph can also be a metaphor for an entire life. While such a pronouncement may be deductive for some people, as examined on an individual basis a human’s life carries with it a complex amount of changes. Still, many humans who have lived public lives have come to be remembered for significant events or specific characteristics that come to define them as people. One considers the American sport of football as a primary example where individuals come to gain heroic status for their actions. A picture of Joe Montana throwing a touchdown pass then could
Friday, September 27, 2019
Financial reporting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial reporting - Assignment Example rganization is not to simply promote its very own business and increase the ultimate goal of profit figures but, on the other hand, these organization also acknowledges their secondary responsibility towards its society people and environmental affects. The primary purpose of conducting various CSER activities by Company is the clear acknowledgement on the part of the Company that they do care about its society, their peoples, and environment and therefore, is consistently working on the promotion of various subjects of the society including, literature, sports, health, safety and others. CSER involve in incurring some short-term expenses and costs for the organization that do not also provide an instant financial benefit to the business, but instead it provides some qualitative return to the business in the long run. The activities of CSER widely promote many positive and beneficial transformations into the society and environment, in which the organization is performing their operations. With the help of CSER report, the ultimate aim of the business is to signify towards the society that they are the organization which have strict regulations and controls over the various business evils, including, Frauds, Bribery, Political influences and gifts, conflict of interests, compromise of independence issues, tax evasion, unethical business practice, unfair competitive activities, lack of confidentiality of business information and acumen, harassment of human rights and values, discrimination and many others, depending on the structure and needs of the organization. Through, CSER, business organization also wants demonstrate they strictly follow health and safety measures, its code of conduct, regulatory guidelines and are continually striving for improvement in order to accrue lesser and lesser damage to physical environment and nature. ABF Plc’s Corporate Responsibility Report clearly demonstrates that how much importance they are actually giving to the area
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Last Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Last - Assignment Example This type of media is one where by the audience actively participate in gathering, passing and analyzing information. Their source and power derived from many people participating by contributing towards the media. Some examples of participatory media are YouTube, wiki, blogs, social sites and music or photos sharing Medias (Burgess & Harley, 2013). 3. Is peer to peer sharing of digital material illegal? Why or why not? Peer to peer sharing becomes illegal when copyrighted information shared without consent of the owner. Risks in sharing these materials may include, if you share protected materials by laws, one might download a virus or enhance a security breach. Violation of these rules has their consequences (University of Washington, 2010). 4. Name three societal impacts resulting from increase of digital media. Increase of digital media have changed the way people converse, study, and spend their free time. There has been increase in internet obsessions and many other cybercrimes through the internet. Digital media has also enhanced interconnectivity between people within various regions through social media and mobile phones easily (Healey, 2011). 5. What is the difference between usability and accessibility? Give an example of each. Usability refers to the friendliness, efficiency, and satisfaction of the user and how easy for one to remember how to use something. Example of a website, it should have visible navigations, which users are familiar with and followed with ease. Accessibility is an attribute in which everyone including the disabled can use, understand, and perceive the media with ease. Example is the use of audio, speech recognition, visual to cater for all types of people (Mifsud, 2011). Part 2: ESSAY ITEMS Answer ALL QUESTIONS in this section. Each response must be at least 200 words in length and must follow APA guidelines. Type your responses immediately below the questions. All responses must be supported by reference to the literature an d references must be APA formatted. 1. What is Web Technology? Define and provide two examples of web technology and where it has been implemented. Web technologies used in the web to create an interface for the interaction between servers and clients in through the internet. Some of these technologies include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. Many other emerging technologies that ease the way clients interact with information and other clients through the internet. HTML is an abbreviation for hypertext mark-up language, which is a language that enhances the production of material on the internet. Browsers interpret these HTML codes to visible information when viewed through the web. Cascading style sheets (CSS) is a styling language that defines layout of HTML documents. CSS covers all layout attributes in a website that HTML does. CSS provides web designers with all layout styles in the web and supported by most web browsers. Use of both CSS and HTML makes the content separate from the styling and this makes maintenance of websites easy and faster. Benefits of CSS that HTML are that, with CSS one can many documents layout is controllable from one style sheet and a more detailed layout control. In addition, different designs of materials are different with many advanced techniques. CSS and HTML are the basics of any website in that; all websites designed use these two web technologies (Bangia, 2006). 2. How has digitization changed the manner in which society consumes information? Digitization has brought about many changes
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Leadership Strategies regarding Costco Company Essay
Leadership Strategies regarding Costco Company - Essay Example The performance parameters are interconnected based on the flexible leadership model to the human resources and innovation capabilities of the firm based on different situations tom render all round growth. This model thereby tends to gain a tradeoff between the different emerging situations and the performance and productive capability of the firm to help in meeting the changing needs of the different stakeholders and also in enhancing the productivity parameters. Henceforth the flexible leadership theory can also be regarded as a situational leadership model that helps the company to effectively adapt to the specific situations emerging in the external environment (Yukl and Lepsonger, n.d., p.2). . Application of Flexible Leadership in Costco’s Operations The paper would now focus on analyzing the potential to which Costco tends to operate based on the flexible leadership style as evaluated above. Firstly the company is found to operate based on the set up of large number of warehouses in the international market whereby it tends to render products to the consumers at seemingly affordable prices. This strategy of the company reflects that the organization largely follows the flexible leadership approach in meeting the growing needs of the consumers based in international regions. Further this practice also helps the company in enhancing on the dimensions of consumer loyalty. Secondly the company also works based on a centralized decision making approach such that the people working in the different warehouses and retail outlets based in international markets are tightly connected. This process helps in enhancing the administration potential of the concern in... The paper would now focus on analyzing the potential to which Costco tends to operate based on the flexible leadership style as evaluated above. Firstly the company is found to operate based on the set up of large number of warehouses in the international market whereby it tends to render products to the consumers at seemingly affordable prices. This strategy of the company reflects that the organization largely follows the flexible leadership approach in meeting the growing needs of the consumers based in international regions. Further this practice also helps the company in enhancing on the dimensions of consumer loyalty. Secondly the company also works based on a centralized decision making approach such that the people working in the different warehouses and retail outlets based in international markets are tightly connected. This process helps in enhancing the administration potential of the concern in regards to controlling the performance and decision making activities of the people based along international regions to help drive business productivity. Thirdly the company also reflects conducting large amount of market research activities in the international markets to gain potential insight into the changing demand scenario and adjusts its performance parameters accordingly. The management of the company focuses on setting up right strategies to enter the different international markets bearing different characteristics.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Business Organisation and Behaviour Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business Organisation and Behaviour - Term Paper Example That which brings the distinction between leadership and mere management is the approach that the former uses. Many firms fail to succeed in the quest to meet their long-term objectives as they lack one of the most vital elements in the running of business organizations which is effective leadership. There is further clear difference between just leadership and an effective one. The root source of a business proliferation in the market and sustained high performance is the kind of leadership it has. The ability to gain loyalty, inspire a team and make the diverse workforce operate as a single unit is what makes leadership special. For effective functionality, it is a prerequisite that a good and healthy coordination structures are put in place commanded or regulated by an excellent leader. Many leaders, however, fail to deliver effective leadership because of the wrong and inapplicable styles that probably do not match the nature of the business they are handling or are rigid as to a ccommodate the market situation. Choosing the best leadership style is not an option if effective leadership is anticipated. Management approaches and organizational theories that businesses subscribe to largely affect, just like in leadership, their eventual performance (Griffin and Moorhead, 2012: 100). This paper aims at evaluating these factors bit by bit as it relates them to the practical case of Vodafone so as to bring out a comprehensive outcome about their interplay in the organization.
