Friday, September 20, 2019
Reflection on Nursing Presentation
Reflection on Nursing Presentation REFLECTION ON MY PRESENTATION Introduction: As part of my overseas program I had to deliver a 15 minutes presentation on choice of subject in front of my colleagues. An effective presentation makes the best use of the relationship between the presenter and the audience. It takes full consideration of the audience’s needs in order to capture their interest, develop their understanding, inspire their confidence and achieve the presenter’s objectives (University of Leicester, 2009). According to Nickolas (2003), to facilitate an effective presentation there are four elements. They are: Planning, Preparation, Practicing, Presenting Planning: it includes selection of an important topic, finding the learning outcomes, organising the content, preparing the visuals. Preparation: The main aim is to prepare clear, simple and attractive visuals. For eg: effective power point slides. Practicing: Practice makes perfection it includes rehearse and pre rehearse. In rehearse practicing the things you are intend doing, but in pre rehearse practicing the things you might have to do. Presenting: It includes facial expression, pace, voice, body movements, use of pointer, roles etc†¦ In order to write a reflection I selected Gibbs 1988 model. It is mainly used by health professionals. To reflect is not enough, you then have to put into practice the learning and new understanding you have gained therefore allowing the reflective process to inform your practice. Taking action is the key; Gibbs prompts the practitioner to formulate an action plan. This enables the reflective practitioner to look at their practice and see what they would change in the future, how they would develop/improve their practice (Gibbs, 1988). It has got six different stages. Which are description, feeling ,evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan. Description: As part of my overseas nursing program I had to deliver a 15 minutes presentation on choice of subject on the final day at university. On my period of planning I was very confused about the selection of topic. Variety of topics was in my mind. Finally I decided my topic which was percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding and the care of patient with PEG. I was really satisfied when I selected the topic. Because I felt it is going to be an important and useful information for all the nurses in their work place. Initial period of my job in this country have come across patients with PEG tube. It was a new experience for me. After the selection of my topic I started doing some research on it. I read some books, journals, and collected information from search engines. Evidence based practice define as ‘ the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making nursing decisions about the care of individual patients’ (Sackett, 1996). As it is a problem solving approach to the today’s healthcare system, it brings better clinical decisions and patient outcome. In order to make my presentation more effective and clear I decided to use some visuals, this was power point slides. My slides were simple and easy to understand. Once I finished my preparation I started to practise. I practised in front of my family just to reduce the stage fear. At the day of presentation I was confident enough to present in front of a group. Feeling: In order to adjust the time our group was divided in to two. I was the third person in the first group. On the day I was slightly nervous especially few minutes before the presentation starts. Fortunately I felt very confident at the time of presentation and the colleagues were really supportive and responsive which increased my comfort level with in the class. Now I feel , by doing this presentation helped me to achieve an important skill in my profession, as teaching has an active part in nursing. Evaluation: International Center for Alcohol Policies (2014) says Evaluation offers a way to determine whether an initiative has been worthwhile in terms of delivering what was intended and expected. It has an important role to improve own skills. After my presentation I approached my tutor and she gave me a very effective and clear feedback. She explained my aims, learning outcomes, introduction of presentation was clearly stated. I used appropriate aids and the delivery of presentation was appropriate, and it was evidence based too. The place where I could improve was the time management as I was little short on my time. Analysis: According to Ritchey, (1996) Analysis is defined as the procedure by which we break down an intellectual or substantial whole into parts or components. After my presentation I have gone through my experience once again and I felt my selection of topic was right as I saw my colleagues enjoyed the topic. But I was a little bit disappointed as I was a bit short on my time. When I was practicing at home I made sure I was on time. With this presentation I understood the importance of planning and organising the work as well as time management. Conclusion: I found it myself the opportunity I got from the overseas nursing program was really great. Teaching in front of a group of people was a stressful job for me. When I realized I had to do it I tried for the level best and the feedback from my tutor made me more strong. Nurse has an important role in teaching the staff. In my future career I will be more confident to teach people , because I understood that, it will increase my knowledge as well. Action plan: I will be doing another presentation in my work place regarding moving and handling as we have many new staff started. Before I do it I will make sure I will reach my intended time limit. Moreover that, I will go through reading materials and prepare the contents from evidence based knowledge. This section I am planning to do it with a mixture of theory and practical. I will show them the different types of hoists, slings and how to use it. It will be more easier to understand the moving and handling technique. Adhering to NMC code (2008) I will update my knowledge and skills throughout my career. References: Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by Doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. London: Further Education Unit. Nickolas, F (2003). Effective presentations, distance consulting: (Last accessed on 04/02/2014) NMC(2008) The code. (Last accessed on 10/01/2014). International Center for Alcohol Policies (2014) What Is Evaluation. Online.(Last accessed on 24/02/2014) . Ritchey T, (1996) On Scientific Method Based on a Study by Bernhard Riemann. Analysis and Synthesis. Online.