Monday, September 23, 2019
What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated - Essay Example According to the report education happens to be the key of professionalism in the modern society. The modern society is very dependent on education because it depends on ideologies and well organized strategies for its growth and development. This explains why people in the modern society do effort to make sure they are well educated. To be well educated is a very critical topic, the fact is that individuals are only well educated in a certain field but not in all fields. This is where professionalism and division of labor comes in; division of labor is a situation where individuals get involved in doing what they can do at their best. It is not funny to meet individuals who have specialized in medicine and cannot discuss a concept from the field of literature or individuals from the field of literature who cannot solve a simple mathematics problem. From this study it is clear that the truth is that different education systems in the world have created monsters. This is a situation where individuals fail to perform in their field of specialization in education. There are several myths which have been developed in the field of education and they have been destructive. One myth is where education is seen as the purpose of giving someone the means of upward mobility and success. This is very wrong because it makes people even to cheat in exams because promotion in job is based on class results ending up producing literally unfit individuals who are only interested in high pay and promotion in job.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Why Fiction Stories Are Important to Society Essay Example for Free
Why Fiction Stories Are Important to Society Essay When we are young we read a lot of children’s stories, or have them read to us by our parents or at school. A lot of these stories are entertaining but they can also be used as a catalyst to teach young children about morals and values. For instance, a favourite of mine is Horton Hears a Who, by Doctor Seuss. This particular story is about equality and tolerance of difference, Horton says, â€Å"a persons a person no matter how small. We could have instead sat a young child down and told them all about the Holocaust, slavery and the many other unjust acts of discrimination around the world and why it is wrong – but a child wouldn’t understand and even they did, it would be cruel to expose a child to this kind of information. This is one reason why fiction is so important; it allows information and ideas to be accessible to a larger audience. The two films we have been studying this year, Born on the Forth of July and Gallipoli are both based on actual events. Why then weren’t these stories presented as a documentary? So many other films do the same thing. Why? When we take real events and work them into a fiction or semi fiction story there are certain aspects of the events that can then be manipulated or emphasised to have a greater effect on the audience, but also to direct the audience towards an intended or dominant reading of the text. In the movie Born on the fourth of July, we follow the story of Ron Kovic from his innocent youth, to an extremely patriotic teenager, his time in Vietnam and then see his transformation into a protester of war. The movie stays very close to actual events except for two distinct adaptations. While in Vietnam Kovic shoots down a fellow marine, Wilson. In the film he later confesses to the Wilson family of this. However this is scene has been invented. In this scene we see Kovic’s face through a close up camera shot, his anguish, pain and guilt of his mistake are evident. We are then transported into his memory of the event; the slow motion and daunting music create a funeral atmosphere. By being subjected to Kovic’s emotion so bluntly through the close up camera shot and then to see how he remembers the tragedy with such regret, a sense of Kovic’s conflict with himself is created and we cant help but to sympathise with him. Further more, we then see the members of Wilson’s family, his mother and father and widowed wife and son. We see them separately, also through close up camera shots to emphasise their emotions, the horror of realisation at what Kovic is saying and then extreme pain of loosing their loved one. The extreme pain of loss is confirmed when Wilson’s wife says to Kovic, â€Å"I can never forgive you, maybe the lord can. †The Wilson family cannot forgive Kovic however we admire his honesty. By creating this scene we are exposed to some of the after effects of war, grief stricken families, this builds on the anti war theme. More so this scene also shows us that veterans of war are just as much victims as those that died because we have scene the conflict Kovic has with himself and our sympathy towards Kovic is strengthened. The other adaptation of the story is Kovic’s high school sweetheart, Donna. We meet Donna in Kovic’s childhood; their affection for each other is carried throughout their teenage years. The high school prom is created to present to the audience the idea of ‘young love’ between Donna and Kovic, particularly Kovic’s feelings for her. It is evident when we see Kovic’s outburst of anger when he finds out Donna is going with someone else, due to a misunderstanding, and then confirmed as he runs through the rain on the night of the prom, purely so he can dance with Donna before he is dispatched. The music, especially the song ‘Moon River,’ heightens the dreamy, starry eyed, mood. We meet Donna again when Kovic returns from Vietnam. Here she is epresentative of the uprising antiwar movement in America. In one scene Kovic tells Donna, â€Å"I made a promise to myself that I would come back and love you forever. â€Å" However, it becomes clear that there will be no future for Donna and Kovic, perhaps because of the time in which Kovic was at war or because of the paralysis he returned with. Either way it is heartbreaking to see; the chronological structuring of the film and early development of Kovic’s feelings for Donna aids the strong emotional effect that this loss of love and loss of the future Kovic hoped for has on us. Here we can see that by adding fictional sections to actual events the impact on the audience can be heightened because we are subjected to scenes, characters and conflict, which have been carefully crafted to have a direct impact on our emotions. The film Gallipoli shows much of the conditions and events that soldiers endured during world war one, but more so is a display of the nature of events which lead to warfare and hence the death of many young Australian men. Aspects such as propaganda, social pressure, mate ship and patriotism are criticized for wrongly influencing these men to join the war effort. We are also presented with ideas about the lack of food, arms and poor medical treatment. At the end of the film we see the inevitable tragedy at Gallipoli, which we are most confronted with by the death of Archie Hamilton, the protagonist. His character was inspired by C. E. W. Beans Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918 describing Private Wilfred Harper during the attack at the Nek, Wilfred was last seen running forward like a schoolboy in a foot-race, with all the speed he could compass. However the effect of Archie’s death would not have been as powerful and therefore would not have worked as effectively to confirm the ideas about world war one if it were not for the development of Archie, despite being inspired from history is a fictional character, throughout the film. In the exposition we are introduced to Archie and his identity begins to take shape. We know Archie is a young Australian boy, this is established not only by the written code, ‘Western Australia 1915,’ by also by the wide-angle long shots of the country. Immediately the dominant audience, Australians, begin to relate to Archie. This is reinforced by the display of other Australian values such as competitiveness when Archie, running on foot races back to the home gate against a man on horse back. Throughout this scene we hear the music Oxygene by Jean Michel Jarre, which appears in numerous other running scenes throughout the movie. Sections of this running scene are shown through long shot with the use of panning, this emphasis the incredible distance of Archie’s run and we admire his strength, determination and his physical pursuit. Archie’s character continues to develop through the story in such a way that we continue to admire and care for him. The use of fictional genre means that Archie’s character can be constructed in such a way to achieve a maximum emotion attachment towards him. In this way his death at Gallipoli impacts our emotions and this pushes us to reflect on and alter our attitudes towards war, the aim of the film. Lastly, I am going to refer to Ray Bradbury’s short story The Pedestrian that is set in the future. Leonard Mead, the main character walks the streets at night in 2052, he’s done so for many years but the streets are always empty. Everyone else is inside fixated on their T. Vs, or as Mr Mead puts it, â€Å"the tombs, ill lit by television light, where the people sat like the dead, the grey or multi-coloured lights touching their faces, but never really touching them. †On this particular night, Mr Mead is stopped by a robotic police car and taken away to the psychiatric centre for research on regressive tendencies. This piece of writing, fiction as it is, is making a statement about technology and its effects on the individual and human society as a whole. This text and many others much like it are extremely thought provoking. In this way we can see that fiction is an important part of our lives. Reading stories like this may prompt people to change their attitudes or even behaviours to help preserve our future. And then there’s the magic of fiction. Take the above story for example; we are transported into the future and bombarded with the strange situation Mr Mead finds himself in. Because of the third person limited point of view, we know what Mr Mead is thinking and feeling – we feel like we are him or at least that we are there with him. His moonlit walk on a cold frosty night; the atmosphere, which he is experiencing, we experience through the tone of the text to be melancholy. Created by the long syntax and relentless metaphors and similes. This imagery can also work to draw us into this imaginary world so that we can see and feel as Mr Mead does, ‘crystal frost in the air; it cut the nose and made the lungs blaze like a Christmas tree inside. †Fiction stories fire our imaginations whether we the writers or the readers. Fiction is enjoyable to read, that in itself is reason enough to say that it is not bunk.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
How the English Tell Jokes Essay Example for Free
How the English Tell Jokes Essay I assume that the reader of this essay may have had heard of the story of the tower of Babel. It is a story from the Bible (no intention of offense to those who aren’t supposed to read it) about men trying to reach the heavens by building a really, as in very tall tower. In the story, all men initially had one language that can be understood by all. God was offended and infuriated by the tower so He had effortlessly destroyed many years worth of efforts of all men back then. God had punished all men by giving them so many languages so that there was confusion because men can’t understand each other anymore. So those with the same languages had grouped together. I had assumed that in this story, the Englishmen were very easy to pinpoint among the crowd consisting of all of humanity. The Englishmen were probably the only race that was laughing about what happened to the tower. The Englishmen could have been joking about the tower looking like a Poseidon’s boner and consistently laughing at the ‘bloke’ who had thought of building such a tower. American comedy sure is popular around the globe, but people forget to give the credit to the ones that inspired some American comedians excel in the field of making people laugh until tears fall from their eyes while having stomach spasms from laughing uncontrollably. Who would forget the English classics like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and Little England, not to mention contemporary shows like Mr. Bean, The Office, The Monty Phyton, and many more? (Taylor, 2004)There was certainly something special with English comedy for it to gain worldwide appreciation. Was it because there were something different in the way English people tell and deliver their jokes? Or is it that the English humor itself is very different thus making it a special kind of humor? Does the accent of the English people have something to do with their world-renowned good delivery of funny jokes? Of course these inquiries are quite improbable to arrive at single answers. But still, this essay will try to present the possible reasons why Englishmen are so funny. The essay will also strive to give the reader a concrete idea of the manner of how the Englishmen tell their funny jokes. The Englishmen, and that include women of course, take pride in being one of the happiest, if not craziest (in the most admirable sense of the word) cultures that has made this world laugh and laugh all over again. In fact, it is one of England’s best known positive traits, being funny like hell. There even exists such extreme notion that goes something like the country of England is the nation that has more humor than any other nation. But wait, that extreme notion doesn’t end there. The country of England even believes that they are consistently funnier too. For me, that notion doesn’t really give out a negative feel to it. Well, of course some other nations may have the same claims. But still, those other nations won’t have the archive of evidences of comedic superiority of the Englishmen. There even exist testimonies from foreigners that have set foot on England. They had testified that England is indeed a place wherein you’d be remembering jokes when you remember your stay there. England’s incomparable humor is something that every Englishmen should be proud and boast about their country. We can even consider that one of England’s best and highest-quality of imports is English humor. It is England’s gift to the world. It appears that the music wasn’t the only gift of England to the whole of the world, it was but laughter. Another almost equally admirable about the Englishmen is that they have this really commendable humor that can laugh at themselves and at their own failures. That trait gives a very positive and a cheerful quality to the Englishman, which are I believe necessary traits for every comedian regardless of race. But still of course, foreigners may have a very different reaction, since everything in this world is relative. Some foreigners wouldn’t even find the jokes of England as funny as their own personal taste won’t adhere to the mild dose of self-deprecation, hefty amount of sarcasm, and a barrage of irony and satire. These comedic elements are conventionally found in the jokes of Englishmen. Some people may find the English jokes as dry humor, at least, or humorless at worst. The reason behind this conflict in the differences of humor is that some people are conservative, while some are even more conservative beyond the word conservative can even define. Some English jokes go to the extent of being vulgar and green-mannered. Ergo, some of the non-English, or even some English conservatives, can’t help but be offended. But since England is such a fun loving nation, I guess the number of the â€Å"some†that got offended is not worth in comparison to making people laugh (Burton, 1857: 322). I certainly agree with the Englishmen with this kind of thinking since I also believe ethics, religion, and rules of conventions are what make this world a sad place. Why can’t we all not laugh about them just like the Englishmen do? The reason why I had spent almost half of the paper discussion about how a fun and humor loving nation England is, is because I believe that that is the main reason why English jokes are so funny. They are people who loves fun and they pass time making jokes and laughing at them. In that sense they have much practice in the field of humor more than any other country. Through that argument we can even call the people of England as experts of humor. Another reason of why is started praising England’s fun loving attitude is that they believe in their jokes, they are confident about it that is why these jokes are so effective. We all know that believing in something really makes that thing work. Just like how many high-school basketball team that doesn’t win a game tell its players to believe to achieve. But what make English humor so special is the people of England themselves. Since England really believes that they are the funniest people in the world, they become what they believe they really are. It is like some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy in the world of humor. I guess a comedian should be first convinced with one’s self that he or she is funny before that individual sets out to do something funny. England’s self-concept of being the funniest nation is really ideal for aspiring comedians. That maybe the why there are so many comedians in England, from the local comedy bar to the television (or telly as how they put it) to the streets or even in their politics. One of the most probable reason why England posses such good-humored self-concept (of the country) is because they had they had a rich and very interesting history. Instead of crying over sad parts of their history, the Englishmen had learned how to laugh at their own misfortunes. Here is an example of a joke that expresses England’s frustrations about their failures in the World Cup: Two Blokes talking while watching a soccer game†¦ Bloke 1: Is there a difference between the country of England and a bag of tea? Bloke 2: I don’t know. What? Bloke 1: There is much chance that the bag of tea will stay longer in the cup. (The English Sense of Humor) If we really try to asses how the people of England tell their jokes, we are bound to discover that they just tell their jokes like most cultures do. The English humor is not much different with the whole of the world. If we dissect popular English jokes, we would discover that they also employ basic elements of comedy like proper timing, understatement and exaggeration. These elements are not even advanced techniques in the field of comedy. These are just basic elements that even a ten-year-old can employ with his jokes. These comedic elements are just common knowledge that we hear and even do execute on a daily basis without even knowing it. The English are just telling jokes just like everyone of us. The English also follow certain conventions of delivering good jokes. Among these conventions is the use of the situation, action, punch line technique. This technique is so familiar to us I believe that it doesn’t require elaboration. This is the comedic technique that is made popular especially by stand-up comedians. (Howe, 1898: 12) To give us more light regarding the issue of English humor, the essay of Nicholson, aptly given the title The English Sense of Humor, he had specified elements that he believes constitute the very funny English jokes. Some of these elements are kindliness, fancy, and laziness (Nicholson, 1946: 43). Setting aside the kindliness element, we can see that the other elements, fancy and laziness are giving out a negative connotation. I know that the author had no bad intention of portraying the people of England in a negative light, but it is beyond the control of the author to control the opinion of others who might interpret the essay as portraying English people as fanciful and lazy. One the main reason why the people of England are so good in delivering jokes is that they are honest people. Honest in terms of being comfortable to express their opinions and share their experiences, may it be sad or glad, through beautifully constructed and delivered jokes. I guess since I arrived to the conclusion that the humor of the English people is not much different from they the whole world is delivering their jokes. It guess that since we can’t arrive in a substantial concrete answers to the query, we will just have to go with the most practical explanation. We can conclude that the English are good at telling jokes because of their cheerful and fun loving attitude. They love to laugh, so they make jokes to continue the thing that they love. Also their unique accent is quite efficient for delivering jokes. List of References Burton, W. E. (1857)Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor, of America, Ireland, Scotland, and England. New York: D. Appleton Co. Howe, W. H. (1898)English Wit and Humor. Michigan: University of Michigan Press Nicholson, H. (1946)The English Sense of Humor: An Essay. London: Dropmore Publishing Taylor. I. (2004)Exploring Englishness. Available from: http://www. zyworld. com/albionmagazineonline/features2. htm The English Sense of Humor. [Internet Discussion]. Available from: http://www. anglik. net/britishjokes. htm [Accessed 8 March 2008]
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reflection on Nursing Presentation
Reflection on Nursing Presentation REFLECTION ON MY PRESENTATION Introduction: As part of my overseas program I had to deliver a 15 minutes presentation on choice of subject in front of my colleagues. An effective presentation makes the best use of the relationship between the presenter and the audience. It takes full consideration of the audience’s needs in order to capture their interest, develop their understanding, inspire their confidence and achieve the presenter’s objectives (University of Leicester, 2009). According to Nickolas (2003), to facilitate an effective presentation there are four elements. They are: Planning, Preparation, Practicing, Presenting Planning: it includes selection of an important topic, finding the learning outcomes, organising the content, preparing the visuals. Preparation: The main aim is to prepare clear, simple and attractive visuals. For eg: effective power point slides. Practicing: Practice makes perfection it includes rehearse and pre rehearse. In rehearse practicing the things you are intend doing, but in pre rehearse practicing the things you might have to do. Presenting: It includes facial expression, pace, voice, body movements, use of pointer, roles etc†¦ In order to write a reflection I selected Gibbs 1988 model. It is mainly used by health professionals. To reflect is not enough, you then have to put into practice the learning and new understanding you have gained therefore allowing the reflective process to inform your practice. Taking action is the key; Gibbs prompts the practitioner to formulate an action plan. This enables the reflective practitioner to look at their practice and see what they would change in the future, how they would develop/improve their practice (Gibbs, 