(Last accessed on 20/02/2014) Sackett, D.L., Rosenberg, W.M., Gray, J.A., Haynes, R.B. and Richardson, W.S. (1996) ‘Evidence based medicine: What it is and what it isn’t’, British Medical Journal. University of Leicester (2009) Planning an effective presentation. Learning development .online. (Last accessed on 10/02/2014). skills-pdfs/planning-presentation-v1.0.pdf. R PhilipPage 1 Reflection on Nursing Presentation Reflection on Nursing Presentation Working in the surgical ward entails numerous responsibilities for a health care practitioner like me. Thinking about the holistic care, recovery of patients and minimising any complications from occurring are a few of those responsibilities that a surgical nurse always has to keep in mind. According to Anthony Lee (2007), whether it is abdominal surgery, plastic surgery, or any other invasive surgical treatment, it is dangerous to assume 100% safety. He also stressed that due to the miracles that surgery gives, people might often tend to forget the risks and complications that go with it. One of these risks commonly associated with surgery is the occurrence of deep vein thrombosis in the postoperative phase. In the absence of thromboprophylaxis, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a significant risk for surgical patients especially those undergoing orthopaedic surgery and lengthy procedures (ICS 2002, SIGN 2002, Geerts et al 2004, ICS 2006, NICE 2007). This fact gave me the interest of choosing DVT prevention as my topic for the presentation so as to make me and the listeners more knowledgeable about DVT risk assessment prevention thus eradicating this complication from occurring. This essay points out a reflection about the 15-minute seminar presentation that I completed within the course of my study. Utilising the Gibbs (1988) reflective model, I would be sharing my learning and feelings based on the whole experience. DESCRIPTION During the first meeting with our programme tutors, we were orientated to prepare a 15-minute presentation of any topic related to our whole adaptation experience which would particularly focus on evidence-based practice. This would assess not only our knowledge and mastery of the chosen topic but it would also assess our communication and presentational skills. Based on the assignment given, I made a research about evidence based practice to guide me in choosing my topic. As cited by Sackett, et al (1996), evidence based practice is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. The practice of evidence-based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systematic research. Based on these findings, I carried on with my quest for an interesting topic. Within the week, I was able to take care of a patient who was admitted for suspected deep vein thrombosis when he stopped wearing his antiembolic stockings. His wife had difficulty putting them on his legs. He was my patient the previous month when he had a total hip replacement done. This patient made me realise how important antiembolic stockings are and made me interested about DVT. Thus, I finally decided to present about the prevention of DVT in surgical patients. In preparation for the upcoming presentation day, I started my research by checking the internet for any information regarding DVT and its prevention. There were so much information from different sources and reading on these different sources made the topic confusing for me. So, I started searching for an article from journals that would be perfect for my presentation and which I could focus on. I found an article from the Journal of Perioperative Practice and based my presentation on that article. I organised my presentation, added more relevant information from different sources, and made a structured powerpoint presentation based from the researches made. I also added pictures colourful designs to make my visual aids creative. I studied on my topic and did a lot of practice days before the final day to make me more confident. FEELINGS The awaited presentation day finally came. To boost my confidence and impress the viewers, I was all dressed up to look smart. I was so nervous while waiting for my turn to present especially that it was quite a long time ago that I have had presentations like this. I was also a bit worried that the time allotted for my presentation would not be enough for me because I made it as comprehensive as possible. I was also planning to give a short exercise for the viewers to gain interaction from them. When it was my turn to speak up, the confidence came out and the nervousness faded. I was able to explain the whole topic thoroughly without any difficulty and the 15 minutes went so quickly. I was able to attract attention from the viewers by making the presentation as lively as possible and gaining interaction from them through exchange of ideas. At the end of the presentation, I was also able to assess their understanding of the topic by conducting a short exercise about DVT risk assessment. My presentation went smoothly and before I knew it, it came to an end. I really enjoyed being on stage much more than the whole preparation phase. EVALUATION After everyone presented their topics, our assessors gave us their evaluation about our performances. The assessor gave me very good feedback regarding my overall performance. I was so surprised that he gave me the highest possible grade in all the criteria. I was informed that I had very good communication interaction skills and that I mastered my topic really well. I was so happy with feedback from my assessor and from my fellow classmates as well. I can never believe that I have that much confidence in me and that I was able to nail the presentation. One comment that I could possibly give about my presentation is the fact that I made it so comprehensive that the 15 minutes was not enough for me to really explain some of the topics well. I asked for an extension of the time given so as I could finish the exercise. ANALYSIS This experience made me prove to myself that I am able to attain my goals with perseverance and belief in myself. I gained so much learning and realisations from the whole experience and these after effects are whats most important to make me a better person and a better professional. As defined, learning could be thought of as a process by which behaviour changes as a result of experience (Maples and Webster 1980 quoted in Merriam and Caffarella 1991: 124). I am hoping that this experience would make me change my behaviour to be more confident when interacting with other people. CONCLUSION The entire experience was an excellent way of gaining knowledge about evidence based practice. But, it was not focused on the reinforcement of our knowledge alone but on the enhancement of our communication and interaction skills. I can say that I gave my best to deliver a good presentation but still, there is always a room for improvement. I can say that the topic that I covered was too long to fit in a 15 minute presentation and because of that, I was rushing to finish all my slides within the allotted time. So, the next time I would do another presentation, I have realised that I should simplify the topics and practice more beforehand to know if the allotted time is enough for the whole presentation. ACTION PLAN With this activity, I have gained much learning and had improved my presentational skills. In the future, I would expect to be more confident in doing presentations and be able to anticipate the tasks that need to be done beforehand. I would spend more time in preparation for the activity to gain more confidence and to prevent any difficulties from occurring.
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