1988). It has got six different stages. Which are description, feeling ,evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. Description: As part of my overseas nursing program I had to deliver a 15 minutes presentation on choice of subject on the final day at university. On my period of planning I was very confused about the selection of topic. Variety of topics was in my mind. Finally I decided my topic which was percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding and the care of patient with PEG. I was really satisfied when I selected the topic. Because I felt it is going to be an important and useful information for all the nurses in their work place. Initial period of my job in this country have come across patients with PEG tube. It was a new experience for me. After the selection of my topic I started doing some research on it. I read some books, journals, and collected information from search engines. Evidence based practice define as ‘ the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making nursing decisions about the care of individual patients’ (Sackett, 1996). As it is a problem solving approach to the today’s healthcare system, it brings better clinical decisions and patient outcome. In order to make my presentation more effective and clear I decided to use some visuals, this was power point slides. My slides were simple and easy to understand. Once I finished my preparation I started to practise. I practised in front of my family just to reduce the stage fear. At the day of presentation I was confident enough to present in front of a group. Feeling: In order to adjust the time our group was divided in to two. I was the third person in the first group. On the day I was slightly nervous especially few minutes before the presentation starts. Fortunately I felt very confident at the time of presentation and the colleagues were really supportive and responsive which increased my comfort level with in the class. Now I feel , by doing this presentation helped me to achieve an important skill in my profession, as teaching has an active part in nursing. Evaluation: International Center for Alcohol Policies (2014) says Evaluation offers a way to determine whether an initiative has been worthwhile in terms of delivering what was intended and expected. It has an important role to improve own skills. After my presentation I approached my tutor and she gave me a very effective and clear feedback. She explained my aims, learning outcomes, introduction of presentation was clearly stated. I used appropriate aids and the delivery of presentation was appropriate, and it was evidence based too. The place where I could improve was the time management as I was little short on my time. Analysis: According to Ritchey, (1996) Analysis is defined as the procedure by which we break down an intellectual or substantial whole into parts or components. After my presentation I have gone through my experience once again and I felt my selection of topic was right as I saw my colleagues enjoyed the topic. But I was a little bit disappointed as I was a bit short on my time. When I was practicing at home I made sure I was on time. With this presentation I understood the importance of planning and organising the work as well as time management. Conclusion: I found it myself the opportunity I got from the overseas nursing program was really great. Teaching in front of a group of people was a stressful job for me. When I realized I had to do it I tried for the level best and the feedback from my tutor made me more strong. Nurse has an important role in teaching the staff. In my future career I will be more confident to teach people , because I understood that, it will increase my knowledge as well. Action plan: I will be doing another presentation in my work place regarding moving and handling as we have many new staff started. Before I do it I will make sure I will reach my intended time limit. Moreover that, I will go through reading materials and prepare the contents from evidence based knowledge. This section I am planning to do it with a mixture of theory and practical. I will show them the different types of hoists, slings and how to use it. It will be more easier to understand the moving and handling technique. Adhering to NMC code (2008) I will update my knowledge and skills throughout my career. References: Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. London: Further Education Unit. Nickolas, F (2003). Effective presentations, distance consulting: (Last accessed on 04/02/2014) NMC(2008) The code. (Last accessed on 10/01/2014). International Center for Alcohol Policies (2014) What Is Evaluation. Online.(Last accessed on 24/02/2014) . Ritchey T, (1996) On Scientific Method Based on a Study by Bernhard Riemann. Analysis and Synthesis. Online.(Last accessed on 20/02/2014) Sackett, D.L., Rosenberg, W.M., Gray, J.A., Haynes, R.B. and Richardson, W.S. (1996) ‘Evidence based medicine: What it is and what it isn’t’, British Medical Journal. University of Leicester (2009) Planning an effective presentation. Learning development .online. (Last accessed on 10/02/2014). skills-pdfs/planning-presentation-v1.0.pdf. R PhilipPage 1 Reflection on Nursing Presentation Reflection on Nursing Presentation Working in the surgical ward entails numerous responsibilities for a health care practitioner like me. Thinking about the holistic care, recovery of patients and minimising any complications from occurring are a few of those responsibilities that a surgical nurse always has to keep in mind. According to Anthony Lee (2007), whether it is abdominal surgery, plastic surgery, or any other invasive surgical treatment, it is dangerous to assume 100% safety. He also stressed that due to the miracles that surgery gives, people might often tend to forget the risks and complications that go with it. One of these risks commonly associated with surgery is the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in the postoperative phase. In the absence of thromboprophylaxis, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a significant risk for surgical patients especially those undergoing orthopaedic surgery and lengthy procedures (ICS 2002, SIGN 2002, Geerts et al 2004, ICS 2006, NICE 2007). This fact gave me the interest of choosing DVT prevention as my topic for the presentation so as to make me and the listeners more knowledgeable about DVT risk assessment prevention thus eradicating this complication from occurring. This essay points out a reflection about the 15-minute seminar presentation that I completed within the course of my study. Utilising the Gibbs (1988) reflective model, I would be sharing my learning and feelings based on the whole experience. DESCRIPTION During the first meeting with our programme tutors, we were orientated to prepare a 15-minute presentation of any topic related to our whole adaptation experience which would particularly focus on evidence-based practice. This would assess not only our knowledge and mastery of the chosen topic but it would also assess our communication and presentational skills. Based on the assignment given, I made a research about evidence based practice to guide me in choosing my topic. As cited by Sackett, et al (1996), evidence based practice is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. Based on these findings, I carried on with my quest for an interesting topic. Within the week, I was able to take care of a patient who was admitted for suspected deep vein thrombosis when he stopped wearing his antiembolic stockings. His wife had difficulty putting them on his legs. He was my patient the previous month when he had a total hip replacement done. This patient made me realise how important antiembolic stockings are and made me interested about DVT. Thus, I finally decided to present about the prevention of DVT in surgical patients. In preparation for the upcoming presentation day, I started my research by checking the internet for any information regarding DVT and its prevention. There were so much information from different sources and reading on these different sources made the topic confusing for me. So, I started searching for an article from journals that would be perfect for my presentation and which I could focus on. I found an article from the Journal of Perioperative Practice and based my presentation on that article. I organised my presentation, added more relevant information from different sources, and made a structured powerpoint presentation based from the researches made. I also added pictures colourful designs to make my visual aids creative. I studied on my topic and did a lot of practice days before the final day to make me more confident. FEELINGS The awaited presentation day finally came. To boost my confidence and impress the viewers, I was all dressed up to look smart. I was so nervous while waiting for my turn to present especially that it was quite a long time ago that I have had presentations like this. I was also a bit worried that the time allotted for my presentation would not be enough for me because I made it as comprehensive as possible. I was also planning to give a short exercise for the viewers to gain interaction from them. When it was my turn to speak up, the confidence came out and the nervousness faded. I was able to explain the whole topic thoroughly without any difficulty and the 15 minutes went so quickly. I was able to attract attention from the viewers by making the presentation as lively as possible and gaining interaction from them through exchange of ideas. At the end of the presentation, I was also able to assess their understanding of the topic by conducting a short exercise about DVT risk assessment. My presentation went smoothly and before I knew it, it came to an end. I really enjoyed being on stage much more than the whole preparation phase. EVALUATION After everyone presented their topics, our assessors gave us their evaluation about our performances. The assessor gave me very good feedback regarding my overall performance. I was so surprised that he gave me the highest possible grade in all the criteria. I was informed that I had very good communication interaction skills and that I mastered my topic really well. I was so happy with feedback from my assessor and from my fellow classmates as well. I can never believe that I have that much confidence in me and that I was able to nail the presentation. One comment that I could possibly give about my presentation is the fact that I made it so comprehensive that the 15 minutes was not enough for me to really explain some of the topics well. I asked for an extension of the time given so as I could finish the exercise. ANALYSIS This experience made me prove to myself that I am able to attain my goals with perseverance and belief in myself. I gained so much learning and realisations from the whole experience and these after effects are whats most important to make me a better person and a better professional. As defined, learning could be thought of as a process by which behaviour changes as a result of experience (Maples and Webster 1980 quoted in Merriam and Caffarella 1991: 124). I am hoping that this experience would make me change my behaviour to be more confident when interacting with other people. CONCLUSION The entire experience was an excellent way of gaining knowledge about evidence based practice. But, it was not focused on the reinforcement of our knowledge alone but on the enhancement of our communication and interaction skills. I can say that I gave my best to deliver a good presentation but still, there is always a room for improvement. I can say that the topic that I covered was too long to fit in a 15 minute presentation and because of that, I was rushing to finish all my slides within the allotted time. So, the next time I would do another presentation, I have realised that I should simplify the topics and practice more beforehand to know if the allotted time is enough for the whole presentation. ACTION PLAN With this activity, I have gained much learning and had improved my presentational skills. In the future, I would expect to be more confident in doing presentations and be able to anticipate the tasks that need to be done beforehand. I would spend more time in preparation for the activity to gain more confidence and to prevent any difficulties from occurring.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
My personal Goals Essay -- essays research papers
     The personal goals that I want to achieve as a student of the University of Phoenix are in the education and career areas of my life. In my education, my major goal is to gain knowledge in computers and network administration, eventually culminating in a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. I also wish to strengthen my grammar and interpersonal skills. In my career, my goal is to either advance from my current career as a paralegal to that of an office manager or to enter into a different career as information technology department administrator. I will use staff and university services in order to achieve my goals in a reasonable timeframe with limited obstacles. To achieve these goals I plan on using the University of Phoenix’s classes and academic services and to eventually use the degree I will receive from the university. To achieve my education goals I plan on using classes and academic services provided by the University of Phoenix. To strengthen my grammar and interpersonal skills, I plan on taking classes at the University of Phoenix that will give me more confidence and experience in writing and communication. I also plan on attending writing workshops that the University of Phoenix offers and use of the Center for Writing Excellence to help me as well. To gain knowledge and training in computer and network administration I plan on taking the computer courses that the University of Phoenix offers. I plan on taking computer-...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Relationships Essay -- essays research papers
How have three texts you have studied enhanced your understanding of relationships? Refer to Maestro and two other texts of your choosing? Relationships are a complex part of today’s society and affect all areas. All relationships are different, and they influence the decisions made by people and others around them. The three texts ‘Maestro’ by Peter Goldsworthy, ‘Dead Poets Society’ directed by Peter Weir and ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ by Michelle Magorian all enhance the understanding of relationships. These three texts, all show various types of relationships, are all presented in various ways. The main relationship presented in ‘Maestro’ involves the unlikely friendship developed between a teacher (Keller) and his student (Paul). The main relationship in ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ is rather similar and involves the relationship between an elderly man (Tom) and an evacuee he was forced to take on- a young boy (Willie). Finally the main relationship exposed in ‘Dead Poets Society’ is between a teacher (John Keating) and his pupils including Neil and Todd. All of these relationships in these texts enhance ones understanding of relationships by techniques used. ‘Maestro’s’ unique technique, is not only the use of first person, but how the whole story is a combination of flashbacks and memories by the narrator Paul of when ‘he was only a child’. From this perspective, the narrator reflects back on this enchanted period of childhood and adolescence. His relationship with Keller is very cold at first, and we know this is misleading through the first line when Paul quotes ‘First Impressions? Misleading, of course. As always’. The first chapter is about Paul and Keller, and how they do not get along. Through the first line, we know that this is a false impression of their relationship and that it will improve. This line that Paul recites, generally describes all relationships. They are false on first impressions, as the person is not familiar to you. ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ has a traditional layout, with chronological chapters, and written in third person. When Tom first meets Willie, it is an awkward experience for Tom, and a frightening experience for Willie as to Willie Mr Tom ‘was a towering giant with skin like coarse, wrinkled brown paper and a voice like thunder’. However as one continues through the book it is recognized that William Beech and his relationship with Mr...., moreover, he truly believes that he is not able to write poetry. However, John Keating neither gives him an "F" nor lets him sit down however makes Todd believe in himself. He says: "Mr. Anderson thinks that everything inside of him is worthless and embarrassing, isn't that right Todd, isn't that your worst fear? Well, I think you're wrong, I think you have something inside of you that is worth a great deal." Saying this was enough to make Todd believe that he is just as any other students of his class is able to write a poem. When individuals experience success, they grow in self-confidence and as their self-esteem grows, they will feel more comfortable to face new challenges. Weir tries to convey that sometimes to achieve that confidence, a mentor is required, someone who can bring you up when you are down. The novels ‘Maestro’ by Peter Goldsworthy, ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ by Michelle Magorian and ‘Dead Poets Society’ directed by Peter Weir all convey various messages to enhance the understanding of relationships. Through the use of various techniques such as characterization, themes, and music, these texts emphasize the importance and value of relationships.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Developmental Paper Essay
bstract The basis of this paper will outline the cognitive and personality development of a young adult female, identified as â€Å"Caroline.†This will be in contrast and comparison to Erikson’s Epigenetic Theory of Personality Development is Intimacy vs. Isolation and Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive development. The paper will address what outside factors influence the developing as well as nursing interventions that will help Caroline obtained optimal functioning for each appropriate developmental level according to Erikson and Piaget. Keywords: developmental, Erikson, Piaget, personality, cognitive, intimacy, isolation, formal operations The Developmental Level: For the purpose of this paper, I will identify the person I am outlining as â€Å"Caroline.†Caroline is a young adult. The developmental level during this stage of Erikson’s Epigenetic Theory of Personality Development is Intimacy vs. Isolation; the virtue being love. A normal adult in this stage will have a strong sense of self and be able to form intimate, close relationships with other individuals. Success in this stage will lead to strong committed relationships (Cherry). Erikson believed that a person must successfully complete one stage in order to complete the next. According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive development, Caroline is in the formal operations period. A normal young adult in this stage would manifest adult like thinking, is not limited by own perception or concrete references for ideas, combines various ideas into concepts, develops morality or restraint and cooperation in behavior, uses rules to structure interactions in a socially acceptabl e way, solves problems mentally and considers alternatives before acting, relates concepts or constructs not readily evident in external world, increases intellectual ability to include art, science, humanities, religion, and philosophy, and is increasingly less egocentric. Caroline is in her early adult hood years. A tremendous time for self-discovery, independence, and in some cases, loneliness. Caroline’s personality and cognitive development have blossomed in ways and have been hindered in others. This is due to many factors; biological, social, genetic, situational. The list goes on. One thing is certain, there is always a good reason why individuals do the thing they do. If we as people look beyond others actions and instead look at what causes their actions to manifest, I believe we would be much more accepting and less judgmental as a whole. Throughout this paper I will be discussing ways Caroline compares and contrasts to Piaget and Erikson’s theories, how this impacts her development, and nursing interventions that could help her through these stages. Compare and contrast: After careful observation of Caroline, it does not show evident that she has developed a true sense of self to be able to complete the stage of intimacy with another individual. Even with platonic friendships it seems that when her and an individual start to become close on more of a spiritual and emotional level, she retreats to isolation because she feels that she cannot trust herself or others. According to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, I see that Caroline is mastering the formal operations period to a certain degree. In many ways Caroline would be a poster child for what an example of someone in the formal operations period would think like, and in other aspects of the period, she does not show to be operating in this period what so ever. Three examples of how Caroline compares to these levels would include the following: 1. When it comes to romantic relationships, Caroline strives for a deep emotional and physical connection with another human being. However, deep down she is unable to fully commit to another because she doesn’t have a clear understanding of who she is. Subconsciously, she gravitates towards men that are not emotionally available. This includes anyone who is in a relationship, is going to move away, or is obviously not interested in giving her a committed relationship. She wants the commitment, but she is used to men in her life not being available so she is drawn towards that because that is what she is used to. At the end of the day, this leaves Caroline frustrated and isolated. The crisis between intimacy and isolation, according to Erikson, is clear in Caroline’s life. 2. Caroline is extremely cognitively driven, artistic with her words, and philosophical and spiritual with her beliefs. She looks beyond the world that is seen and challenges her way of thinking with the unseen world. She finds happiness through her writings and connections through spiritual conversation. This side of her is a small glimpse of her essence and what her inner being craves; to be emotionally, artistically, and spiritually stimulated. This very much so aligns with Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development. 3. A contrast to the Formal operations period is that she does not seem to solve problems mentally and considering alternatives before acting. Caroline bases a lot of her talk on impulsivity and is emotionally driven when making decisions. Caroline is a â€Å"feel good†kind of gal, and if it feels good in the moment, she will grab it. If it does not feel good, she will alter whatever her situation is to make herself feel good, no matter how bad or good the outcome will leave her. This contrasts with the norm because someone who is successfully mastering this stage would weigh the outcomes before acting, consider the outcomes, and go towards which action would better benefit their being as a whole. Even though Caroline knows something is hurting her, she will continue to repeat this action, hoping for a different outcome. This is mainly in regards to abusive relationships, but can be applied to the work place and friendships with other females. What Impacts Development Three factors that have or are currently affecting Caroline’s stage of development: 1. As I mentioned previously, it is vital for Caroline to develop and true sense of self before she can successfully build intimacy with other individuals. Caroline feels whole with her writings, and spending time with people who truly love her, but she has not fully embraced her inner being. From observation, Caroline has a very low self-esteem. She strives to please others. When others are pleased with her, she is pleased with herself. When others are no pleased with her, she will do what she can to reverse that opinion. She seeks to please others before pleasing herself and that is a clear manifestation of not having a concrete, strong sense of self. 2. Caroline is far away from her family, which live several states away. She stayed in the state she resides because of a romantic relationship. This romantic relationship has ended. For Caroline, she does not have a firm sense of belonging a t her current location. Being away from loved ones and not having a steady partner can cause an individual to feel isolated and lonely. 3. I am not sure exactly what Caroline’s relationship with her father is or was like, but I would imagine it to be one of low emotional or spiritual connection. Her dad was most likely not a constant in her life and not available to her as a girl in was that she needed, but was not aware of. There is always a good reason why people do the things they do and I would not be taken a back if Caroline was this way with other men in her life because normal to her is not available. Her body, soul, and mind is used to inconsistency and has developed patterns within itself to be drawn to these inconsistencies and behaviors. It has also been shown that engaging in sexual activates with a partner before the proper time, especially before monogamy, can cause much inner turmoil and depression. Sexual activity must be performed in the right context in order for it to be beneficial for the human being. (Carter) Nursing interventions: 1. Before talking to Caroline, if she were my patient and I the nurse, I would first need to assess her physical and mental status. She would need to be fully alert and oriented in order to proceed with the nursing process. I would assess her level of consciousness and willingness to cooperate. I would need to assess her support system, whether it be family, friends, or coworkers. A strong support system is vital to growth and development in any stage of life. 2. In order for Caroline to be eager to listen to what have to offer and cooperate with enhancing her inner self, there would have to be established trust. I would do this by sharing intimate parts of my life and laying the foundation of a healthy, trustworthy relationship. There will be little to no willingness to exchange in such personal matters until trust between us is established. It will also make her much for comfortable to share intimate details of her life with me. 3. I would provide Caroline with therapeutic communic ation. This would include appropriate touch as much as she is comfortable with, paraphrasing, asking open ended questions that encourage communication, maintaining eye contact when appropriate, and not pushing situations when she does not feel at ease. These actions will hopefully cause Caroline to feel more comfortable to share thoughts, feelings, and encouragement to implement action to better her inner self. 4. In order to master the stage of isolation, Caroline needs to be confident in herself and cater to her inner self. She needs to participate in activities that benefit her in a healthy way and bring healing to where she feels broken. I would encourage her to write in her journal for at least thirty min before she goes to bed. 5. I would encourage her to do simple things to increase healthy living. This would include waking up early, going to bed at a decent hour, getting adequate exercise, eating a diet high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water. I would encourage her to avoid alcohol and any other mind altering substances that cause her behavior to be irrational. Addressing the underlying cause of irrational behavior can be much more effective then addressing the irrational behavior as it self. 6. Because Caroline reaches for wholeness in sources that leave her feeling empty, I would ask Caroline to put herself first when she is seeking attention from empty sources. I would have her sit with herself and her emotions and work through them without desperately reaching out to things that cannot fulfill her. In order to be happy with someone else, it is vital that she become happy with herself. 7. Caroline loves to read and with this passion for books I would strongly suggest investing in self-help books that will mentally stimulate her to building a strong, happy inner self. There are so many self-help books that caters to every type of inner self difficulty and roads to self-discovery. Sometimes simply finding a book that speaks directly to your soul can bring some of the most healing and freedom. If Caroline were to follow these nursing interventions and invest whole heartedly to developing a strong inner being, I believe she would begin to see amazing results within a weeks’ time. Of course it would be a journey. Self-reflection is not always easy and can be hard, but in the end it is extremely rewarding. Coming face to face with our inner demons and conquering them is one of the best things you can do for yourself, future partner, and future children. In order to have healthy relationship you must be a healthy person and if Caroline wants to be healthy, she will be. References: Cherry, Kendra. â€Å"Intimacy Versus Isolation – Stage Six of Psychosocial Development.† Psychology. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May 2014. Carter, Don. â€Å"Intimacy Skills and Human Development Stages.†Intimacy Skills and Human Development Stages. Internet of the Mind, n.d. Web. 03 June 2014.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Webers Law on Visual Perception
Crimes against Fundamental Laws of the State. Crimes against Public Order. 4) Crimes against Public Interest 5) Crimes against Related to Opium and other Prohibited Drugs 6) Crimes against Public Morals 7) Crimes committed by public Officers 8) Crimes against Persons 9) Crimes against Personal Liberty and security 10) Crimes against Property 1 1) Crimes against Chastity 12) Crimes against Civil Status of Persons 13) Crimes against Honor Theories explaining why crimes do occur: 1 . Classical Theory 2. Control Theory 3. Differential Association and Social Learning Theory 4. Societal Theory 5. Strain Theory 6.Psychological Theory 7. Subcultures Theory 8. Labeling Theory Crimes causing Factors in the Philippines 1. The belief that culprits of crimes or their powerful patrons can fix things. 2. The really powerful people who are able to circumvent the law. 3. The known corruptibility of some policemen, lawyers and Judges. 4. The high cost, long delays, personal inconvenience and embarrass ment entailed in many criminal cases which favors the offenders. 5. The discrepancy between some acts which the law defines as unlawful and which the people do not see in the same light. . The concept that hat which is public belongs to no me. 8. The adult criminals and Juvenile delinquents who see their models as great men with prestige and glamour and the glorification of criminals by the mass media. 9. The existence of firearms in the possession of some citizens. 10. The swift Justice out by dissidents in contrast to the uncertainty of legal Justice. CRIME is one of the most dreadful social illnesses. Violation of the law is not only confronted to adult behavior there are so called adult criminal and Juvenile delinquent as well.Delinquency is most often found in the following instances: ) Slum areas where diverse cultural standards flourish with little interaction. B) Families with parent's characterized by drunkenness or criminality, ineffective household management, economic di fficulties and low self- respect. C) Failure of children to experience real home. D) Broken homes where husbands and wives separate either temporarily or permanently. E) Lack of supervision of young people who roam the streets of most cities. Educational Implications of Crime Suggestions to the School Sector 1 .Resort all possible meaner to make the students strongly develop the sense of loneliness in the school setting. 2. Remind the students of the bad elements in society and the dangers associated with relating with such elements or even emulating them. 3. Maintain a personality profile of each student. 4. Impress among the students the values of honesty and integrity. 5. Take extra precaution labeling the students, particularly those who present problems in behavior. 6. See to it that school rules and regulations are strictly and Justly applied to every student, no matter what his status in life. . Identify and clarify the value of resonantly and accountability, whether the thin g in question is personal public or private property. 8. Inculcate among the students the sanctity of marriage and the family the indispensable role played by the family and in nation building. 9. Train the student to be alert at all times as to their respective and duties as citizens of the country. 10. Plan and implement co-curricular activities where the student can channel effectively and productively their extra energy.Drug Dependence Drug is defined as anything that frees one from a certain disease, either curing or reverting them to occur, but if you take ones it more than enough to cause him exhibit abnormal behavior or make him violate socially approved behavior. 1. Sedatives or Depressants or downers 2. Stimulants or Upper 3. Hallucinogens or Psychedelics 4. Narcotics Reason why person become drug abuser 1 . Socio-cultural deprivation 2. Faulty Model and Learning 3. Pathogenic family pattern 4. Identity crisis 5. Cultural correlates There are many social problems that exis t in our society and some says that it is hard to prevent too.If we cannot prevent these at least we need to lessen it. It is hard to prevent these social problems because anywhere, everywhere you turn your eyes there are lots of problems. Some people violate the norms of our society and if we ask them why did they do that, for sure the only answer that we get is they didn't what to do it but they have to because they badly needed it. One of the social problems in our society is a crime. One word but has a huge and bold meaning. It is very obvious if what is crime. From the world itself crime is one of the most dreadful social illnesses in our society.Many people committed crime and they were imprisoned but the government cannot prevent some people to commit crime. And these crimes are not only for adult ones, crimes do not choose the adult to do it but there are lots of crimes that the minor or the student commits. I think some student that committed crime, their parent's didn't mo ld their personality as a person or they have a broken family, their parent's characterized by drunkenness or criminality, ineffective household management, economic difficulties and low self- respect. Failure to experience real home and lack of supervision of young people who roam the streets of most cities.If this young people has didn't lack of supervision and don't have to commit a crime. If a student follows all the rules and regulations in school they don't need to commit crime. They should make the students strongly develop the sense of belongingness in the school setting. Remind the students of the bad elements in society and the dangers associated with relating with such elements or even emulating them. Impress among the students the values of honesty and integrity. Take extra precaution labeling the students, particularly those who present problems in behavior.See to it that school rules and regulations re strictly and Justly applied to every student, no matter what his st atus in life. Identify and clarify the value of personality and accountability, whether the thing in question is personal public or private property. Inculcate among the students the sanctity of marriage and the family the indispensable role played by the family and in nation building. Train the student to be alert at all times as to their respective and duties as citizens of the country. Plan and implement co-curricular activities where the student can channel effectively and productively their extra energy.If these suggestions to school sector will apply to the entire student I think there is no student who will commit crime. Yes many of students disobey the law like Jaywalking but still it is not a crime but it is a violation. These social problems really affect the education in our society because this social problem is one of the major problems in our society. If in school the student started to be good follower, even if he is not inside the school he will be a good follower to o. Every people need to have an education so that social problems will be lessen because it is impossible to prevent social problems.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Relationship Between Regulation and Market Structures
The study of government regulation and the competitive environment for business is relevant to all those who study business. All business candidates need to understand how the competitive environment will impact their employers and businesses. A- There are four major pieces of legislation known as the Antitrust Laws. After the U. S. Civil War, local markets changed into national markets because of transportations were improved, mechanized production methods, and sophisticated corporate structures. In the 1870s and 1880s, many firms became dominant in different industries like meat packing, railroads, coal, and tobacco. These firms often consolidated their industries and over charged its customers. The government formed laws called antitrust Acts to help control these behaviors. * Sherman Act of 1890 was formed to be brief and directly to the point: * The government would investigate organizations and companies suspected in violation of the Sherman trust act to limit monopoly. Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, with any person or persons to monopolize any part of the trade or commerce shall be found guilty of a felony (as later amended from â€Å"misdemeanor†). The Clayton Act of 1914 contained the desired elaboration of the Sherman Act. * Outlaws price discrimination when such discrimination is not justified on the basis of cost differences and when it reduces competition. * Prohibits tying contracts, in which a company requires that a buyer purchase another of its products as a condition to purchase the desired product. * Prohibits the acquisition of stocks of competing corporations when the outcome would be less competition. * Prohibits a director of one firm to act as a board member of another firm where the effect would be reduced competition. The Federal trade commission act of 1914 * The act gave the Federal Trade commission (FTC) the power to investigate any competitive practices at the request of any firms or on its own initiative to discover any unfair competition in the industry. * The Celler-Kefauver Act of 1950 †¢The Celler-Kefauver Act amended the Clayton Act, Section 7. It prohibits the merger of firms by acquiring tis stock. The Act closed the loophole by making sure that one firm does not obtain the physical assets of another firm when the effect can reduce competition. B- The intended purpose of industrial regulation as it applies to the following market structures: 1. Oligopoly is small groups of firms control the market. For example: AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile control the cell phone industry. Industrial regulation is used to reduce the market power of Oligopolies, to prevent collusion (where small firms secretly set prices) and increase market competition. 2. Monopoly is where one company control prices in the market where there no substitute to the product. Industrial regulations are used to prevent companies from monopolizing in given markets. C- The major functions of the three primary federal and state regulatory commissions that govern industrial regulation. 1- The federal energy regulatory commission in 1930 is the jurisdiction of electricity, gas, gas pipelines, oil pipelines, and water powered sites. The major function of the federal energy regulatory is to regulate the transmission and sale of natural gas, oil pipelines, and wholesale of electricity. There are other functions that involve license and inspect hydroelectric projects and monitor and investigate energy markets. – The federal communications commission was formed in 1934 in the jurisdiction of Telephones, television, cable television, radio, telegraph, CB radios, and ham operators. The major functions of the federal communication commission include processing applications for licenses, analyzing complaints, conducting investigations, developing and implementing regulatory programs, and taking part in hearings 3- State public utility commission is f ormed in the jurisdiction of electricity, gas, and telephones. The major function of State public utility commission is to regulates the rates and services of a public utility that include water, gas, and electricity D- Social regulation is intended to deal with the broader impact of business on consumers. The government established several agencies including equal employment opportunity commission and health administration protect consumers from businesses in the late 60s. The purpose of social regulation is for the government to oversee the safety and quality of goods or products as well as the conditions of these products are manufactured. E- There are five primary federal regulatory commissions that govern social regulation. 1- Food and drug administration (1906) has the jurisdiction and function over safety and effectiveness of food, drugs, and cosmetics. 2- Equal employment opportunity commission (1964) has the jurisdiction and function over hiring, promoting, and discharge of workers. – Occupational safety and health admiration (1971) has the jurisdiction and function over industrial health and safety. 4- Environmental protection agency has the jurisdiction and function over water, air, and noise pollution 5- Consumer product safety commission has the jurisdiction and function of safety of consumer products As a company, studding the law can help in saving money, time and efforts to stay productive in the market. All business candidates ne ed to understand how the competitive environment will impact their employers and businesses.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Qatar’s Banking System
1. 0 Subject Area Strategic Management 2. 0 Project Proposal The paper will be an investigation of the major challenges that face Qatar’s banking sector. These problems will be analyzed and their possible solutions identified using strategic management theoretical framework. 3. 1 Background of Qatar’s Banking Sector Qatar’s banking sector has had great growth compared to that or the general Middle East region. Its stability guarded it form the global financial crisis that recently occurred. This is because of the close financial tiers that Qatar has with the Gulf region.However, the aftershocks of this phenomenon affected it to some extent (Kamrava, 2009, p. 411). Generally, Qatar’s banking sector was the most impressive Gulf Cooperation Council markets since the last quarter of the year 2008. Issues of declining customer confidence, liquidity and a coerced reluctance to lend have been the major challenges facing this sector (Qatar Development Bank, 2008, p. 12). Lending restrictions by the Qatar Central Bank, such as a loan-to-deposit ratio of 90 percent, contributes to deepening of these challenges.Islamic banking has been continuing to grow in this region in expense of the conventional banks which now view sharia-compliance as vital move to maintain their profitability. The government and Qatar Investment Authority have been trying to mitigate these problems to improve the overall performance (Qatar National Bank, 2009, p. 67). 3. 2 Aims of the study To identify and analyze the major challenges facing the banking sector of Qatar To determine the possible solutions to this problems using strategic management 3. Motivation for this subject area choice This topic is important for my future career prospects since I intend to invest in Qatar emerging market. I highly believe that the Qatar’s economy has unexploited potential in its banking sector. If exploited, this sector is capable of sending positive external benefits to the general economy increasing the viability of my investment prospects, due to financial availability amongst other efficiencies. 4. 0 Research Question 5. 3 What are the major challenges facing the banking sector of Qatar? . 4 Are these problems from within Qatar’s economy or from the regional / global economy? 5. 5 What are the possible solutions to this problems using strategic management? 5. 6 What are the impacts of solutions proposed to Qatar’s economy at large? 5. 0 Title Addressing challenges facing the banking sector in Qatar through strategic management 6. 0 Methodology The methodology employed for this paper will be both empirical and analytical in nature. In the analytical part, existing literature will be thoroughly scrutinized.After this, a comprehensive list of challenges of Qatar’s banking sector and their possible solutions will be compiled. The empirical part will involve collection of statistical data relating to the banking sector. This informat ion will then be analyzed by use of various statistical techniques. Type of data employed will include literature from other scholars, official statistics, industrial data and company data. This will be gathered from credible sources including libraries, databases, official guides, publications, and companies’ annual reports. . 0 Data collection methods They will include compilation of statistics, desk research, interviews, survey questionnaires and literature case studies. Secondary data will be highly employed since it is easily available and more detailed. Reference Kamrava, M. (2009), â€Å"Royal Factionalism and Political Liberalization in Qatar†, The Middle East Journal, Vol. 63, No. 3 pp. 401-420, Print. Qatar Development Bank, (2008), Annual Report, Print. Qatar National Bank, (2009, May), Qatar Economic Review, Print.
A Portrait of Dorian Gray
Dorian Gray's portrait He began to wonder if we could make psychology absolutely scientific, Sir Henry says how to manipulate it with the power of the mind When Dorian talked about hope of fate and exchange of portrait, he reached a contract with one of his own hooligans, not a contract with the king of darkness I have not. The picture of Dorian Gray starts on the beautiful summer day in the UK Victorian. There, the self-righteous Lord Henry Wharton is observing the painting of Dorian Gray by the sensitive artist Basil Holward. Portrait, this is a handsome young man, Basil 's ultimate muse. Dorian sat next to the picture and heard that Lord Henry supported his hedonistic world view and began to think that beauty is the only aspect of pursuit of life. This urged Dorian that his portrait would like to take years instead of himself. One of the main purposes of the story is a portrait of Dorian Gray. This portrait shows Dorian's sin, evil, and aging so that Dorian can maintain youth and beauty. Dorian Faust exchanged his spirit to express youth and beauty, which enabled this. Initially, basil was afraid to advertise his Dorian's portrait. It is because he revealed the secret of Basil 's soul, afraid that it would show a painter (basil) than the theme (Dorian). According to the explanation, Basil was concerned about his evidence of the traces left by portraits and the charm of Durian Gray, because homosexuality was highly stigmatized in Victorian England. In fact, Dorian was portrayed as innocent, and basil seemed to have seen him. There are literal portraits, but Durian Gray is a portrait. Since operation is art, Henry seems to be amused with his ability to influence and manipulate others, including Dorian. Pictures of Dorian Gray begin in England's Victorian summer and Sir Henry Watton is observing Dorian Gray painted by a sensitive artist Basil Hallword. Portrait, he is a handsome young man, basil's ultimate muse. While drawing a picture for this picture, Durian listens to His major Henry to support his hedonistic worldview, pursuing happiness is the only thing worth pursuing in life I started thinking about it. This urged Dorian to hope his painted image hopes to take his age instead. This book began with the artist's picture by Basil Hallward, Dorian Gray, reminiscent of Grey's aging and loss of beauty. This relationship between portraits is a way to explore the relationship between the outside world and self. How sad it is! I will get old, worse, and it will be terrible, it will be older than this special day in June ... if that is just another way! If it is always young, and that old picture! For this - I give everything! Yes there is nothing I will not give to the whole world! I will pay my soul for it I will!
Friday, September 13, 2019
Mobile devices Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Mobile devices - Assignment Example Mobile devices enable communication by facilitating the process within which information and data is shared within an organization. This includes the exchange of information and data between the management and employees. For example information about the operations of organizations is communicated to the management team so that it is used to reach strategic decisions on how efficiency and effectiveness can be achieved within the organization. The interaction between an organization with stakeholders within the external environment such as consumers, suppliers, distributors, retailers and shareholders is facilitated through the use of mobile devices and as a result increasing the effectiveness of an organization in meeting its goals and objectives. For example mobile devices are used to answer the queries of consumers and their problems and concerns which cause them to be satisfied with the products and services that are rendered by the organization. In this sense therefore mobile devices allow organizations to effectively meet their goals of achieving a larger share of the market and wining the loyalty of consumers through effective and efficient service delivery and presentation of high quality and authentic products to the market. More importantly the effectiveness of an organization’s supply and value chains is facilitates through the use of mobile devices as a communication strategy through which effective int eraction is achieved with the suppliers, distributors and retailers of the organization’s products. Furthermore mobile devices enhance interaction with marketers and as a result facilitate the effectiveness of promotion of the organization’s good and services to the market which leads to higher sales. This therefore defines an effective organization as facilitate by the role of mobile devices in promoting interactivity with the stakeholders of the
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Communication Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Communication Strategies - Essay Example There is no organization that can effectively function without communication. Thus, over the recent years, corporate communication has evolved to become one of the most valuable management and strategic tools in any organization especially if it is well aligned with the overall strategy of a company and meant to improve and enhance the strategic positioning of the organization (Argenti, Howel and Beck, 2005). Corporate communication is mainly concerned with passing information to the organization’s diverse stakeholders with different needs and expectations (Gupta, 2011). As such, this paper is designed to review literature and explore the major strategies and roles of corporate communication during the contemporary period in different organizations. According to Kim & Radar (2010), corporate ability (CAb) focused strategy, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focused strategy, and hybrid focused strategy are the major corporate communication strategies used by organizations during the current period. The Cab strategy focuses on communicating the company’s products while CSR is concerned about communicating to the stakeholders to show that it is socially responsible. The hybrid strategy is a combination of both. As a result of increased global competition, consumer activism and digitization, it is increasingly becoming important for organizations to effectively manage their relations with various stakeholders. This can be achieved through the effective use of corporate communication which plays a pivotal role in the organization. Corporate communication plays the following roles: A number of studies have emphasized the significance of corporate communications in building an organization’s corporate reputation and image. For instance, Gupta (2011) observes that 80% of respondents in study acknowledged that the core purpose of corporate communication is to build corporate brand and enhance its reputation. Corporate
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Levis Advertising Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Levis Advertising Analysis - Research Paper Example The advertisement illustrates a young buyer, with a less-dapper appearance, engaging in environmental connection by crawling through mountainous grasslands, clearly enjoying the experience with natural lifestyle. Using Levi’s Jeans as the appropriate clothing for this type of activity, it illustrates how the brand attempts to connect to naturalism, spontaneity, and in some degree rejection of urban lifestyle. Levi’s is working as the catalyst product to help youths who are either frustrated with urbanism and the fast-paced lifestyle of large city living or to remind consumers that Levi’s is the most appropriate brand for natural living because of its rich history during a historical period of development in the nation. Levi’s relies heavily on its brand equity for its very long history of product achievements and brand preference, which is illustrated by the type of consumer that most largely uses Levi’s products. People who are in their 20s and early 30s are experiencing what psychologists refer to as a quarter-life crisis, growing more frustrated with mundane and mediocre lifestyles (Macrae 1). Levi’s understands its buyer market preferences, those who get proverbially lost in the shadows of society in large urban environments with high populations and extremely diverse lifestyles associated with music, entertainment and outward socialization. Thus, Levi’s attempts to illustrate that it can serve as a motivator for individuals who want to break free from this mundane living and reconnect with their individualism, traditionalism, and natural preferences.
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